Monday, 28 March 2022

Daily Positive Affirmations: Conscious Living

 "Nothing can dim the light that shines from within."

Positive affirmations are statements that can help brighten your outlook on the world when you say them to yourself regularly or write them down in a journal.

You can make positive changes in your life with the power of your words, when you affirm clearly what you want to achieve.

Daily Positive Affirmations: Conscious Living

Longevity comes from conscious living.

Remaining cognizant of the choices that I make is a great way to maintain lasting experiences and relationships. When I live consciously, my decisions are well thought out to achieve favorable outcomes.

I am conscious of the diet I maintain because it serves my body well. Including nutrient rich foods in my eating plan ensures that I receive healthy sustenance.

When my diet is nutritious, my body attains peak performance. I am able to keep my energy level high. My work responsibilities are manageable when I focus on treating my body well.

Incorporating exercise into my regular daily activities promotes good health. When I am fit, I am less prone to illness.

Fitness provides a strong foundation on which to live a long and fruitful life. My body and mind support my entire existence, so I ensure they are in sound working order. It feels good to know that I am able to impact the quality of my life.

I spend money wisely because it is a good way to maintain my ability to survive. The financial choices I make today keep me protected from future unexpected expenses.

Today, I commit to living consciously each day. Paying deliberate attention to my choices has a tremendous positive effect on my quality of life. I open myself up to many happy days ahead because I remain present in each moment.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. In what aspects of my life can I live more consciously?
  2. How can I support the environment to ensure its longevity?
  3. How do my current choices support my longevity?

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Our unique Vermilion Digestive Health Jelly will definitely be your desired choice in combating stomach bloating, gastric issues and fight infections with a warm calming touch. Check out the gut health jelly on offer today!

Wednesday, 23 March 2022

5 Awesome Tips to Attracting Positive Relationships Into Your Life

 As we travel through our life's journey, many relationships will come into our lives.

Some of them will be wonderful and long lasting; others, unfortunately, may be short term or unhappy.

Do you tend to attract more negative relationships than positive?

Though we strive to develop good, solid, and happy relationships, it seems we sometimes end up with exactly the opposite.

Wouldn't you love to attract more positive relationships? The good news is, you can!

5 Awesome Tips to Attracting Positive Relationships Into Your Life

Try some of these simple tips to enjoy more positive relationships in your life:

  1. Patience. Wonderful relationships don't occur overnight. They take time to nurture and develop into something that's long lasting. To allow these relationships into your life, you must have the patience to let them grow.
  • When you begin a relationship that you perceive as being a positive one, don't rush it. You may be very pleased to see what develops down the road.

2. Believe that you're deserving of it. Be positive and avoid negative feelings or perceptions about yourself. Know that you deserve to have happy, stable relationships in your life.

  • If you begin to think negatively, you must turn these negative thoughts around immediately. Clear your mind and regain your self-confidence.
  • Remember, positive attracts positive. When you think positive thoughts, you'll be rewarded with positive results.
  • You'll ultimately attract positive relationships into your life with the positive energy you're giving off to others. So be a good example of the friend or partner you look to attract!

3. Be true to yourself and others. If you're not true to yourself, whether you believe it or not, others will sense this. Don't try to be something that you're not; this is a negative way of portraying yourself to others.

  • As mentioned before, positive attracts positive, but negative attracts negative as well. Show others your true self, including your flaws. They'll appreciate your open and willing heart and be able to form a strong bond with you more easily.
  • Be genuine to others and allow them to see your true feelings and personality. Trying too hard to act like someone else could lead to embarrassment for you.

4. Don't take relationships for granted. Remember to always give thanks for the valuable relationships in your life. They may not be as numerous as you'd like, but rather than complaining, be thankful for the ones you have now and have had in the past.

  • By professing your gratitude genuinely, you'll have an easier time attracting future positive relationships.

5. Be honest. If you're in a negative relationship right now, that will tend to keep positive relationships from coming into your life. Be honest with yourself and others. Make a conscious decision to either improve that relationship or end it.

  • Honesty will pave the way for more positive, trusting relationships to enter your life.

As the old saying goes, "Nothing worth having in life comes easily." Attracting positive relationships - and weeding out the negative ones - may not be an easy task, but it'll make for a better and more fulfilling life.

Lose weight effectively and reduce your body fat, achieve sustainable weight loss using the slimming jelly! It’s tasty, fun and convenient. Get your slimming jelly here!

Combat mental stress and physical fatigue with a healthy does of our Health and Vitality Jelly, which boast a dose of 900mg of the 6 year old red ginseng extract per serve! This will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom. Click here to read the reviews and check out the Health and Vitality Jelly on offer today!

How to Stop Living a Life of Quiet Desperation and Truly Live a Life That Fulfills You!

 It’s true that most people live lives of quiet desperation. Most people are filled with regret at the end of their lives.

Leaving too many things undone and failing to live enthusiastically and with purpose are common regrets. 

If you want to live a fulfilling life, a life worthy of admiration, it’s important to determine your legacy today and being living it immediately.

Most of us get roughly 70 good years.

Why not make the most of them?

How to Stop Living a Life of Quiet Desperation and Truly Live a Life That Fulfills You!

Following these strategies will help you discover your legacy and begin living it:

  1. Determine your core values. Figure out what’s most important to you. Take your time. You only have one life so make it as meaningful as possible. What truly matters to you?
  2. Start with the end in mind. Imagine you’re on your death bed. Where are you? Are you living in a mansion with a private nurse? In a nursing home? In a modest family home? Who is with you? Close family? Do you have a string of friends, family, and admirers stopping by to pay their respects?
  3. What do you want to look back upon? What will your live have been about? Spreading peace throughout the world? Building a real estate empire? Traveling the world and learning about different cultures? Mastering the piano? Becoming the most powerful person in your city? Living a well-rounded life with a close-knit family?

Make a list of everything you want to do, have, and accomplish over the course of your lifetime. What great cause do you want to represent? What would make you proud?

4. Are you currently living in a way that will lead to this ending? Imagine your average weekday and weekend day. If you continued living this way for the rest of your life, where would you end up? Are you on the path to living the legacy you desire?

5. Determine the first step. What do you need to do first? Create a set of goals with the ultimate end in mind. Create a starting goal that can begin working on immediately. For example, imagine one of your goals is to climb Mount Everest. Your set of goals might look like:

  • Join a gym, get into crossfit and get into great shape.
  • Start saving money. Equipment and traveling are expensive.
  • Get a passport.
  • Take a mountaineering course on Mt Rainier that will prepare me for my next climb.
  • Climb Ecuadorian volcanoes.
  • Climb Mt Aconcagua.
  • Climb Mt. McKinley.
  • Climb Mt. Cho Oyu.
  • Climb Mt Everest.

6. Get started. Take the first step. This is the hardest part. If you want to build a billion-dollar business empire, it’s not easy to get started when you only have $158 in the bank. It’s just going to take a little more time and a little more work.

7. Avoid losing sight of what’s most important. Avoid getting too caught up in your big goals. You still have friends and family to care for, and they probably don’t care if you live an extraordinary life. They love you whether you live an impressive life or not.

You can create a life that is exciting and fulfilling. 

Dream big, muster your courage, and get started today to make it a reality.

Lose weight effectively and reduce your body fat, achieve sustainable weight loss using the slimming jelly! It’s tasty, fun and convenient. Get your slimming jelly here!

Combat mental stress and physical fatigue with a healthy does of our Health and Vitality Jelly, which boast a dose of 900mg of the 6 year old red ginseng extract per serve! This will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom. Click here to read the reviews and check out the Health and Vitality Jelly on offer today!

Saturday, 19 March 2022

Daily Positive Affirmations: I lose weight and keep it off.

 The weight loss process starts in your mind. Changing your thoughts is vital. Dieting without challenging and replacing irrational or negative belief systems will give only temporary results.

When you repeat affirmations often, and believe in them, you can start to make positive changes in many aspects of your life, your weight loss journey being one of them.

Daily Positive Affirmations: I lose weight and keep it off.

I am healthy and fit.

I manage my weight because I value my health. I love my body and respect its needs. Taking care of myself helps me to lead a long and active life.

I avoid fad diets. I adopt healthy habits that I can stick with for the long run.

I keep track of what I eat. I use a journal or an app on my phone, so I have an accurate picture of how much I consume. I monitor my portion sizes and ensure that I get the nutrients I need.

I load up on vegetables. Foods high in fiber keep me feeling full with fewer calories. I enjoy at least 5 servings each day, starting with a vegetable omelet for breakfast and baby carrots for snacks.

I exercise regularly. I burn calories with aerobics and build muscles with weightlifting. I turn off the TV and move around more.

I reach out for support. I ask my family and friends for help. I join online forums where I can share suggestions and encouragement.

I deal with stress. When I am upset, I take a walk or listen to music instead of eating a donut.

I prepare for setbacks. If I overindulge one day, I make up for it the next.

Today, I make choices that help me to maintain a healthy weight. I eat slowly and mindfully. I enjoy an active lifestyle. I keep my mind and body in top shape.

Your Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How can I lose weight without feeling deprived?
  2. What is my motivation for losing weight?
  3. What are 3 things I love about my body?

Lose weight effectively and reduce your body fat, achieve sustainable weight loss using the slimming jelly! It’s tasty, fun and convenient. Get your slimming jelly here! 

Combat mental stress and physical fatigue with a healthy does of our Health and Vitality Jelly, which boast a dose of 900mg of the 6 year old red ginseng extract per serve! This will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom. Click here to read the reviews and check out the Health and Vitality Jelly on offer today!

How to Change Your Mindset So You Can Successfully Lose Weight and Keep It Off!

 You probably think that you know how to lose weight. You need to eat less, and exercise more. However, to slim down successfully, you have to prepare mentally as well as physically.

The psychological factors may be more important than you realize.

Subjects in one university study lost 5 times more weight than average.

The secret was learning a visualization technique where they imagined reaching their goals, and the impact it would have on their lives. 

How to Change Your Mindset So You Can Successfully Lose Weight and Keep It Off!

Put your mental powers to work for you. Take a look at 3 common habits that could be holding you back and learn what to do about them.

Be Realistic Instead of Overreaching:

  1. Practice patience. If you cut calories too drastically, you’re likely to lose muscle tissue and deprive your body of essential nutrients. Losing about 1 to 3 pounds a week is a safe schedule for most adults.
  2. Take baby steps. Small changes add up. Focus on one habit at a time instead of trying to transform your lifestyle in a single day. You might try eating an additional serving of vegetables each day or switch from full fat to low fat dairy products.
  3. Avoid comparisons. Celebrate your own body and personal strengths. Forget about keeping up with celebrities who have the time and money for expensive spas and day-long workouts.
  4. Allow some leeway. Forget about forbidden foods too. A diet that is too restrictive may make you more vulnerable to temptation. Enjoy your favorite treats in smaller serving sizes or save them for special occasions.

Seek Support Instead of Going it Alone:

  1. Ask for help. Many studies have found that the social support in programs like Weight Watchers can make a big difference. Let your family and friends know what kind of help you need. Ask your partner to refrain from teasing you or hang out with someone who eats healthy.
  2. Find a buddy. Slimming down is more fun when you have a fitness partner. You may also feel more accountable knowing that someone else is depending on you.
  3. Go online. Are you relying more on virtual communications these days? Use your computer to take Zumba classes or work with a nutritionist. Join a forum where you can share advice and encouragement.
  4. See your doctor. You may need to check with your physician before you start a weight loss program. That’s especially true if you’re significantly overweight, sedentary, or coping with a chronic condition.

Plan Ahead Instead of Eating Mindlessly:

  1. Set goals. Increase your chances for success by setting specific and compelling targets. You might aim to lose a certain number of pounds or inches off your waistline each month. You could also use process goals, like eating breakfast each day or cutting back on sugar.
  2. Create menus. It’s easier to make healthy choices when you decide what to eat in advance. Who needs junk food when you have delicious and nutritious meals and snacks to look forward to?
  3. Shop carefully.  More than 70% of supermarket items are ultra-processed products high in sugar, salt, saturated fat, and empty calories. Stick to the outer aisles where you’ll find vegetables, fruits, and other whole foods. Read labels carefully to understand what you’re buying.
  4. Monitor your schedule. Do you eat for entertainment or comfort? Try managing your time differently, so you can enjoy more enriching non-food activities. Turn off your TV and play tennis. Invite friends to join you for a hike instead of your usual weekend brunch.

Changing your mindset can give you the motivation you need to lose weight and keep it off.

Develop mental habits that will help you to reshape your body and enjoy a long and active life.

Lose weight effectively and reduce your body fat, achieve sustainable weight loss using the slimming jelly! It’s tasty, fun and convenient. Get your slimming jelly here!

Combat mental stress and physical fatigue with a healthy does of our Health and Vitality Jelly, which boast a dose of 900mg of the 6 year old red ginseng extract per serve! This will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom. Click here to read the reviews and check out the Health and Vitality Jelly on offer today!

Monday, 14 March 2022

Daily Positive Affirmations: I patiently allow my body to heal and transform with ease.

 We can all benefit from a little more positivity in our lives, and using positive affirmations is an easy way to give your mind a little boost.

Picture yourself like a beautiful plant and affirmations become the water, sunlight, and soil that help you thrive. As long as you practice them consistently, you won't wilt — in fact, you will grow into your best self.

Daily Positive Affirmations: I patiently allow my body to heal and transform with ease

My body is amazing, but it works on its own timetable. I know that my body takes time to respond to any changes I make.

  • When I change my diet, it might take weeks or months to see all the benefits come to fruition. My body needs time to lose weight and become healthier.
  • Exercise also requires time to work its magic. My body readily responds to exercise, but I know that I must be patient to see the full results.
  • My body is wonderful at healing itself. My body heals itself with great ease. I am patient in allowing all of this to happen in the appropriate amount of time. I am a patient person.
  • I also know that my body is brilliant. It always takes the perfect amount of time to transform itself. I trust my body to do what needs to be done in whatever amount of time it requires.
  • I am in awe of my body.
  • Today, I am being patient with my body. I am allowing any changes in my body to take place at the appropriate time. My body is healing itself every minute of the day.

Your Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What changes would I like to make to my body? How can I be more patient and allow those changes to occur?
  2. What parts of my body need to be healed? How can I help that process?
  3. Do I get enough sleep and eat well enough to reasonably expect my body to be at its best? What could I be doing better?

Do you know that our Vitality Jelly boast a dose of 900mg of 6 year-old red ginseng extract per serve to help you combat mental stress and physical fatigue? Our health and vitality Jelly will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom. Check out the vitality jelly on offer today!

Try out our joint health jelly supplement which is produced with a unique blend naturally extracted TCM herbs, supplementing the clinically proven dose for effective joint pain relief with anti-inflammatory properties. This joint health jelly is fun and tasty!

How to Easily Lose Weight After 40

 As you grow older, it often becomes more difficult to manage your weight.

However, the reasons may be different than you think. A recent study challenges the conventional wisdom about metabolism across the lifespan.

Rather than slowing down in middle age, human metabolism seems to remain stable from 20 to 60. That’s according to a groundbreaking study at Duke University.

That means you could be wasting time and money on expensive supplements and magic foods that claim to help you burn more calories. Try these suggestions, instead, for taking weight off and keeping it off after 40.

How to Easily Lose Weight After 40

Increasing Muscle Mass

While your metabolism may remain strong for decades, your muscle mass starts decreasing sooner.

The average adult loses about 3 to 5% every ten years after they turn 30. While some change is inevitable, slowing the process down can help you stay lean.

Try these tips:

  1. Use resistance. The key to building strength is contracting your muscles against external resistance. Experiment with machines, free weights, and body weight exercises to see what works for you.
  2. Train heavy. For faster results, make your workouts more intense. Use a weight that allows you to just barely complete your last repetition.
  3. Consume adequate protein. Current guidelines recommend getting 10 to 35% of your calories from protein, and many experts prefer the upper range. Some studies suggest that eating a protein-rich meal or snack within 2 hours after working out is especially helpful.
  4. Schedule rest days. Your muscles grow while you’re recovering in between workouts. You can take it easy or do easier activities like hiking.

Other Tips for Losing Weight After 40

Aging affects your body weight in other ways too.

Increases in insulin resistance lead to excess sugar being stored as fat. Hormonal changes play a role too, especially for women after menopause.

On top of that, your lifestyle may become more sedentary.

Using these strategies can help:

  1. Choose whole foods. Satisfy your hunger with natural foods rich in nutrients and fiber and low in added sugar and salt. Smart choices include vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.
  2. Drink water. It’s easy to confuse thirst with hunger. Staying hydrated will enhance your digestion and help you feel full.
  3. Limit alcohol. Many cocktails contain a lot of empty calories and any alcohol can lower your resistance to junk food. If you drink, practice moderation.
  4. Sleep well. Getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night is important for your overall wellbeing. Stick to a regular bedtime that allows you to wake up naturally feeling refreshed.
  5. Weigh yourself. The average adult gains 1 to 2 pounds each year. Using a scale or tape measure at least once a week gives you a chance to make easy corrections before the doughnuts add up.
  6. Move around. How many hours a day do you spend sitting? In addition to regular exercise, take a break to stretch and walk around each half hour anytime you’re at your desk or watching TV.
  7. Seek support. Changing your habits is easier when you have your family and friends on your side. Invite your loved ones to join you in preparing nutritious meals at home and sticking to a workout program.
  8. See your doctor. If you need more help, talk with your doctor about your personal situation. For example, a thyroid screening can catch issues that cause weight gain, fatigue, and depression in many adults over 35.

Staying slim after 40 takes a little effort, but the benefits are huge. You lower your risk for many serious health conditions and increase your chances for living a long and active life.

Lose weight effectively and reduce your body fat, achieve sustainable weight loss using the slimming jelly! It’s tasty, fun and convenient. Get your slimming jelly here! 

Try out our joint health jelly supplement which is produced with a unique blend naturally extracted TCM herbs, supplementing the clinically proven dose for effective joint pain relief with anti-inflammatory properties. This joint health jelly is fun and tasty!

Tuesday, 8 March 2022

Your Daily Positive Affirmation for a Healthy Lifestyle!

 Some people call them positive affirmations, some others prefer to call them motivational affirmations and there are those who just use the word affirmations.

No matter what you call them, you will find the answers to your questions here if you have been searching for any of these terms.

The goal of positive affirmations is to make us feel good, thus, helping us to maintain a positive attitude even when there are obstacles and uncertainties.

Daily Affirmations: I am well.

I am happy, healthy, and loved.

I take care of my body and mind. I eat nutritious whole foods and exercise regularly. I avoid excess sugar and salt. I aim for 8 hours of sleep each night and manage stress. I get appropriate medical screenings and follow my doctor’s recommendations.

I cultivate close and mutually supportive relationships. I spend time with my family and friends. We share deep conversations and lighthearted games. I talk about my feelings and reveal my authentic self.

I do meaningful work. I enjoy being a valuable part of the team. I build my network and collaborate with others. I use my skills to give back to my community.

I make smart financial choices. I stick to my budget and resist impulse purchases. I save for my children’s education and retirement.

I continue learning. I read books and listen to podcasts. I take courses online or at local colleges. I try new things.

I develop my spirituality. I clarify my vision and values. I connect with something bigger than myself. I pray on my own and with other members of my spiritual community. I express gratitude and appreciation.

I have fun. I make art and watch movies. I eat ice cream sundaes and take bubble baths. I host barbecues and costume parties. I sing, dance, and wear ugly Christmas sweaters.

Today, I adopt daily habits that keep me strong and fit. I look and feel wonderful. My life is balanced and rewarding.

Your Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What is my definition of wellness?
  2. How does my job affect my health?
  3. What is one wellness goal that I want to work on this week?

Do you know that our Vitality Jelly boast a dose of 900mg of 6 year-old red ginseng extract per serve to help you combat mental stress and physical fatigue? Our health and vitality Jelly will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom. Check out the vitality jelly on offer today!

Our unique Vermilion Digestive Health Jelly will definitely be your desired choice in combating stomach bloating , gastric issues and fight infections with a warm calming touch. Check out the gut health jelly on offer today!

7 Frugal Healthy Diet Planning for the Whole Family

 Food is a huge expense over your lifetime.

Consider that once you start having to buy your own food, you’re generally stuck with that obligation for the rest of your life. If you buy your own food for 50 years, that’s $260,000 if you spend $100 per week.

Saving a little money each week adds up to a lot of money over 50+ years!

Of course, it’s also important to purchase and consume healthy food.

Consider that nearly every cell in your body at this point is composed entirely of the foods you’ve eaten, the beverages you’ve drank, and the air you’ve breathed. You are made of the food you eat, so eat good food!

Eat well and save money at the same time with these techniques:

  1. Eat at home. The food in a restaurant is always more expensive than what you can prepare at home. Restaurants have to pay employees, utilities, rent or mortgage payments, taxes, maintain a parking lot, and make a profit.
    1. It’s true that most restaurants might taste better than your meals prepared at home, but you can just take that as a challenge to increase your chef skills.
    1. You can also use healthier ingredients than your local restaurants choose to use.
  2. Buy in bulk. A large bag of rice or potatoes costs less per pound than a smaller bag. Stores like Costco and Sam’s Club have a lot of great deals if you can handle larger quantities of food. Having a large freezer and pantry can certainly be helpful if you’re going to take advantage of this tip.
  3. Have a garden. A garden is practically free from a financial standpoint, but it does require some labor to prepare the soil and to plant the seeds or seedlings. A garden also requires time to deal with the weeds, water, fertilize, and harvest the food.
    1. The advantages are great cost savings, access to high-quality food, and you’ll get some exercise, too. Children love gardens, too.
  4. Substitute other ingredients for meat. Meat is expensive, but there are other sources of protein than just meat. Beans, lentils, eggs, and some types of fish are considerably less expensive than most cuts of meat.
  5. Buy whole foods. A whole chicken costs less than all the parts cost separately. A block of cheese is less expensive than shredded cheese.
  6. Take advantage of sales. There’s always something on sale. The meat section often has meat with a reduced price of 50% or more because it needs to be sold the next day. Buy and cook it that night or put it in the freezer.
    1. There’s always one type of apple or grape on sale. You never know what’s going to be on sale from week to week. Keep your eyes open and take advantage of those sales.
  7. Avoid highly processed foods. A can of soup has a lot of different ingredients, the contents have already been cooked, it has to be put into a can, and there are a lot of additives to keep the soup from spoiling. All of that isn’t inexpensive, and the additives make the soup less healthy.

The foods you eat have a huge impact on your health and your bank account.

There are many ways to limit your grocery bill without compromising on the quality of the food you put into your body.

Inexpensive food can be healthy and satisfying, so avoid the belief that good food and enjoyment has to be costly.

Lose weight effectively and reduce your body fat, achieve sustainable weight loss using the slimming jelly! It’s tasty, fun and convenient. Get your slimming jelly here! 

Our unique Vermilion Digestive Health Jelly will definitely be your desired choice in combating stomach bloating , gastric issues and fight infections with a warm calming touch. Check out the gut health jelly on offer today!

Friday, 4 March 2022

6 Splendid Ways to Add More Healthy Chia Seeds to Your Meals

 Are you aware of the health benefits of chia seeds?

These small white or black seeds are packed with nutrients. Eating chia seeds is an easy way to get more protein, fiber, and nutrients.

They also have omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus - all essential for optimum health.

Since they don’t have a strong flavor, it’s easy to incorporate them into many recipes.

6 Splendid Ways to Add More Healthy Chia Seeds to Your Meals!

Try these tips to add more chia seeds to your meals:

  1. Bake with chia seeds. Chia seeds are versatile. Experiment with them in cakes, muffins, and cookies. Mix them in the original batters or sprinkle them on top of the finished products. Try different versions to find the one you prefer.
  • Consider making a chia seed bread loaf in the oven. You can crush the seeds in a blender or mixer and add them to the dough. Chia seeds add protein and fiber to bread and other baked goods.
  • Try using chia seeds instead of poppy seeds in your recipes. They still taste delicious and add a fun crunch.
  • Add chia seeds to puddings. Chia seeds work well in dairy and nondairy versions of puddings. Try blending almond milk with fruit, nuts, and chia seeds in a blender. Then, freeze the concoction until it is solid, or refrigerate it for a more fluid blend.
  • If you prefer to use chia seeds as a garnish, sprinkle them on top of puddings. A couple of teaspoons is usually enough.
  • Make chia seed water. Chia seed water is an easy and fast way to add more nutrition to your diet. 
  • It is easy to make chia seed water in your kitchen. Soak about half a cup of chia seeds in six cups of water. Wait 20 to 30 minutes. Then, strain out the chia seeds and drink the water.
  • Try chia seed cereal. If you’re interested in trying something new for breakfast, make chia seed cereal.
  • First, soak the chia seeds in dairy, almond, soy, or other milk overnight.
  • Add the chia seeds to a bowl in the morning. They should be softer and plumper. Fill the bowl with more milk. Then, add berries or bananas. Sprinkle with additional nuts or cinnamon and enjoy.
  • Add chia seeds to a stir fry. Whether you’re making a vegetarian stir fry or one with seafood and meat, chia seeds are a good addition.
  • Simply sprinkle chia seeds into the pan along with other ingredients. They should get darker and crunchier in the pan as you stir fry your meal.
  • Chia seeds can replace sesame seeds in some recipes. 
  • Use chia seeds as a coating or thickener. Instead of breadcrumbs, consider using chia seeds to coat fish, meat, or other food.  
  • Grind up chia seeds in a blender, so they are smaller and easier to use. Try to turn them into a powder.
  • Spread the powder on top of fish or other meat instead of breadcrumbs. Cook them the same way as you would other breaded products. Just ensure they’re not overcooked and turn black.
  • Some recipes require breadcrumbs or other things as thickeners. However, you can use chia seeds to thicken meatballs and burgers. Simply add powdered or ground chia seeds to the uncooked meat. This can also help save money by reducing the amount of meat you need.

Chia seeds are delicious and healthy. Try these tips and add more chia seeds to your meals at home for easy, tasty additional nutrients.

Combat mental stress and physical fatigue with a healthy does of our Health and Vitality Jelly, which boast a dose of 900mg of the 6 year old red ginseng extract per serve! This will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom. Click here to read the reviews and check out the Health and Vitality Jelly on offer today!

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How to Increase Your Physical Well Being with These 5 Everyday Activities - Protect Your Physical Health Today

 Does your body ever feel stiff or sore?

As we go through the motions of our often sedentary activities, it can be easy to forget that our bodies need tending too.

With just a little conscious thought, you can increase your physical well being today. 

How to Increase Your Physical Well Being with These 5 Everyday Activities - Protect Your Physical Health Today

Incorporate these easy activities into your daily routines to help keep your body healthy:

  1. Stand up and stretch. Whether you're home watching TV or at work behind your desk, sitting for long periods can really take its toll, especially on your back. To ensure that you stay healthy and flexible:
  • Avoid slouching in the chair or couch if you have to sit for long periods.
  • Take a 1-minute break every 30 minutes to walk around and stretch your legs and back muscles.
  • Support your back. Perhaps you would be more comfortable in different chair. You may also find that a lumbar cushion or back brace would be helpful.

2. Avoid spending hours at the computer. Your job may require you to work at a computer all day. However, no matter how busy you are, you can take a moment or two every hour to rest your eyes. Here are some suggestions to ease your eyes:

  • Use an anti-glare screen to decrease contrast.
  • Take frequent breaks and rest your gaze out a window or at far-away object. Relaxing your eyes will help you avoid eyestrain.
  • Ensure that you have good lighting; there should be light around your monitor, and even behind it. Avoid using the computer in the dark!
  • Minimize the amount of clutter around your monitor. Your eyes have more work to do when there are excess items in your frame of vision.

3. Lift with your legs. As we go through "the motions" on a daily basis, we often overlook the impact small things can have on our physical health. For example: how we lift. Like most of us, you may forget sometimes that lifting with your back can cause damage. Try to remain conscious of this fact to protect your body.

  • Bend at the knees, not at the waist to take the pressure off your sensitive back muscles and prevent unnecessary damage.
  • Avoid lifting things that are overly heavy. You might feel like you can manage it but you may be putting excess strain on your muscles.

4. Eat frequently. Sometimes you may get caught up with work and other activities, and forget to eat. However, there is absolutely no positive gain from skipping meals, whether intentionally or mistakenly. Eating every 3-4 hours helps keep your digestive system healthy.

5. Get plenty of rest. To function, two of your bodies' most primary needs are food and rest. A good night's sleep will help you be at your best. Rest periods give your systems a chance to regenerate and become ready for the next day's physical challenges.

  • Set your bedtime and try to stick to it.
  • Take a break from work if you notice your body is showing signs of weariness.
  • Relaxation is another form of rest; a little leisure time can effectively help your body to regain lost energy.

To ensure your lifelong health, start by focusing on a few simple actions like these every day. 

Now that you know how easy it is to enhance your health, you can start your journey to vibrant health today.

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