Monday, 28 August 2023

How to Boost Your Morning Metabolism to Achieve Your Health and Weight Loss Goals

 We’re all looking for ways to lose weight and build a little muscle.

It's good for your health and it looks great. However, many of us are not doing the most important things to achieve these goals.

One of the most important things you can do to lose weight and build muscle is to boost your metabolism - especially in the morning.

The Issue

Far too many of us go straight for coffee in the morning, perhaps eat some toast or cereal, and go on with our day.

Read more: Simple Diet Changes You Can Make for Greater Brainpower!

There’s nothing wrong with a routine, but if your routine is limiting your metabolism, then you’re not moving closer towards your goals to get in shape.

The Solution

Boost your metabolism. For some reason, many people view metabolism and weight loss as a challenge, when truthfully, it's quite easy if you do it right.

Get your morning metabolism going with these strategies:

  1. Balance your pH. One of the most overlooked aspects to health and fitness programs is the pH balance.

    You may remember this from chemistry class in high-school. PH is the acid/base balance, and when it comes to your body, high acidity can lead to obesity, fatigue, and other health implications.
    1. Balancing your pH levels in the morning can be a great way to start your day off on the right foot, enabling your metabolism to function as it should.

      The best way to balance your pH in the morning is to eat dark fruit and green, leafy vegetables.
    1. Not only will they help you balance your pH, but they’ll also increase your intake of fiber, which has been shown to decrease appetite and lead to weight loss.
  2. Exercise. Running, walking, biking, lifting weights, crossfit - it doesn't really matter what you do as long as you’re making your muscles, heart, and lungs work.
    1. Although research has shown that you won't be able to train as hard as in the evening, a morning workout is one of the most effective methods to increase metabolism leading to weight loss.
  3. Hydration. Coffee is not hydration. In fact, it has a negative hydration effect due to its diuretic value.

    Although drinking coffee in the morning can make you feel more energized, it doesn’t promote a faster metabolism in the long run. But real hydration will.
    1. Drinking 7 or 8 glasses of water daily is recommended in order to stay as hydrated as possible.
  4. Eat iron-rich food. This is especially important in a world where food is processed, and nutrients are being stripped from their original sources.

    Iron does more than we think, and emerging science is showing that it can have massive benefits to metabolism and overall vitality.
    1. Lack of iron can lead to anemia, fatigue, and overeating.
    1. Iron plays a crucial role in hemoglobin and erythrocyte production, both of which help to transport working nutrients and oxygen to muscle and other internal systems.

      New science is even showing that iron may be an important mechanism to assist in protein digestion.
    1. Eating iron-rich foods can help you to increase your metabolism and live a life with greater vitality and lack of fatigue.

Habits shape who we are. Perhaps you have a habit of having a cup of coffee with a muffin each morning.

Of course, this is not the end of the world, but if your goals are to get stronger, boost metabolism, and lose weight, then it becomes important that you look to other methods.

If you're looking to rev up your morning metabolism, take care to balance your pH, exercise regularly, hydrate, and eat iron rich foods each morning.

Lose weight effectively and reduce your body fat, achieve sustainable weight loss using the slimming jelly! It’s tasty, fun and convenient. Get your slimming jelly here! Click here to read the raving testimonials!

Combat mental stress and physical fatigue with a healthy does of our Health and Vitality Jelly, which boast a dose of 900mg of the 6 year old red ginseng extract per serve! This will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom. Click here to read the reviews and check out the Health and Vitality Jelly on offer today!

Saturday, 26 August 2023

Juice Fasting the Weight Loss Strategy: Its Advantages and How to Get Started?

 Juice fasting is a short-term dietary strategy of consuming nothing but fresh fruit and vegetable juices, typically for a time period of 3-7 days.

The idea is to gain a big nutritional boost from the concentrated fruits and vegetables while cutting the number of calories you usually consume.

The juices are both tasty and filling, making your juice fast a decidedly different experience than most other diets.

While there is some controversy over the benefits, there isn't any physiological harm in trying it out.

Many people claim it has helped them immensely with both their weight loss and their general health.

Read more: Simple Diet Changes You Can Make for Greater Brainpower!

What You Need to Get Started

  1. Equipment.

    The only piece of equipment you need is a juice extractor.

    There are several types of juicers, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Comparison shopping will help you decide which juicer is the best one for you.
  2. Expect to pay anywhere from $30 to $2,500. A decent juicer can be found in the $75-$100 price range.
  3. Fruit and vegetables.

    There are plenty of recipes online to get you started. Essentially, any fruit or vegetable is fair game (except for bananas and avocados, which can’t be juiced), depending on the quality and type of juicer you have.
  • Experiment with different juices and combinations of juices to see which ones you like the best.

    For example, if you wish to include a vegetable you know you’re not fond of, you can mix that with other juices to derive a tasty result.
  • Shopping for fresh, organic fruits and vegetables from your local farmer’s market can help you enjoy the best nutrition along with better prices.

Advantages of Juice Fasting

  1. Weight loss.

    You are bound to lose a fair amount of weight. This is especially true if you rely more on the vegetables and less on the fruit. If you're watering down your juice, the number of calories can be quite low on this type of diet.
  2. 3-4 pounds of fat loss per week is a reasonable expectation. The total weight loss can be much greater, but that would include water and glycogen loss, which is only temporary.
  3. Detoxification.

    Many practitioners believe that a juice fast rids the body of toxins more effectively than a conventional diet.

    Many medical experts dispute these claims, but the medical establishment has been wrong numerous times in the past. Only the future will provide the answer.
  4. Increased energy and clarity. Juice fasters frequently report feelings of increased energy and clarity.

    Many believe this is due to the lower amount of energy that's being spent on digestion.
  5. Lack of hunger. Most juice fasters report not being hungry in spite of a low calorie intake. This fact may be one of the most attractive benefits to you, since many “diets” leave you feeling hungry.

Suggested Schedule

The most common schedule suggested to start with is vegetable juice (1/2 cup) immediately upon awakening and then alternating back and forth between fruit juice (1/2 cup) and vegetable juice (1/2 cup) throughout the day.

The juice can be diluted with as much water as you like and you should get 6 total servings per day (3 each).

Juice fasting is highly regarded by many.

So many people swear by the benefits, it would be a shame not to give yourself the experience; maybe you'll be one of its biggest proponents someday.

Lose weight effectively and reduce your body fat, achieve sustainable weight loss using the slimming jelly! It’s tasty, fun and convenient. Get your slimming jelly here! Click here to read the raving testimonials!

Combat mental stress and physical fatigue with a healthy does of our Health and Vitality Jelly, which boast a dose of 900mg of the 6 year old red ginseng extract per serve! This will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom. Click here to read the reviews and check out the Health and Vitality Jelly on offer today!

Monday, 21 August 2023

Top 5 Ways to Add More Vegetables into Your Family’s Diet!

 Does your family cringe every time they see you pick up broccoli in the grocery store or try to use it during dinner?

Do they avoid vegetables and complain about them during meals?

You can add more vegetables to your family’s diet without hearing complaints!

Read more: Top 3 Easy Weight Loss Strategies to Kick Your Weight Loss Resolutions into High Gear!

Try these proven strategies:

1. Add the one bite rule. The rule can help both adults and children try new vegetables without feeling overwhelmed.

  • The one bite rule is easy to implement during meal times and requires that everyone take at least one bite of the food before rejecting it.

    Family members often reject the vegetables before they try them, so this keeps the balance.
  • Studies reveal that it can take multiple exposures to a new food before a person likes it. The one bite rule is a good way to keep them exposed to new vegetables.

2. Make the vegetables look good. A beautiful arrangement can make a difference.

  • A clump of cooked kale or spinach doesn’t look appetizing or appealing. If you arrange the food in a beautiful manner, it can help convince the family to try it.
  • You can make animals out of vegetables such as carrots, tomatoes, celery, and other foods. You can also make entire scenes with boats, flowers, sunshine, clouds, or other ideas.

3. Make the vegetables taste good. How are you preparing the vegetables? Are you using butter, herbs, and spices?

A few simple ingredients can make vegetables outstanding and delicious. Garlic is an easy way to add flavor to veggies.

  • Herbs and spices like thyme, rosemary, or sage can make the vegetables more interesting and appealing.
  • Cheese is another option for spicing up the vegetables and making them more appealing.

4. Hide the vegetables in other foods. It’s a sneaky method, but many families use it every day to get more vegetables in their diets.

  • If you add vegetables or vegetable purees to other foods while you’re cooking, then the family may not notice the addition. 

    You can make pizza crust with cauliflower, squash, or zucchini.
  • Add vegetables to fruit smoothies, so the blended concoction is healthier.
  • Include vegetables such as zucchini and carrots in muffins as you make them. The final result doesn’t taste bitter.
  • Add zucchini to pancakes, and they won’t believe they’re eating vegetables for breakfast. The addition of other ingredients hides the flavor of the zucchini.
  • Add vegetables to your recipes by using purees, mashing, or grating them.

5. Get the family involved in preparing vegetables. Getting the entire family involved in meal preparation can motivate them to cook and eat their vegetables.

  • Children who help pick out vegetables at the grocery store are more likely to eat them later. Plus, if they’re involved in cooking the foods, then they want to taste the results.
  • However, if you’re hiding vegetables in your food, then you may want to ask them to leave the kitchen during this sneaky process.

Vegetables are a crucial part of the diet, so it’s important to ensure your family is getting enough. 

There are ways to add more vegetables to their diets without hearing more complaints and seeing full plates of untouched broccoli or carrots.

If you like today’s tips, please share it!

Combat mental stress and physical fatigue with a healthy does of our Health and Vitality Jelly, which boast a dose of 900mg of the 6 year old red ginseng extract per serve! This will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom. Click here to read the reviews and check out the Health and Vitality Jelly on offer today!

Our unique Vermilion Digestive Health Jelly will definitely be your desired choice in combating stomach bloating, gastric issues and fight infections with a warm calming touch. Check out the gut health jelly on offer today! Click here to read the raving reviews!

Friday, 18 August 2023

Improve Your Overall Health: 10 Strategies to Heal Your Gut!

 Do you have any idea how important gut health is to your overall health? You can’t be much healthier than your gut is!

You have a lot of cells in your body - roughly 37.2 trillion!

But you actually have far more bacteria: about 10 times as many. You have more bacteria in your body than you do human cells.

These bacteria are predominately in your digestive tract.

The health and composition of these bacteria are pivotal to your overall health.

These bacteria are necessary to digest and absorb nutrients. They also synthesize vitamins and provide some immunity from the flu virus and other unwanted invaders.

What you choose to eat and drink has the greatest impact on the flora, or gut bacteria, in your body.

Read more: Top 3 Easy Weight Loss Strategies to Kick Your Weight Loss Resolutions into High Gear!

These strategies will help you heal your gut and your body:

  1. Consider taking probiotics. 

    Much of your digestive system consists of the flora, or bacteria, that live in your gut.

    There are foods that contain these healthy bacteria, but you can also consume them in pill form.

    Probiotics are a great way to improve your gut health.
  2. Chew your food thoroughly. 

    The more you chew your food, the easier it is to digest. When you chew your food thoroughly, you increase the amount of surface area your digestive juices are able to attack.

    This creates far less stress for your digestive system to deal with.
  3. Eat a healthy diet. 

    Eating unhealthy food is bad for every part of your body, including your gut.

    Maximize your health by eating the healthiest possible diet.
  4. Adjust your fiber intake. 

    While most people need to eat more fiber to have a healthier gut, there are a few people that would do well to eat less.

    The recommendation from the medical community is 25-35 grams per day.
  5. Relax! Stress is hard on every part of your body, and that includes your gut.

    Minimizing the amount of stress in your life can do wonders for your overall health. 

    Either remove the sources of your stress or learn how to relax in spite of the stress in your life.
  6. Sleep. Your overall health, including your gut health, improves when you get enough sleep.

    Most people in our society could stand to get another hour or two of sleep each night.

    If you’re not getting at least seven hours each night, you need more sleep.
  7. Reduce sugar intake. 

    Sugar is considered by many scientists to be a toxin. It can be damaging to all the cells of your body. 

    Artificial sweeteners aren’t a great substitute.

    Certain types of bad bacteria in your gut are able to consume various artificial sweeteners and become too prevalent in your body.
  8. Eat fermented foods. 

    Fermented foods are essentially probiotics in food form.

    Yogurt and sauerkraut are two of the most common examples. Miso, kefir, tempeh, pickles, and kimchi are other options.

    Eat more fermented foods, and your gut will thank you.
  9. Try a plant-based diet. 

    Many people struggle with meat and dairy products.

    You might find that your digestive system feels and behaves better when you focus on plant-based foods.
  10. Consume bone broth. 

    Bone broth is made by boiling bones and connective tissues. You can purchase bone broth in the store, but the best broth is made at home. There are plenty of recipes available online.

    It’s very easy to make, but time consuming. It can be quite tasty if seasoned properly.

If you haven’t been paying attention to your gut health, you’re not as healthy as you could be.

What you eat and drink has the greatest impact on your gut health. 

Not only does the food you eat impact the health of every cell in your body, but it also affects the bacteria in your digestive tract.

When your bacteria are healthy, you’ll be much healthier, too!

Our unique Vermilion Digestive Health Jelly will definitely be your desired choice in combating stomach bloating, gastric issues and fight infections with a warm calming touch. Check out the gut health jelly on offer today! Click here to read the raving reviews!

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Monday, 14 August 2023

How to Keep Your Calves in Tip Top Shape and Burn More Calories!

 Many women have strong calves, but that firmness can also make your muscles short and tight.

Flexibility training will loosen up your lower legs, as well as get rid of aches and spasms that cause discomfort and interfere with daily activities. 

Learn how to keep your calves in tip top shape.

Benefits of Keeping Your Calves Fit

Read more: 8 Amazing Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet!

  1. Strengthen your legs. Your legs make up much of your body. When you have muscular legs, you burn more calories, even when you're sitting down.

    You'll also boost your energy levels and perform better at many sports, such as tennis or volley ball.
  2. Enhance your posture. Tight calves can get in the way of your heels hitting the ground naturally as you walk.

    Staying limber promotes good posture and a healthy gait.
  3. Avoid injuries. If you have fit calves, you can reduce the risk of falling down or getting a leg cramp while swimming.

    You're also less likely to tear tendons and other tissue when your calves are flexible.

Stretches that Target Your Calves

  1. Do calf raises. Traditional calf raises deliver an effective stretch. Rise up on your toes, and then lower your heels to the ground.

    Hold onto a chair if you need support. You can intensify the exercise by doing one leg at a time.
  2. Lean against a wall. Another favorite is the runner's stretch. Stand up and place both of your hands against the wall.

    Keeping your body at arm's distance from the wall, move one foot behind the other. Then, bend your front leg forward and hold the stretch. Switch legs and repeat.
  3. Grab a towel. Lie flat on your back with your legs in the air. Reach your arms up and wrap a towel or strap around one foot. Take turns pointing your toes up and then bending from the ankle. Raise your heel and lower your toes toward your shin. Repeat on both sides.
  4. Practice downward dog. The best known yoga pose, the downward dog, gives your calves a solid workout. If you have trouble doing the full position at first, try lowering one heel to the ground at a time.

Other Activities to Tone and Protect Your Calves

  1. Eat right. All of your muscles require certain nutrients. Plan and eat a diet rich in vitamins, magnesium, potassium, and calcium.
  2. Drink plenty of water. Adequate water is also vital for calves and other muscles. Aim for at least 8 glasses of water per day from liquid and food sources.
  3. Avoid overexertion. Fatigue can be hard on your calves. Schedule time to warm up, and increase the intensity of your workouts gradually.
  4. Play sports. Any game that involves running and jumping will shape up your calves. Try Crossfit. Gentle walks are good, too.
  5. Treat spasms promptly. Home remedies are enough to deal with most charley horses. Discontinue a stretch or any activity you started before the cramp hit. Massage the area with your fingers.
  6. Talk with your doctor. Consult your physician if you experience frequent cramps or soreness. Your health team can rule out more serious causes and help you find relief.
  7. Wear flats. Too much time in high heels can shorten your calves for good. If you wear heels at work, change into flats for your commute and while you're alone at your desk.
  8. Buy new boots. Similarly, some boots put too much pressure on women's calves. Look for stretchy fabrics or wider styles. Consider shoe boots or styles that rise no higher than your ankles.

Calves get a serious workout each day just from carrying your body weight as you walk around.

Keep them flexible, as well as strong. You'll wind up with healthier legs, as well as fewer aches and cramps.

If you enjoy today’s tips, please share with your friends!

Combat mental stress and physical fatigue with a healthy does of our Health and Vitality Jelly, which boast a dose of 900mg of the 6 year old red ginseng extract per serve! This will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom. Click here to read the reviews and check out the Health and Vitality Jelly on offer today!

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Wednesday, 9 August 2023

13 Amazing Benefits of Using Art Therapy to Improve Your Health and Relationship!

 Art therapy is a powerful form of treatment.

Experts often employ this set of tools to help people recover from serious trauma or mental illness.

Many of the techniques are also helpful if you want to use the creative process to improve your health and relationships.

If you're curious about how art therapy can benefit you physically, mentally, or relationally, you're in the right place.

Here are the major benefits of these techniques and some sample exercises you can do individually or with a group.

Read more: 8 Amazing Ways to Enhance Your Motivation in Weight Loss and Shed Those Pounds!

Benefits of Using Art Therapy Techniques

  1. Get to know yourself better. Taking a pause from your daily routine gives you an opportunity to discover new insights about yourself. You get to reflect on how you're feeling and what you value most.
  2. Promote healing. Put those insights to work. Use the images you create to help heal painful memories and remind yourself of all the things that you have to be grateful for. Art therapy focuses on the inner experience to help you find solutions to recurring challenges.
  3. Reduce stress. Relax and enjoy the creative process. Forget about your job and your kid's grades for a while. Get absorbed in letting your imagination run free.
  4. Strengthen your relationships. Art therapy can also have a social dimension. Share your activities with your family and friends. You'll all learn to process emotions better, improve your communication and build trust.

Ideas for Individuals

  1. Picture yourself as an animal. Draw yourself as an animal. This can be one that you think you resemble or that you want to be more like. Your choice may teach you something about yourself.
  2. Paint along with music. Use music to loosen yourself up. Set down the images that come to mind as you listen. Alternatively, just wave your pencil or paintbrush like a conductor's baton and see what takes form.
  3. Assemble a collage. Collages are an easy way to get started if you're stumped about what to draw. Put together a variety of found objects or cut pictures out of magazines. Add captions and quotes.
  4. Invent a coat of arms. Even if wearing a suit of armor may seem a little ridiculous, you can still enjoy sporting a coat of arms. Come up with a sketch and a slogan. If you're feeling bold, put them on a t-shirt.

Ideas for Groups

  1. Paint a mural. A big group needs a big canvas. Get an inexpensive roll of brown shipping paper and spread it out on the floor or tape it to a wall. Plan your design or let it evolve naturally.
  2. Illustrate a story. Ask your partner to tell a story while you make illustrations to go along with it. When you're done, switch roles.
  3. Create a group portrait. Capture the whole group on paper or in a collection of objects that you think speak to your identity.

    You can pair off so that each person draws their partner or take group photographs. Take multiple shots to capture different moods and poses.
  4. Complete each other's drawings. Sit around a table and give everyone a colored pencil. Pass around a piece of paper so each person can add one line until you have a drawing. Your collective work can represent an object or just be an abstract design.
  5. Work on a mandala together. Mandalas are one of the most ancient group projects. Draw a big circle and fill in shapes and figures with colored sand.

    When you're done, discuss what the picture means to you. Then, use forks or your fingers to rake it apart as a reminder that we're all constantly changing.

Have fun using the power of art to learn more about yourself and you'll welcome more happiness into your life. 

As you start to think creatively about art therapy techniques, you'll discover more ways to express yourself and improve your well-being.

If you like today’s tips, please share!

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Combat mental stress and physical fatigue with a healthy does of our Health and Vitality Jelly, which boast a dose of 900mg of the 6 year old red ginseng extract per serve! This will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom. Click here to read the reviews and check out the Health and Vitality Jelly on offer today!

Sunday, 6 August 2023

7 Foods That Hurt Your Digestion and Cause Bloating!

 Digestion issues can appear if you eat foods that irritate your stomach or are hard to digest and absorb.

Did you know beans aren’t the only thing that can hurt your digestion and cause bloating or gas?

There are many foods that can make you feel uncomfortable after a meal.

Read more: Weight Loss Strategies That Will Work with Your Lifestyle - For Convenience Eaters!

Paying attention to these foods may reduce your digestive discomfort:

1. Artificial sugars. Researchers have found that fake sugars such as aspartame or sucralose can affect the gut. They can change the good bacteria in your gut and give you digestive issues.

  • Artificial sugars are common in diet sodas, but they can hide in other things as well. You can see them in juice, gum, candy, and other sweets. They can also appear in baked goods or processed foods that claim to be low calorie or sugar-free.

2. Carrageenan. Have you ever read the label on a yogurt container and wondered what carrageenan is? It’s a common preservative that often appears in dairy products.

  • It’s made from seaweed, but it can affect your digestive system. Some studies claim that it can raise your risk of cancer. Researchers know that it increases inflammation in the gut, so you want to avoid it.
  • It tends to appear in milk, yogurt, ice cream, and other common foods.

3. Coffee. You may depend on it to start your day, but does your stomach hate it? If you notice digestive issues after drinking a cup of coffee, you can blame the caffeine and other additives in it.

  • Coffee can cause stomach irritation and dehydration because it acts like a diuretic.
  • The caffeine in coffee can irritate your digestive track and make you feel uncomfortable after just one cup. It can also cause heartburn and is an acidic beverage.
  • If you’re adding cream, milk, sugar, or syrups to your coffee, then the issue becomes even more complex. Any of these ingredients can cause you stomach pain and bloating. You may want to reduce or eliminate them.

4. Acidic foods. It’s not just acidic beverages that can cause trouble.

  • Acidic foods such as tomatoes and citrus can make your stomach hurt.

    They’re hard on your digestive system and esophagus. You may experience indigestion and heartburn after eating a tomato or orange.

5. Broccoli and cauliflower.

These common vegetables are hard for some people to digest. They’re healthy vegetables, and doctors often recommend them, but they can hurt your stomach.

  • The raffinose sugar naturally found in broccoli and cauliflower is the root of the pain. This sugar isn’t easy for the human body to digest, so it takes time to get rid of it. Meanwhile, it builds up and causes bloating or gas.

6. Ice cream. Even if you’re not lactose intolerant, ice cream can be hard to digest.

Researchers believe the combination of sugar, fat, and dairy makes it harder for some people to digest ice cream. You may feel sick or bloated after eating your favorite rocky road ice cream cone.

7. Fried foods. Fried food such as French fries or nuggets that have been cooked in oil at high temperatures can be an issue.

  • Fried foods have high fat and little fiber. This makes it more difficult for your body to digest them.
  • In addition, the carbohydrate content tends to be high in fried foods, so you can experience gas or bloating.

You can take steps to eliminate these foods and focus on other options that won’t hurt you.

Our unique Vermilion Digestive Health Jelly will definitely be your desired choice in combating stomach bloating, gastric issues and fight infections with a warm calming touch. Check out the gut health jelly on offer today! Click here to read the raving reviews!

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Thursday, 3 August 2023

A Concise Guide to Understanding and Overcoming Frailty Among Elderly and Seniors!

 It’s natural to slow down a little as you age, but frailty syndrome is something more.

It’s also a rising concern as the population grows older.

Symptoms include feeling exhausted, losing weight, and having difficulty completing everyday tasks like dressing and shopping.

You’re also likely to become sick more often and recover more slowly.

On the bright side, many aspects of frailty can be prevented and reversed with simple lifestyle changes. 

See how you can spot the warning signs for frailty and learn to protect yourself.

Read more: 5 Amazing Steps to Transform Your Diet and Totally Overhaul Your Life

Dealing with the Physical Side of Frailty

  1. Exercise regularly. Being active is one of the most effective ways to age gracefully. Develop a variety of workouts that will keep you motivated. Incorporate more movement into your daily routine by climbing stairs and gardening.
  2. Train for strength. Without exercise, the average 30-year old can start losing up to 5% of their muscle mass every 10 years. Slow down the process by building up your biceps. Lift weights or do pushups.
  3. Choose nutritious foods. Avoid dramatic weight loss by figuring out your calorie needs with your doctor or an online tool.

    Focus on vegetables and other whole foods that provide adequate protein and vitamins. Frequent snacks and high-energy drinks may help if you need to eat more.
  4. Enhance your balance. Good balance protects you from falls, and may even sharpen your cognitive skills. Sign up for yoga classes or practice standing on one foot.
  5. Adapt your home. Your environment matters too. Check your banisters and outdoor lighting. Put a mat under slippery area rugs. Install safety bars in your bathroom around the tub and toilet.
  6. Manage chronic conditions. Keep diabetes and high blood pressure under control. Otherwise, chronic conditions can intensify the effects of frailty.
  7. Talk with your doctor. Discuss your individual needs with your health care team. Your physician may be able to recommend lifestyle changes and adjust your medications.

Dealing with the Mental and Social Aspects of Frailty

  1. Continue learning. Your brain needs exercise too. Gaining knowledge and mastering new skills sharpen your thinking.

    Mental stimulation also helps to prevent some forms of dementia. Take astronomy classes or read about world history.
  2. Find a hobby. Turn off the TV and do something more rewarding with your leisure time. Play chess or work in your garden.
  3. Stay in touch. Connect with your loved ones. Schedule a weekly date to gather with friends for coffee or a Pilate’s class. Visit your family in between holidays. Use video conferences to chat with your grandchildren if they live far away.
  4. Make new friends. Many adults find that their social circle starts to shrink in their later years.

    Reverse the trend by finding new companions. Join a walking club and strike up a conversation with a few members who seem interesting.
  5. Eat together. Maybe you skip dinner because you feel lonely at a table for one.

    Contact your local senior center to see if they host a lunch program. Invite your neighbors to a regular Sunday morning potluck brunch.
  6. Think positive. A cheerful attitude reduces the risk of frailty. Optimism and gratitude help you to feel happier and healthier, and make smarter choices.

The golden years can be a happy and fulfilling time for seniors and their families.

Stay active, eat well, and connect with family and friends so you can stay fit mentally, physically, and socially.

If you like today’s tips, please share it!

Combat mental stress and physical fatigue with a healthy does of our Health and Vitality Jelly, which boast a dose of 900mg of the 6 year old red ginseng extract per serve! This will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom. Click here to read the reviews and check out the Health and Vitality Jelly on offer today!

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