Eat more
Oily fish
contains good omega fats that are important for our good health and they help
to lower cholesterol.
Eat more
Fibre is the
stuff that makes you feel fuller longer and gives you a healthy bowel. It helps
remove any excess fat from your system and is a vital part of a good healthy
diet. If you don't think you are getting enough fibre add oats to your
breakfast, sprinkle bran on cereal and add dried peas and lentils to soups and
vegetable dishes.
vegetarian meals
Have a
couple of vegetarian meals each week. You will be surprised at the variety of
meals that you can make for the whole family. Avoid meat substitutes but have
eggs instead of meat, include dried pulses or nuts for protein. Replace a meat
meal with a hard cheese and fresh salad full of greens, fresh herbs, tomatoes,
cucumber, celery and olives.
Eat less
Reduce the
portion size of lean meat. Your plate should be 2/3 to 4 vegetables and the
rest lean protein. Meat is still important for iron and other minerals but you
will notice that you will feel less bloated by eating less red meat. Try to eat
red meat medium to rare as it is easier to digest.
Eat less
saturated fats
Saturated fats are found in processed and
packaged foods and stay as fat in our body. These are the fats that make the
bad cholesterol and contribute to heart disease.
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