Saturday, 26 September 2020

A Simple Checklist to Grow Your Own Vegetable Garden in Your Own Backyard!

Figuring out what and when to plant is a good first step. You are the one setting your garden patch up for success, yielding vegetables and fruits or berries season-round. Make every gardening moment count, by working with, according to and sticking to a plan. It can be as simple or as complex as you might choose for it to be. In the end, it is all about the results, right? Would you then not want to everything within your power to make it deliver?

(weather permitting)
Sowing seeds inside cauliflower (on sods), muskmelon, watermelon, corn.

Late April/Early May
seedbeds can be started too for celery, cabbage, lettuce.

Late May
Onions, carrots, smooth peas, spinach, beets, chard, parsnip, turnip, and radish. Lettuce, cabbage (plants). Beans, corn, spinach, radish. kale, winter squash and pumpkin

Early June
Beans, carrots, corn, cucumber, peas, summer spinach, summer lettuce, radish, egg-plant, pepper, tomato

Late June
Beans, corn, peas, turnip, summer lettuce, radish, late cabbage, and tomato plants.

Early July
Beans, endive, kale, lettuce, radish, winter cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and celery plants.

Late July
Beans, early corn, early peas, lettuce, radish.

You can grow lots of vegetables, even with limited space. Like most other container gardens, your veggies will do best in potting mixes made for containers.

Do you know that Ginseng has been used for millennia for the maintenance of general health and well being? It has often been called the “elixir for longevity”!

Different types of ginseng exists, with the 6 year-old Korean Red Ginseng being the most sought after. In the past, this type of ginseng were only reserved for the Emperor and royalties.

Boasting a dose of 900mg of 6 year-old red ginseng extract per serve to combat mental stress and physical fatigue.

Check out the Vermilion Health & Vitality Jelly that will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom.

Monday, 21 September 2020

8 Simple Exercises to Do to Lose Weight in Office!

Chained to your desk all day? Too much sitting is linked to obesity and heart disease, Experts also recommend taking quick breaks to walk around if possible. Help yourself to stay fit even if you have a lot of office work!

Exercise 1: The Chair Dip
Targets: Arms, core
While sitting in your chair, place each hand firmly in the center of the armrests. Lift your feet a few inches off the ground and engage your stomach muscles. Then press down with your hands to raise your body up off the chair, until your arms are straight. Hold for one count, then lower into the chair. Repeat for thirty seconds. (Warning: Only do this exercise if your chair has sturdy arm rests that are strong enough to bear your body weight.)

Exercise 2: The Desk Pushup
Targets: Arms, shoulders
Stand up and face your desk. Place your hands shoulder-width apart against the edge, and then step back so you're about three feet away from the desk. Keeping your back and legs in a straight line, do pushups against the desk. Lower down until your chest almost touches the edge, and then push yourself back up. Repeat.

Exercise 3: The Seated Reverse Crunch
Targets: Core, inner thighs
Scoot forward so that you're closer to the edge of your seat than to the back, and place your hands on the armrests. Put your knees together and slowly pull them up off the ground as close to your chest as you can get them. Hold for a beat, then slowly lower down. Try to keep your back straight, rather than rocking back and forth. Repeat.

Exercise 4: The Seat Squat
Targets: Legs, butt
Push your chair back and stand a few inches in front of it. Your butt should be facing the chair, your feet hip width apart. Hold your arms out straight in front of you, and then slowly bend your knees and lower down, so that your butt goes backward, as if you're about to sit down in the chair. Keep your weight on your heels, and as soon as you feel the chair graze your backside, stand back up—don't relax into the seat. Repeat.

Exercise 5:

With legs straight, cross one on top of the other. Raise them off the floor.
· Press top leg down and resist with bottom leg. Do until muscles are tired.
· Repeat with opposite legs top and bottom.

Exercise 6:Sit in the Perfect Posture

Good posture is an effective core strengthening measure. It requires you to use muscles to keep your tummy tight and your back straight.
Do it continues to build abdominal strength, alleviate lower back pain and help you feel more confident.

Exercise 7:Take deep inhaling exercises

Deep breathing can be perfect office exercise. It helps you relax and lowers heart rate. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. 
Laugh often. It tightens your stomach muscles, exercises your diaphragm, works your heart, relieves stress and gives you a better outlook on life.

Exercise 8:Shrug it Away

For this office exercise, just raise both your shoulders up to a shrug and hold this position for 5 secs. Repeat this 15 times. You can also combine neck stretches along with this exercise.

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Taking the best of both worlds, Vermilion Jelly fuses the qualitiesof Western supplements and TCM herbs to produce healthsupplements in food form. Get a sample pack of 5-sachets, one ofeach of our super fun and tasty health jelly for FREE. Just pay forshipping!

How to Grow Your Own Vegetable Garden In Your Own Backyard!

Are you thinking of buying a small lot to grow plants and vegetables? Why not do it in your own backyard? You can find a lot of spaces where you can freely plant your seeds and grow them. Here's how to grow your own vegetable garden in your own backyard. 

You can start your planning and mapping-out strategy for your vegetable
garden in your own backyard! Plants will not all mature and yield their crop
at the same time. You need to stagger and plan, even plant accordingly.
Some weeks you might have ample supply and then for a month almost
nothing. Try and ascertain for yourself, when you will need how much of what
for your family meals and table and plant accordingly. Focus and try for a
continuous supply throughout the season with some variety.

-Start planning and layout your
garden, order/buy seeds, get
schedules, plans and lists at the

Early February
-Inside planting can start from seeds –
try some cabbage and cauliflower,
even onions

Late February
-Add lettuce, Brussels sprouts and beets

Early March
-Celery and Tomatoes can be started from

Late March
-More tomatoes, Eggplant, pepper, lima
beans, cucumber, squash; sprout

So start your healthy gardening habit now. Clean that backyard and grow your own vegetable garden. 
Share this information .

Do you know that Ginseng has been used for millennia for the maintenance of general health and well being? It has often been called the “elixir for longevity”!
Different types of ginseng exists, with the 6 year-old Korean Red Ginseng being the most sought after. In the past, this type of ginseng were only reserved for the Emperor and royalties.
Boasting a dose of 900mg of 6 year-old red ginseng extract per serve to combat mental stress and physical fatigue.
Check out the Vermilion Health & Vitality Jelly that will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom.

Sunday, 20 September 2020

10 Best Books to Read - Improve Your Eye Health Naturally

 There are things you can do to maintain eye health and potentially enhance your vision, however. These include healthy lifestyle choices like eating well, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and not smoking. Reducing eye strain and protecting your eyes from exposure to UV and excessive blue light are also good for eye health

By Robert Abel, Jr. M.D

Dr. A’s authoritative guide explains natural and conventional methods to prevent and even reverse many common eye disorders. This easy to read analysis of vision, health, and guide to being your own physician is a must for anyone’s library. 

By Robert Abel, Jr. M.D.

Our brains are composed of equal parts of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, but we consume at least twenty times more omega-6 than omega-3. Increasing your consumption of DHA from algae, fish oil, or fish, will improve your vision, mind and quality of life.

By Robert Abel, Jr. M.D.

This is the first in a series where Lumi will be a guide to children’s eye health. Lumi’s Book of Eyes encourages early eye exams for children and de-stigmatizes the use of glasses.

4 Eyesight: How to Naturally Improve Vision
By Thomas J Beilstein

You’re about to discover proven steps and strategies on how to improve your vision naturally. In today’s technological world, more and more people are having the need to experience the need to wear prescription glasses, and the statistics are only going to grow higher.

5 10 Essentials to Save Your SIGHT
By Edward Kondrot 

Dr. Kondrot is a world leading Homeopathic Ophthalmologist who devotes his practice to traditional and alternative therapies for the treatment of eye disease. His prestigious Center for Healing the Eye promotes wellness of sight, body, mind and spirit.

6 Eye Exercises: Daily Routine to Improve Vision and Release Tension, Recommendations
By Lily King

As soon as you complained of having blurry vision, the first solution might you think of is to go to the ophthalmologist and get prescription eyeglasses. Performing eye exercises regularly can make your eye muscles stronger and it’s also known to ease eye problems like focusing problems, double vision, strabismus, and others.

7 Improving Vision: How to Improve Your Eyesight in 30 Days
By David A Tharp

This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to get better vision using all natural means.

In this book you will learn more about the different methods through which you can achieve better eyesight.

8 Eyesight Improvement: The Ultimate Guide How To Improve and Cure your Eyesight and Vision Naturally
By Richard Shullman

You’re about to discover a proven system and easy to follow approach on how to Improve your eyesight and cure your vision naturally for the rest of your life! Millions of people suffer from eyesight failure and vision decline every single day

9 How To Improve Your Eyesight - 21 Natural Ways to Improve Your Vision Fast and Easy
By David Brugger

The eyes are to the soul, but most people don't think about taking care of their eyes until it is too late and their eyesight begins to fail. Caring for one's eyesight is as important as caring for other parts of your body. Poor vision is sometimes genetic, but can also result from poor diet or continuous eye stress. 

10 Eye Exercises to Improve Vision: Recover Your Vision Naturally with Simple Exercises 
By Vichara Chen

Introduced other eye relaxation exercises aimed at making the muscles in the eyes more flexible, and he says that the Bates Method went too far. He recommends other forms of eye exercises that target specific eye conditions. In addition, he says that taking daily nutritional supplements to maintain the eyes’ health is very important. Massages and acupressure help increase blood flow to the eye, while acupuncture helps improve your vision.

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10 Best Books to Read - Improve Your Digestive Health

Almost all of the sickness has to do with how your digestive system is doing. That is why we must always choose the foods that we're going to take, do a proper diet, and have lots of exercises. So, here are 10 Best Books to Read to Improve Your Digestive Health.

1. The Microbiome Diet
This book discusses the microbiome diet which looks at the idea that each person’s body digests food differently based on the bacteria within their gut. By re-establishing a healthy gut with a specific diet, you can get rid of the bad bacteria and fix your “leaky gut” which may be causing inflammation and weight gain. This book not only describes the microbiome diet and the scientific processes behind it, but it also gives recipes to use to help you to get there

2. Brain Maker: The Power of Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain for Life
Science has shown that your brain is connected to your gut. The microbiomes that live in your gut and your intestines have a direct relation to how your brain functions, and thrives, especially over time. This book v. The strategies and diet changes come in six steps to help make it easier to follow.

3. Healthy Gut Cookbook: 150 Stage-byStage Healing Recipes to Improve Your Digestive Health
If you just need some recipes to help you fix your leaky gut syndrome, this book contains 120 recipes with over 30 variations to help balance your belly bacteria and improve your intestine’s functions. They have recipes for foods, soups, yogurt, meat and fish dishes, appetizers, and desserts as well as tips for stocking your pantry, meal planning, and meal prepping.

4. The Plant Paradox Cookbook: 100 Delicious Recipes to Help You Lose Weight, Heal Your Gut, and Live Lectin Free
Many people know that gluten can cause an issue with your gut. But did you know that seemingly healthy other foods like tomatoes, quinoa, and brown rice can do the same? These foods, and others, contain lectin- a plant-based protein. This book explains why lectins can be bad for your body and also provides 100 recipes to help you make the switch from gluten-free to lectin free.

5. Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body’s Most Underrated Organ
Changing your diet is all well and good, but do you want to know why your gut works the way it does? This book, written by a witty and funny doctor, explains the science behind your gut and why certain things happen to people like acid reflux, constipation, and more. She also discusses the interactions between your brain and your gut, and uses easy to understand illustrations to help further understanding of the importance between your brain and the microbes of your intestines.

6. Happy Gut: The Cleansing Program to Help You Lose Weight, Gain Energy, and Eliminate Pain
Another method of cleaning your gut is by using the C.A.R.E.—Cleanse, Activate, Restore, and Enhance- system as created by Dr. Vincent Pedre. This method eliminates food triggers, clears the gut, and replaces them with healthy probiotics. This book also contains recipes and meal plans for gluten-free, low-fat, and vegetarians options. It gives a 28-day guy cleanse and even yoga postures to help with digestion. This is the gut health book I am reading right now.

7. The Good Gut: Taking Control of Your Weight, Your Mood, and Your Long-Term Health
Have you heard of the super-bug epidemic where we have so over-medicated ourselves that we are destroying the good bacteria that keep us healthy? Justin and Erica Sonnenburg investigate the idea that because of the overuse of antibiotics and other bacteria-killing chemicals that we are essentially destroying a species that depend on our bodies to survive and that we, in turn, depend on for a healthy body. They offer recipes, alternatives to antibiotics, and meal plans to help feed the healthy microbiomes to keep them alive.

8. Healthy Gut, Healthy You
Another method for creating a healthy gut, Dr. Micheal Ruscio introduces an 8-method system to get rid of unhealthy bacteria, replace it with healthy bacteria, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. He discusses the importance of your gut, a diet for a healthy gut, lifestyle changes to make, and tools to help heal your gut. His gut health methods will help relieve you of depression, fatigue, hormonal imbalances, autoimmune issues, bloating, gas, and more.

9. Eat Dirt: Why Leaky Gut May Be the Root Cause of Your Health Problems and 5 Surprising Steps to Cure It
Dr. Josh Axe believes that modern technology that “help” our food supply have actually caused us to damage our intestines. Over 80% of the population has a leaky gut and many don’t even know it, and getting a little “dirty” will help rebuild those healthy microbiomes in our guts. Simple things like using local honey and stopping using hand-sanitizers can help. Dr. Axe gives customizable plans for the five different “guy types” and gives diets, supplements, and lifestyle recommendations for each.

10. The Heal Your Gut Cookbook: Nutrient-Dense Recipes for Intestinal Health Using the GAPS Diet

The GAPS diet, or the Gut and Psychology Syndrome diet, focuses on eliminating foods that can cause or increase the symptoms of psychological disorders and malfunctions such as ADD and ADHD, autism, depression, and more. This cookbook developed by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride offers hundreds of delicious and accessible recipes to help heal your leaky gut.

Improving your digestive health will not be as hard as before. All of these books are very useful and effective. Try one and see the difference. 

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Friday, 18 September 2020

How to make your own herb mixture

Make a big batch of this super-herbed mix to have on hand. All of the classic herb mixtures share herbs in common, but they differ in their emphasis on one bringing this herb-forward. The recipes below use dried herbs, but you can substitute fresh. In that case, the herbs should be finely chopped before measuring and mixing.

How to make your own herb mixture

1.2 ounces of white peppercorns
2.2 ounces cloves
3.1ounce of sweet basil
4.1 ounce of powdered nutmeg
5.1 ounce of powdered mace
6.1 ounce of lemon-thyme
7.1 ounce of marjoram
8.½ ounce of dried bay-leaves

Dried in the oven slowly, pounded and mixed.
Sifted and stored in a bottle.

Check out our Slim Support Jelly which can help you in your weight loss and achieving your fat loss goals – fast and naturally!
Using it in combination with our proprietary blend of TCM herbs, Vermilion Slim Support Jelly will help ignite 3 pathway of fat-burning by revving up metabolism, regulating blood glucose and decreasing lipid levels leading to less water-retention and  sustainable weight loss.

Monday, 14 September 2020

10 Best Parenting Books To Read

When it comes to family life, everyone strives to figure out how the relationship between parents and children can become ideal. Maybe these book list will help you have that wonderful idea how to become the best parent there is. 

1.   Your Two-Year-Old by Louise Bates Ames & Frances L     This is book is part of a series of the best little books about child development. They’re all actually little — about 150 pages (a third of which are black-and-white photo illustrations of children from the ‘70s) — and follow the same general formula: here’s what you’re dealing with, here’s what tends to work, isn’t it fascinating!, do what works and it will get better soon. I goddamn love them.

2.     All Joy and No Fun by Jennifer SeniorThis book is a great answer to every time you’ve ever wondered, “Is it just me, or is being a parent bad in a very particular way right now?” A leading question, maybe, but Senior has convinced me that the answer is “Yes.” Inspiring either a consoling self-forgiveness or a maddening fire under one’s ass (both, one hopes), former New York staff writer Senior winningly leads us through the world of modern parenthood with both depth and breadth, in a voice that is insightful, relatable, and genuinely searching.

 3.     Simplicity Parenting by Kim John PayneThis book is a classic parent troll, so you’ll need to be ready for that. Read it at a time of emotional fortitude, ideally at a moment when you think to yourself, “Okay, things are about to get easier soon. I feel like I can finally catch my breath. Is there a man somewhere who can Kondo my family life?” (The author’s first name is Kim and yes, I felt betrayed when I realized he was in fact an Australian man and not a Scandinavian woman sent to share the gospel of toys made from natural wood.) 

4.     No Bad Kids by Janet Lansbury A couple of my mom friends and I simply refer to her as “the guru” and I still don’t know if we’re joking or not. Her popular books are self-published compendiums of some of her best blog posts (when I filled out the contact form on her website to request a review copy, I got a prompt reply from Michael L., who introduced himself as “Janet’s husband and Mailroom Supervisor”). Lansbury’s general approach or “philosophy” is that we should treat children with respect, and, whenever possible, try to meet them where they are.

 5.     Siblings Without Rivalry by Adele Faber and Elaine MazlishThe way we argue, what we value, our level of competitiveness, the amount and kind of guilt we possess — so much of our identities are determined by the crapshoot of sibling dynamics. This proved to be fertile ground for Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish, the authors of How to Talk So Kids Will Listen … The authors’ book on siblings has the same instructive cartoons, the same entertaining group-therapy frame, and a similar unwillingness to sacrifice depth at the altar of the digestible message.

6.     Queenbees and Wannabes by Rosalind Wiseman This book served as the inspiration and source material for Tina Fey’s Mean Girls. Whether that serves as disclaimer or recommendation is up to you. Queen Bees seems to meet teens on their level, which is probably what makes it so effective (if not occasionally alarmist, or maybe that’s the super Christian nerd in me talking?).

  7.     NurtureShock by Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman This book is the ultimate compendium of magazine-style counterintuitive parenting-trend pieces. “Why our instincts about children can be so off the mark,” its marketing copy argues, promising real data and the always-beguiling shattering of conventional wisdom. I don’t mean to sound dismissive, as NurtureShock is both a great read and manages to make its points without trafficking in parental anxiety. If anything, the book — with chapters on kids needing more sleep, being praised too much, labeled gifted too early — seems to argue that it’s our own misplaced agita that causes problems. 
 8.    Supernormal by Meg JayIf you haven’t noticed or made fun of them yet, parenting culture’s trendiest desired attributes are GRIT and RESILIENCE. Grit is, of course, the goofier of the two, evocative of both dirt and a southern breakfast food. But who doesn’t want to be resilient? Who doesn’t want their children to be?With this book, longtime clinical psychologist Meg Jay challenges us to interrogate our assumptions about resilience, to grapple with what’s really going on inside a kid we want to praise for overcoming adversity. Children adapt well, almost too well in some cases, and the coping skills that help children survive may be the ones preventing them from relating as adults.

9.     The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk This one is not about parenting per se, but my experience with childbirth left me mildly traumatized in ways I only truly understood after reading this book. I feel better for having read it, and better equipped, as a parent and a citizen, to see the way trauma — beyond the buzzword — is at work in so many of our experiences.

10.The Philosophical Baby by Alison GopnikRead Gopnik’s earlier book as A reminder that children give as much as they get, and not just because they’re cute. Gopnik brings us on a tour of the awakening consciousness of babies and shows us how much we can learn about the essential questions of human nature by looking to the small, screaming friends we are trying our best to keep alive.

There is no such thing as a perfect parent but you can be the best one for your child if you'd want to. 
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Taking the best of both worlds, Vermilion Jelly fuses the qualities of Western supplements and TCM herbs to produce health supplements in food form. Get a sample pack of 5-sachets, one of each of our super fun and tasty health jelly for FREE. Just pay for shipping!

Saturday, 5 September 2020

You Can Create Amazing Keto Pancakes for Your Family!

"It’s not a quick fix. It’s a lifestyle."Keto is a path to a better life of eating rather than a way to lose a quick 15 pounds! You can cook your family this amazing recipe to encourage them to do a Keto diet too.

Keto Pancakes
Serves: 4
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 20 Minutes

- 1/2cup almond flour
- 3 eggs
- 1 tablespoon butter
- 1/2cup cream cheese

1. Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix using a blender
2. In a frying pan pour 2-3 tablespoon of pancake mixture and cook for 1-2 minutes per side
3 Remove and top with cinnamon or butter

Try this amazing recipe now, you won't regret cooking it and doing a Keto diet.

Do you know that Ginseng has been used for millennia for the maintenance of general health and well being? It has often been called the “elixir for longevity”!
Different types of ginseng exists, with the 6 year-old Korean Red Ginseng being the most sought after. In the past, this type of ginseng were only reserved for the Emperor and royalties.
Boasting a dose of 900mg of 6 year-old red ginseng extract per serve to combat mental stress and physical fatigue.

Check out the Vermilion Health & Vitality Jelly that will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom.