1. Your Two-Year-Old by Louise Bates Ames & Frances L
This is book is part of a series of the best little books about child
development. They’re all actually little — about 150 pages (a third of which
are black-and-white photo illustrations of children from the ‘70s) — and follow
the same general formula: here’s what you’re dealing with, here’s what tends to
work, isn’t it fascinating!, do what works and it will get better soon. I
goddamn love them.
2. All Joy and No Fun by Jennifer SeniorThis book is a great answer to every time you’ve ever wondered, “Is it just me, or is being a parent bad in a very particular way right now?” A leading question, maybe, but Senior has convinced me that the answer is “Yes.” Inspiring either a consoling self-forgiveness or a maddening fire under one’s ass (both, one hopes), former New York staff writer Senior winningly leads us through the world of modern parenthood with both depth and breadth, in a voice that is insightful, relatable, and genuinely searching.
4. No Bad Kids by Janet Lansbury A couple of my mom friends and I simply refer to her as “the guru” and I still don’t know if we’re joking or not. Her popular books are self-published compendiums of some of her best blog posts (when I filled out the contact form on her website to request a review copy, I got a prompt reply from Michael L., who introduced himself as “Janet’s husband and Mailroom Supervisor”). Lansbury’s general approach or “philosophy” is that we should treat children with respect, and, whenever possible, try to meet them where they are.
6. Queenbees and Wannabes by Rosalind Wiseman This book served as the inspiration and source material for Tina Fey’s Mean Girls. Whether that serves as disclaimer or recommendation is up to you. Queen Bees seems to meet teens on their level, which is probably what makes it so effective (if not occasionally alarmist, or maybe that’s the super Christian nerd in me talking?).
9. The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk This one is not about parenting per se, but my experience with childbirth left me mildly traumatized in ways I only truly understood after reading this book. I feel better for having read it, and better equipped, as a parent and a citizen, to see the way trauma — beyond the buzzword — is at work in so many of our experiences.
10.The Philosophical Baby by Alison GopnikRead Gopnik’s earlier book as A reminder that children give as much as they get, and not just because they’re cute. Gopnik brings us on a tour of the awakening consciousness of babies and shows us how much we can learn about the essential questions of human nature by looking to the small, screaming friends we are trying our best to keep alive.
There is no such thing as a perfect parent but you can be the best one for your child if you'd want to.
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