In our 20's, we have so much time to use or to lose. It depends on us to where we consume it. Why not try to read these books?
"book that made a difference in your life"
Writing about his survival of concentration camps, Vicktor
Frankl’s powerful book
shows twentysomethings the power of hope and belief to get
us through any situation
2. Let Your Life Speak – Parker Palmer
"insights gained from darkness and depression"
If your grandpa, who just happened to be an incredibly wise,
well-spoken educator
who is 100% authentic and honest, just took a day and talked
you through how to truly
find what you love by looking at your life, this would be
that book.
3. The Boys in the Boat – Daniel James Brown –
I’d eat inspiring, historical books for breakfast if my
budget and body would allow it.
Boys in the Boat is one my newest favorites because it’s
packed with so much life-wisdom,
specifically for emerging adults struggling to find their
4. Into the Wild – Jon Krakauer
Into the Wild is a powerful and provocative warning that we
need to know, and be known.
So much so, that in 101 Secrets For Your Twenties it became
Secret #14 — “Don’t go Into the Wild all
by yourself.”
5. Transitions – William Bridges –
Life after college is one of the most significant
transitions we will ever go through.
William Bridges provides a stellar framework for how to
handle transitions and not freak out! (well at least not too much).
6. Amusing Ourselves to Death – Neil Postman
We are obese on information and entertainment – useless
facts that are high in fat and sugar,
and that require us to do absolutely nothing. This is an
incredibly timely and needed book for plugged-in
twentysomethings. And it was written in the 1980’s.
7. The Alchemist – Paulo Coelho –
“Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people
should lead their lives,
but none about his or her own.” – Paulo Coelho, The
This is one of those classic fables that captures you with
the story and then peppers you
with life wisdom on what it means to pursue a dream and find
where your treasure is.
8. A Million Miles in a Thousand Years – Donald Miller
Encouraging book for twentysomethings looking to take an
active role in their own life story.
9. The World is Flat – Thomas Friedman – Books to Read in
Your 20s
“On such a flat earth, the most important attribute you can
have is creative imagination.” – Thomas Friedman.
10. How to Win Friends and Influence People – Dale Carnegie
It released way back in 1936 and continues to stay a
bestseller. There’s a reason for that.
It’s one of those classics that stays current
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