Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Ancient Technique of Meditation Helps You to set Intentions for Each Day.

Meditation offers time for relaxation and heightened awareness in a stressful world where our senses are often dulled. Meditation may be an ancient tradition, but it’s still practiced in cultures all over the world to create a sense of calm and inner harmony.

Check and try this Ancient Technique of Meditation Helps You to set Intentions for Each Day.

1. Being present in each moment allows me to have days that are fulfilling. Conscious involvement in each thing that I do encourages positive decision making. When I meditate, it helps me to set my intentions for the day ahead.

2. Each morning gives me a chance to define my purpose in life. The quiet time when I wake up helps me to formulate a plan for making the most of my time.

3. Meditation allows me to connect to my inner beliefs. Having that connection reminds me to focus on what I truly value. I live according to what I believe is wholesome and just.

4. When I look within, I consider the impact that my actions have on my circle of influence. My focus is on being a positive influence for those people.

5. As I meditate, I realign myself with that focus and commit to living positively for the day. I encourage my subordinate at work and extend a helping hand to those who are less fortunate.

6. Quiet time at the end of each day also helps me to re-center myself. Reflection allows me to identify shortcomings and develop a plan of action to overcome them.

7. Today, I acknowledge that there is significant value in meditation. Being able to focus on my inner being is helpful in allowing me to experience rewarding days.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What activities can I engage in to enhance the value of meditation?
2. How do I realign with my belief system after an emotionally challenging day?
3. In what ways can I incorporate meditation throughout the course of the day?

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Saturday, 24 April 2021

11 Best Affirmations for Forgiveness and Patience To Keep Your Relationship Strong and Long Lasting!

 No matter how intense love starts, after a certain amount of time, the honeymoon wears off. We strengthen our bonds of love with lots of forgiveness and patience. Thankfully, that energy can transform into other things—a deeper love, appreciation, and respect—with more understanding and less conflict, more oneness and less separateness.

Checkout our 11 Best Affirmations for Forgiveness and Patience To Keep Your Relationship Strong and Long Lasting!

I communicate in a  loving way with my partner.

I appreciate my partner deeply.

I can comfortably express my needs and feelings.

Our relationship is strong and whole.

We will stay together for the rest of our lives.

Our relationship is getting stronger each day.

My love for my partner grows each day.

Our relationship will stand the test of time.

I love my partner unconditionally.

I focus on the good things in my relationship.

I am flexible and patient with my partner.

Tuesday, 20 April 2021

How To Get More Out of Life by Finding Yourself Through Meditation

 Meditation is one way to increase your understanding and appreciation for yourself. Carve out some me time and use these ideas to help you find yourself.

If you’re like a lot of adults, you tend to define yourself according to external expectations and activities. You associate your identity with things like what you do for a living and the role you play in your family. That can leave you feeling uprooted when your situation shifts! Maybe you get laid off or your children go away to college. Perhaps you’re questioning who you are and what your purpose in life is. Or you could be so busy that you have yet to look inside and acknowledge that you feel a little lost.

An awesome way on How To Get More Out of Life by Finding Yourself Through Meditation

Meditating to Understand Yourself:

1. Turn off your phone. Being bombarded with distractions makes it difficult to get to know yourself. Block out time to unplug each day. In addition to your meditation sessions, you may want to turn off all devices at mealtimes and about an hour before bed.

2. Observe your thoughts. Use your meditation time to slow down, go deeper, and find out what’s on your mind. Notice your thoughts and feelings without becoming attached to them. You’ll start to notice a difference between you and your fleeting ideas and impressions.

3. Scan your body. Do you only think about your body when you’re wondering if your hips are getting wider or you’re trying to flatten your stomach? Survey yourself from head to toes. Focus on practicing good posture and loosening up. Forget about searching for flaws.

4. Examine your values. Your principles and beliefs are at the core of your being. They help to define who you are. Ensure you’re building your life around something worthwhile.

5. Analyze your motives. Are you drifting along or making deliberate choices? Meditation gives you an opportunity to explore why you do things. You can break free from old habits if they’re holding you back.

6. Live mindfully. Remain fully present in between meditation sessions. Pay attention to the current moment instead of dwelling in the past or worrying about the future.

Meditating to Appreciate Yourself:

1. Practice acceptance. Embrace yourself in your totality. Give up snap judgements and harsh criticism. Remember that you are adequate just the way you are.

2. Dissolve stress. Show yourself how much you care by using meditation and other healthy methods to relieve stress. You’ll be strengthening your heart and lowering your risk for diabetes, high blood pressure, depression, and many other conditions.

3. Extend forgiveness. Are you holding any grudges against yourself? Grant yourself a pardon for any past mistakes. Imagine a future in which you value learning from experience instead of beating up on yourself.

4. Recognize your progress. Take stock of how far you’ve come. Celebrate the milestones you’ve reached in your career and personal life. Let your past achievements inspire you to set new challenges.

5. Express gratitude. Think about the many blessings in your life, especially the family and friends who have contributed to your happiness and success. Being grateful helps you to regard yourself and others with more affection and kindness.

6. Repeat affirmations. Come up with a list of affirmations that you can use like a mantra while meditating. Pick words and phrases that motivate you to keep trying.

7. Make a resolution. End your meditation sessions by giving yourself a practical assignment to complete. Bake yourself a cake or plan a fun activity for the upcoming weekend.

Use meditation to figure out who you are and what you need to do to lead a life that’s meaningful to you.

Exploring your thoughts, feelings, and actions is the first step towards growing wiser and happier. As your self knowledge grows, you’ll make sounder decisions and enjoy richer experiences.

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Top 20 Gratitude Affirmations to Kick Start Your Day!

 The combination of belief and action can transform Reality. Without exception, positive affirmations are part of my morning ritual. Kickstart your day with a positive vibe and energy..

Checkout and be motivated with our Top 20 Gratitude Affirmations to Kick Start Your Day!

Everything comes to me at the perfect time.
What other people think of me does not make me who I am.
I am whole and complete
I am in charge of how I feel and I choose happiness.
I accept myself for who I am.
I’m ready to face the challenges of the day.
I am grateful for my life.
Today is filled with opportunity.
I am filled with gratitude for another day.
I trust my inner wisdom.
I begin the day with peace and gratitude.
This day is filled with possibilities and potential.
I will go through my day with an open heart and an open mind.
I am strong and healthy.
I am ready to experience this day with joy.
I am determined and will never give up.
I will not compare myself to others.
I know each day is a blessing and a gift.
I am starting my day with a good mood and inspiring thoughts.
I love and accept myself.

Saturday, 17 April 2021

Top 10 Ways to Cultivating Gratitude at Work!

 “Gratitude, like faith, is a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it grows, and the more power you have to use it on your behalf. If you do not practice gratefulness, its benefaction will go unnoticed, and your capacity to draw on its gifts will be diminished. To be grateful is to find blessings in everything. This is the most powerful attitude to adopt, for there are blessings in everything.”— Alan Cohen

Top 10 Ways to Cultivating Gratitude at Work!


1.  Start at the top

This is one of the clearest takeaways from research into workplace gratitude: Employees need to hear “thank you” from the boss first. That’s because expressing gratitude can make some people feel unsafe, particularly in a workplace with a history of ingratitude. It’s up to the people with power to clearly, consistently, and authentically say “thank you” in both public and private settings

2.  Thank the people who never get thanked

Thanking those who do thankless work is crucial because it sets the bar and establishes the tone. Yes, faculty do the research and teaching core to a university’s mission, but without a cadre of staff behind them they’d have to raise money for their own salaries and empty their own wastebaskets. Public appreciation of, for example, administration and physical plant staff makes their contributions visible and thus broadens everyone’s understanding of how the organization functions—and needless to say, it improves morale and increases trust.

3.  Aim for quality, not quantity

Forcing people to be grateful doesn’t work. It feeds the power imbalances that undermine gratitude in the first place, and it can make expressions of gratitude feel inauthentic.

The key is to create times and spaces that foster the voluntary, spontaneous expression of gratitude. It’s also the case that studies consistently show that there is such a thing as too much gratitude—it seems trying to be grateful everyday induces gratitude fatigue.

4. Provide many opportunities for gratitude

When people are thanked for their work, they are more likely to increase their helping behavior and to provide help to others. But not everyone likes to be thanked—or likes to say “thank you”—in public. They may be shy or genuinely modest.

The key is to create many different kinds of opportunities for gratitude.

5. In the wake of crisis, take time for thanksgiving

Cultivating a culture of gratitude might be the best way to help a workplace prepare for stresses that come with change, conflict, and failure. Making gratitude a policy and a practice “builds up a sort of psychological immune system that can cushion us when we fall,” writes psychologist Robert Emmons. “There is scientific evidence that grateful people are more resilient to stress, whether minor everyday hassles or major personal upheavals.”

Gratitude helps employees to see beyond one disaster and recognize their gains. Ideally, it gives them a tool “to transform an obstacle into an opportunity,” as Emmons writes, and reframe a loss as a potential gain. If your office has gone through a crisis, hold a meeting with the aim of gaining a new perspective on the incident.

6. 5-minute focus

Set a timer for 5-minutes and challenge yourself to write a morning gratitude list that’s focused specifically on what you’re grateful for at work. Do this every day for a week, before you delve into your in box, or tackle your daily projects. Keep the list short, but specific. This is a great way to get out of the bad habit of chronic complaining mode and to jump start your day with enthusiasm rather than dread. If you’re writing on a post it note, stick it to your computer screen to remind you of what you’re thankful for throughout the day.

7. Keep a gratitude jar for the company

We do this at home with our kids, so why not bring it into the work place? Perhaps in a break room or a reception area you could create a receptacle with a nearby notepad and pen, where staff members can jot off some quick gratitudes and put them in the jar. You could read them annually at a holiday party or compile them quarterly, monthly or weekly and send out in company correspondence.

8. Random acts of appreciation

When you’re grateful for something a co-worker did, send a quick email of appreciation. This is a nice way to foster community and wellbeing.

9. Hand write thank you notes

If you want to go the extra mile, have an area in the company with a stack of nice stationary, envelopes and a pen. If you’re reluctant to get the whole company on board, just have these supplies ready at your own desk. Write one thank you note a week to a co-worker (or even your boss) for a month. Handwriting helps us retain more and promotes better memory recall, so it engraves the gratitude, in your own wellbeing, even more than if you’re typing. The recipient also has something tangible to savor, remember or even pin up by their desk.

10. Share your customer love notes

When you receive positive comments from customers, compile them and send them out on a regular basis to everyone in the company. It’s a great way to keep staff engaged with the mission and nice to hear thank you’s from customers. The staff in the accounting department might not ever get to hear how well things are going in customer service. Share the positive thank you’s that the company receives with everyone.

Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Top 10 Trending Gadgets in 2021 for Seniors To Improve Independence and Safety!

 Technology today is designed about Senior's safety. There are many devices suitable for any given use or purposes. Like, a device to manage medication and track elderly living with Alzheimer's wandering activity, frequent falls and real-time health information. With GPS location tracking you can monitor parents or aging friends at home or while they go on long walks.

Check out these Top 10 Trending Gadgets in 2021 for Seniors To Improve Independence and Safety, to simplify chores, enhance safety, and provide entertainment


The Amazon Echo Dot is a voice-activated and controlled speaker that uses Alexa to play music, control smart home devices, make calls, answer questions, set timers and alarms, and more.

You can set it up in their bedroom, living room, kitchen, and in their bathroom. Its built-in speaker can hear you from across the room with 7 far-field microphones for hands-free control, even in noisy environments or while playing music. So, if she says “Alexa Call For Help” it will text and call you and you can talk to him through the device.


Apple Watch is a brand line of smart watches developed and produced by Apple Inc. It is integrated with iOS which run apps used in fitness tracking, wireless telecommunication, and health oriented capabilities.

Apple Watch has a managed fall detection capabilities, it can detect hard fall while you're wearing your watch. If you fall, it taps you on the wrist, sounds an alarm, and displays an alert. If your Apple Watch detects that you are not moving for at least about a minute, it will automatically make a call.

After it ends the call, your watch sends a message to your emergency contacts within your location informing them that your watch detected a hard fall.

You have the option to inform your emergency contacts or you can dismiss the alert message by pressing the Digital Crown and tapping Close, or by tapping "I'm OK." phrase.

GPS SmartSole

Tracking for Elderly and Alzheimer's, is a GPS device sealed and hidden inside a shoe insole. This ergonomic insoles uses GPS and cellular connectivity like the smartphone to send location updates to the GTX Corp Monitoring System.

The Monitoring System sends out geozone alerts to the caregivers online account or his Smart Locator app. Caregivers will receive text and email messages including links to the last known location of the person.

This tracker is developed especially for an elderly person living with Dementia and Alzheimer's. They are the one commonly exhibiting the habit of wandering; one that can cause great stress to carers and family. By relying on the cutting-edge technology like the GPS trackers, you can significantly lower the safety risks involved with this habit.


Apple AirPods is a great help substitute for elderly parents who have difficulty in hearing but won't get or wear hearing aids. It's wireless capability and little-known feature to amplify sound have now gone a step further.

The function called Live Listen can serve as a low-grade hearing aid. Live Listen effectively gives you super hearing by allowing you to place your iPhone close to a person or speaker you're having trouble hearing.

Once you download the new operating system, and enable the Live Listen feature (which appears as an ear icon), you can then turn up the volume on your iPhone's microphone to listen to things closely through your AirPods.


Make sure your elderly relative is safe at home with a Nanny Cam.

As the name suggests, nanny cams are cameras placed in a home to keep an eye on your nanny, babysitter, or a caregiver who watches your children.

Leaving your elderly loved one alone in the house may be something that concerns you as a relative. You might always be thinking about their safety all the time. This is where a nanny cam can be a huge benefit, because it allows you to keep in touch with your relatives even when you are not at home.

With a nanny cam installed in your home, you can chat to your elderly loved one even when you are at work. You can keep an eye on them in case they fall or injure themselves in some other way. Being able to see that they are okay is a great way to reduce your stress when you have to leave them alone at home


The GrandPad is an easy-to-use tablet designed for not so very tech-savvy seniors in mind. It's simple-to-use and hassle free apps allow seniors to listen to music, play games, and browse safely on the internet.

The large buttons and intuitive interface make the GrandPad a simple tablet for seniors who are ready to start video chatting and sharing memories with family and friends around the world.

Family members can also upload photos and adjust settings for the GrandPad user. The device's essential apps and services remove the clutter, distractions, and complications of other devices allowing seniors to simply and instantly connect with loved ones.


Tile Sticker is a small water-resistant sticker about the size of three stacked quarters that used to help track the whereabouts of anything. It comes with a 3-year battery life and is very affordable.

It helps prevent the elderly from losing everyday items like remote controls, keys, wallets, and other easily misplaced household items.

Intuition Robotics

This company was founded in 2016 to help older adults avoid loneliness and social isolation, a common problem among the aging that can contribute to poor health. Intuition Robotics’ debut product is a robot called ElliQ, which Dor Skuler, co-founder and CEO, calls “a sidekick for happier aging.”

The proactive cognitive artificial intelligence product initiates conversation to help the senior stay in touch with family or loved ones, engage in healthy behaviors — including nudges to take medication — and stay connected with the outside world.


A cloud-based platform that improves patient health and wellness through connected care, launched its newest product under its VitalCare brand in June 2018. Called VitalBand, the emergency voice call-out and fall-detection watch provides a more subtle way to monitor for falls, while tracking vital signs like heart and respiratory rate and oxygen saturation, as well as physical activity and sleep quality. It also provides medication reminders.

The concept was introduced to VitalTech in 2016 after board member Dan Flaherty noticed that residents of a senior-care nonprofit he financially supports were not wearing their pendants that monitor for falls.

Toi Labs

Toi Labs founder and CEO Vik Kashyap aims to turn the toilet into a source of valuable health information. After realizing that what is flushed away can actually point to potential health problems, Kashyap created a toilet seat called TrueLoo. With the ability to fit on any toilet, TrueLoo has sensors that can determine who the user is. It then scans the toilet bowl to determine the size, color, consistency, frequency and shape of the excreta.

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Saturday, 10 April 2021

Top 8 Stories of How Gratitude Creates Healing in Life

“Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts.” – Henri Frederic Amiel


1. Stick To The Secret Rule

“I always wanted to work as a cabin crew since I was a teenager. I have given many interviews but was frustrated as I was not getting through. Then I joined a hotel and worked at the front desk. I enjoyed my time there and was very grateful. Then I received an invitation for an airline interview and I got selected. I worked for 5 years, flew internationally, and met so many people. Just as I had wanted.

Ask, believe, forget about it, receive, and be grateful. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

2. 6 Inch Increase In My Height.

“So I was not tall, my height was just 5 feet, that’s it. Everybody around me used to tease me for my short height. I tried everything from hanging exercises to using the LOA but I failed. I did not know why I was unable to manifest my ideal height.

So one day I just let go of all the expectations related to my height. I just gave thanks to my body for proper functioning and everything. I kept a positive attitude. I diverted my mind from the idea of having an ideal height.

But today I can finally say that I am 5ft 6 inches tall! Like it just happened as soon as I let go of it! Believe me, my hands are shivering while writing this. I am so happy because I am 5 feet and 6 inches tall. I can wear everything I want.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I still can’t believe this has happened! Thank you so much for everything.

To those who are feeling low, believe me, just stay positive and love yourself and visualize, that’s it.”

3. Inside The Mind.

“I’m 23 now but I always believed I was strongly physic somehow. I don’t know how to explain it. I always had this voice in my head that told me to do things but nothing crazy! Just a positive voice. I always have it there to guide me. I always thought it was a loved one or a guardian angel of some kind but I came to understand that it wasn’t either, it was me! It was my own voice. I used to think of words in my head and then I could be around someone or watching TV and wow, the words would be said like magic. I could think of a word like love and it would be said on TV right after.

I believe in the Universe because I feel like it listens to my wishes. I always believed that to receive you have to do what’s in The Secret. I promise you it makes you feel like you are reborn again into a new person, the person you are supposed to be! Good luck!”

4. Happiness, Our True Nature.

“My story is simple. I am living my life from a place of happiness. I ask myself “Does this make me happy?” and use that as my guide to lead me to action. I am listening to my inner voice. I am asking for what I want and need, and I am open to trying new things. I trust that the Universe is guiding me. I see each day as a new beginning and I am excited as to what the day will bring. I allow the flow to guide me. My mantra is: “I am open, empty, and allowing.” I am trying new things, for example, a few weeks ago I thought that I’d like to start a YouTube channel and Podcast with my twin sister. A week later we launched our passion project, Twin Chat with S&K. We’re having so much fun and I come from a place of happiness. Not worrying about perfection and what others will think. Those negative thoughts will just attract more negativity. The Secret has been my guide. I believe in myself and I believe that I can create what I want. I also just printed a huge vinyl ‘GRATITUDE’ wall banner that I hung in my office to surround myself with gratitude. Thank you for this space of deep knowing, feeling happy, and feeling grateful that all my dreams are manifesting. It’s amazing!”

5. I Got My Sign I Asked For!!

“I have always been a ‘glass half empty’ type of person. I break mirrors and know I’m going to get 7 years of bad luck! I used to believe that, but deep down I have always hoped that everything happens for a reason.

So I have had a hard couple of years. I always remembered the bad things more than the good things that have happened.

Nine years ago I met my soul mate. We had two beautiful children who we both adore! We have had our hard times, arguing a lot and we lost ourselves. In September we split up and he went off and met someone else. I was absolutely heartbroken. I pretended I didn’t want to be with him when deep down I did. I worried and I was anxious all the time. I didn’t know how I would live without him.”

6. Manifested Good Exam Result.

“I am a dental student in my final year. Due to my negative thoughts, I ruined my own relationship and all the fights with my ex boyfriend lead to frustration. Also, all during my final University exam, I was fighting with my ex boyfriend. That caused me to ruin every single exam that I took. I was not even sure if I was going to get passing marks after my exams. I somehow got to know about The Secret video and then I started to practice the law of attraction.

At first, it was a very crazy experience because I already was having so many negative beliefs, and practicing gratefulness was hard. But I keep doing it. Even though it was very hard to let it go, I decided finally on result day to let it go by saying and really feeling that “Whatever happens, will happen and I will be okay, no matter what!”

Then finally the results came in and I had passed with quite good numbers! I could not believe that it actually happened! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Right now I am practicing for my ex to come back and I hope to come back soon and share that story too. Be positive and let it go, it really works!”

7. Together Forever!

“I live in the US and I cannot wait for my boyfriend to be here with me. He is the most amazing person I have ever been with. We have been in a long-distance relationship for quite a while now and he is making efforts to move to the country I live in. He will be having his visa interview in a few days and I want to thank the Universe and my God for making things happen for me. I never imagined I could be so happy and I would have such good fate to live with such an amazing person who loves me so much and whom I love so much. I know this will happen and the feeling that in a few weeks, he will be here with me is overwhelming.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to God and the Universe for blessing me and him.”

 8. Feeling Abundance And Believing.

“ A coworker was one day telling me how he was the only person who was making income to support seven people in his family, and how he may not have enough money to buy gifts for his children this year. As a Christmas gift I gave him a $25 gift card to use for any necessities he needed to buy. I may not have much, and did not expect to get anything in return. I felt abundant enough that I would be able to help and give others, even just something small.

A few days later, I receive a text from my boss stating that she’s giving me a $250 bonus for Christmas! I was shocked and not expecting anything! I was given 10 times more than what I gifted my coworker! The Universe gives you more if you don’t expect anything in return!

A few days later, I asked the Universe for a sign of a turtle, if I was meant to be with my ex-boyfriend who I recently started to hang out and talk with again. As we were walking back to the car after a morning hike, I saw turtles on a mailbox. Then my ex-boyfriend started talking about turtles because we were near a beach!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you to the Universe for the great abundance and just believing that what we ask for is coming! “

Sunday, 4 April 2021

Top 8 Books to Read to End Knee Pain and Discomfort Using Natural Remedies!

 “It is health that is the real wealth, and not pieces of gold and silver.” – Mahatma Gandhi

True right? We must always put health on our priorities. Imagine all the things you can do when you're strong. With that, here's Top 8 Books to Read to End Knee Pain and Discomfort Using Natural Remedies!


1. Treat Your Own Knees: Simple Exercises to Build Strength, Flexibility, Responsiveness and Endurance

by Jim Johnson 

Jim Johnson is an experienced Physical Therapist with a keen ability for writing. "Treat Your Own Knees" is a small but very effective book with advice for exercises and scheduling of a knee treatment regimen that I have found personally very effective. 

2. Treat Your Own Knee

by Robin McKenzie

Treat Your Own Knee presents a mechanical background of knee pain, together with self-management guidelines and an exercise program for pain sufferers. Featuring the same easy-to-use, understandable format as other McKenzie handbooks, this practical text enables patients to engage in beneficial postures, activities and exercises to improve present symptoms of patellofemoral syndrome and anterior knee pain and limit future problems.

3. Knee Pain: Treating Knee Pain: Preventing Knee Pain: Natural Remedies, Medical Solutions, Along With Exercises And Rehab For Knee Pain Relief (Exercises and Treatments for Rehabbing and Healing).

by Ace McCloud

Discover nutrients that can help you strengthen your bones, ligaments, tendons, and nerves in your knees. Learn how to move in ways that strengthen your knees and improve flexibility. By making selective tweaks to both diet and lifestyle, you can easily keep your knees in good shape for years to come!

4. Heal Your Knees : How to Prevent Knee Surgery and What to Do If You Need It

by Robert L. Klapper 

An esteemed orthopedic surgeon and a water-therapy expert team up to tell you the essentials about your knees, get them back into shape, and prevent future pain and injury. Through careful explanation, they examine each part of the healing process―-from basic function to long-term exercises―-guiding you to a pain-free life.

5. Fixing You: Hip & Knee Pain: Self-treatment for IT band friction, arthritis, groin pain, bursitis, knee pain, PFS, AKPS, and other diagnoses

by Rick Olderman

Hip and knee pain are often a result of poor pelvic muscle performance in combination with poor walking habits. This combination creates tracking problems in the hip socket or excessive rotation at the knee joint. Fixing You: Hip & Knee Pain teaches you what these issues are and how to simply fix them. This easy-to-read book contains ample illustrations and client stories to help you fully understand the problems causing your pain. 


6. Knee Pain: The Self-Help Guide

by John Garrett 

This step-by-step guide offers an invaluable resource for anyone who is trying to cope with painful knees. The authors discuss the most common knee problems and describe a wide range of treatment and prevention options. Throughout, a variety of exercises to relieve pain, strengthen the knee, and prevent injury are clearly illustrated with drawings and photographs.

7. The Knee Pain Bible: A Self-Care Guide to Eliminating Knee Pain and Returning to the Movements You Love!

by Christopher Joseph Kidawski 

Completely rid your knees from the pain of tendinitis, or discomfort without painful injections, drugs, or surgery!

Best selling author, speaker, and world-renowned therapist Christopher J. Kidawski presents case studies of people just like you who are now living with out knee pain after modern medicine had told them their case was hopeless. Chris shows you how he found the problem causing his own knee pain, and how he got rid of it so you can too.

8. Say Goodbye to Knee Pain

By Marian Betancourt and Jo Hannafin

Going beyond quick fixes, and let a leading orthopedic surgeon show you how to stop damaging and start saving your knees, the body's hardest-working and most complex joint. 

If your aim is to lose weight and get fitter, stronger and faster with fun, simple exercises, learn CrossFit today from experienced CrossFit Coaches!

Lose weight effectively and reduce your body fat, achieve sustainable weight loss using the slimming jelly! It’s tasty, fun and convenient. Get your slimming jelly here!