Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Why is it Essential to Add Probiotic Foods to the Diet? What are the Top Sources of Probiotic Foods?

It is essential to add probiotic foods to your diet because according to research, it can help reduce inflammation and the risk factors that can trigger illness ranging from colds, heart disease, arthritis, cognitive decline, and even cancer.
Essential to Add Probiotic Foods to Your Diet for a Healthy Lifestyle
Furthermore, it says that good bacteria can help burn fat and reduce insulin resistance (a good news for diabetic patients).
Check out the list of top probiotic foods that you can add to your diet to keep your gut healthy!
  1. Miso
A popular Asian fermented ingredient made from soybeans. It is a very good source of probiotics with few calorie contentswhich makes it ideal for those who wants to lose weight. Miso is also a good source of protein, fiber and bone-strengthening vitamin K.
Top probiotic foods 
  1. Kimchi
A popular Korean dish that that is packed with vitamin C and probiotics. Kimchi is made from fermented cabbage or other vegetables. You can buy this great dish at Walmart. Kimchi is best served with rice alongside meat or soup.
  1. Kvass
Another very good source of probiotics that is also low in sugar and contains only 50 calories per bottle. They make Kvass drink by fermenting beet juice or fruit and veggie juices.
  1. Lassi
It contains 15 billion live probiotics per serving. Lassi is an India’s version of smoothie made of milk, yogurt, fruit, honey and cardamom. It comes in flavors of mango and turmeric.
  1. Cultured Soymilk
You can indulge yourself with cultured soymilk to get probiotics, calcium, and vitamin D. This is also a great option for those who are lactose intolerant or vegan since it’s a non-dairy drink.
  1. Tempeh
There’s what you called Tempeh that you can substitute for meat and tofu as a good source of probiotics. You can also get vitamin K from it that is necessary for responding to injuries because it regulates normal blood clotting.
  1. Kefir
A kind of dairy product made from goat’s milk and fermented kefir grains. Kefir has high probiotic content (lactobacilli and bifidus) and also has great amounts of antioxidants.
  1. Natto
A kind of Japanese dish made from fermented soybeans that is rich in probiotics. You can also get vitamin K2 from it, which is also good for your cardiovascular and bone health. They say that Natto is one of the healthiest foods for women because it promotes skin elasticity that can help prevent wrinkles.
  1. Sauerkraut
Similar with Kimchi, this dish is also made from fermented cabbage and sometimes other veggies. Sauerkraut is rich in probiotics and vitamins A, B, C and K. There are claims that it can also reduce allergy symptoms.
  1. Pickles
This is usually made of fermented pickles that offers good bacteria or probiotics. Other veggies can also be fermented or pickled like beets, green beans and carrots.
There are more probiotic foods out there that you can try to help achieved overall health wellness. Those included in this list are proven to be a very good source of probiotics according to health advocates.
very good source of probiotics
Probiotics are micro organisms that confer health benefits on the digestive system. Besides behaving like conventional probiotics, our Digestive Health Jelly are also fortified with lactoferrin, an immune boosting compound that has anti inflammatory properties that help to sooth the stomach and aids relieving constipation.

Buy the Vermilion Jelly probiotics supplement today and do not forget to check out the New Year and Holiday specials! (We ship worldwide!) Do not wait to invest in yours and your family's good health, the time is NOW!


Sunday, 17 December 2017

Common causes of fatigue and stress and what can you do to Control stress and fatigue?

Are you constantly feeling fatigue and stressful with your life and work? 
Learn more about the causes of fatigue and stress and know what you can do about it!
Sedentary Lifestyle
1. Lack of Complete Sleep
It will make you fatigue and worst lead to stress. You will feel dizzy and can’t think straight. Work will be affected because you have weaken your brain function and motor skills.
The remedy: Avoid staying up late. Sleep at least 7 hours a day.
2. Too Much Activity
Don’t abuse yourself by doing too much activities that your body can’t bear. It will make your body fatigue and that can stressed you out.
The remedy: Find time to relax. Eat on time so you can reload your energy. Also try out the Red Ginseng health supplement jelly that can boost your Qiand Stamina! It will also improve mental alertness and helps improve your daily performances at work and at play!
It happens when you have a little or no activity. This is not good because you will weaken your immune system.
causes of fatigue and stress
The remedy: Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Notice that you have increased your energy from doing this often.
This is a very stressful situation that you can be in because the pain is there almost every day and it can get worst.
The remedy: You can enter a pain management program. Ask your doctor about it.
5. Being Overweight
Unlike before when you’re physically fit, you can do many activities. Now that you’re overweight, it’s easy to get tired because you have weaken your stamina.
The remedy: Avoid foods that are rich in fats and carbohydrates. Do some exercise to lose weight.
6. Being Underweight
You’re putting your health at risk because you’re not getting the right amount of nutrition when you are underweight.
The remedy: Consult a dietician to help manage your diet. Take vitamins to get more nutrition.
7. Chemical and Substance Abuse
Dangerous drugs can definitely cause stress because it can make you lose your mental state.
The remedy: Avoid it at all times! It can only harm your life.
8. Having a Heart Condition
Notice the shortness of breath when you have a heart condition and because of this, you’re limited to doing things that can weaken or stress your heart.
The remedy: Follow the advice of your doctor. Avoid doing strenuous activities.
9. Having a Lung Condition
It is natural for you to be fatigue when you have lung condition. As a result, you will have an irregular breathing patterns.
The remedy: Quit smoking and sleep early to help your lungs work properly.
10. Due to Mental Health Issues
You’re not in the right state of mind and that can lead you to experiencing great amount of stress.
The remedy: Seek help from your loved ones. Be open for medical treatments.
11. Experiencing Life Crisis
When you’re facing life crisis like losing a job or carrying a serious illness, you’ll be stressed out. It’s difficult to get a good night sleep, so every day is a tiring day.
What to do if you are experiencing Life Crisis
The remedy: As the saying goes, “Never lose hope.” Get support from your loved ones because they can listen to all of your outburst in life and still understand. Venting out is destressing and you need it to successfully deal with your problems.

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Wednesday, 6 December 2017

What are the top causes of digestive health problems, and what to do about it?

  1. Dietary Factors
A very common cause of digestive problems is your diet. According to studies, overeating, not consuming enough fiber-rich food, eating too much fatty food, eating spicy food, and consuming too much alcohol in your body greatly contribute to different digestive health problems.
Fix Your Digestive Problems and Control Stress
For example, your fondness in eating spicy food can trigger stomach ulcer. You know how difficult stomach ulcer is, and this kind of digestive problem can in danger your life when treated later.
Also, you don’t want this painful episode in your life because it can take over your work and lifestyle.
Patients suffering from ulcer complains of stomach pain at night or whenever they are hungry. A higher degree of pain could occur like a burning, stabbing or aching pain.
What Can You Do About It?
Change your diet lifestyle. I know that “change is never easy” but that’s the only way to fix digestive problems. You can also consult your doctor for a diet program that can best work for your lifestyle. Follow the common health remedies that we generally know about:
  • Drink adequate amount of water, approximately eight to ten glasses of water a day.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables to aide your digestion.
  • Eat little and often to avoid indigestion.
  1. Bacterial Infection
This is another common cause of digestive problems according to studies. You can get bacterial infection from contaminated food and drinks. Bad food preparation can also cause bacterial infection.
What Can You Do About It?
Immediately go to the hospital for treatment. Doctors usually prescribe antibiotics to treat bacterial infection. Be careful of your food preparation to avoid getting your food spoiled. As much as possible, avoid street food because it is vulnerable to bacterial infestation.
  1. Lactase Deficiency
This particular type of food intolerance can cause digestive problems such as bloating, vomiting, pain in lower belly, and loose stools or diarrhea.
When suddenly you get sick from the aforementioned digestive problems after drinking milk, eating ice cream and other dairy products, most likely you’re suffering from lactase deficiency.
What Can You Do About It?
Consult your doctor immediately to determine if you really have lactase deficiency. The doctor will prescribe you medication to control the symptoms and the food intolerance itself.
  1. Gallstones
The formation of gallstones in your gallbladder is a serious cause of digestive problem. You can feel intense abdominal pain and sometimes, it can be accompanied by high fever with chills. The usual cause of gallstones is undissolved cholesterol deposits.
What Can You Do About It?
Maintain a healthy diet lifestyle by reducing your calorie intake. Don’t get used to sedentary lifestyle, instead be physically active – exercise every day. It’s also important eat on time because skipping meals can increase the risk of gallstones.
  1. Stress
Medically speaking, stress can cause your espophagus to go into spasms, which can increase acids in your stomach, causing indigestion. In effect, you’ll feel nauseous, dizzy, and sometimes constipated.

What Can You Do About It?
Moderate exercises can help control stress. When you keep on moving, it can stimulate your brain to produce endorphins which can relieve stress and improve mood. You can also try relaxation therapies such as listening to instrumental music, meditation and yoga.
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Monday, 27 November 2017

4 Ways On How CrossFit Is Improving The Self Image Of Women

"The only way to solve the problem of women's subordination is to change people's mindset and to plant the new idea of gender equality into every mind."-Qingrong Ma
Gender discrimination is a worldwide problem. And the most affected of it is the women. They feel they are less than men are. 
But is it right to think that way? Or maybe it is about time to make a change and make everything as equal as it should be? 
Just like CrossFit. A lot of people are making some conclusions that this exercise is only intended for men and men alone. This is the reason why a lot of women are hesitating in participating in this kind of exercise. 
With that, here are some ways to how CrossFit has improved the self-image of women

CrossFit lift your emotional well-being

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"Gender equality will only be reached if we are able to empower women."
-Michelle Bachelet

A study entitled “Effects of weight training on the emotional well-being and body image of females” looked at the difference in training and how it impacts the confidence of women. It stated that the women who regularly participated in weightlifting had significantly higher General Well-Being scores (a questionnaire that measures self-image) when compared to the other exercise group.
The weightlifting group had greater loss of body fat and increased muscle mass compared to the comparison group. The researchers believe that this was a large contributing factor aside from the mental benefits of weightlifting.
That is why never let anyone hinder you to do CrossFit. This sport or exercise is not only made for men but it is also for women. All you have to do is to not care about the negativity of the people around you. Just do what pleases you. 

Weightlifting can cure your eating disorders

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A woman who thinks she is intelligent demands the same rights as man. An intelligent woman gives up.     
Sidonie Gabrielle Colette
Eating disorders are one of the most dangerous, and most common mental illnesses nowadays. Women are vulnerable to developing an eating disorder due to the intense societal pressure of staying thin along with other genetic and hereditary factors that may play a role.
Weightlifting can provide a positive therapeutic experience while improving their physical condition especially for women who are still in a process of healing. Studies have shown that women who either had an eating disorder generally report a decrease in anxiety and depression when they participated in a weightlifting program.
While the participants gained weight they felt more confident in their bodies. Becoming stronger externally has a very real impact on mental toughness and emotional endurance. When you are strong on the outside, you feel as though you can conquer and accomplish anything you set your mind to.
With this, you should consider CrossFit as your stress reliever or way of healing yourself. And think of it, you are hitting two birds with one stone. How? Well, you are healing your mental illness and you are making your body healthier in your physical aspect.  

CrossFit will make you become more patient

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If women are expected to do the same work as men, we must teach them the same things.  - Plato
It is true to fact that progress takes time. When training CrossFit you will learn that your progress with every exercise also needs to be well nourished by your patience.
But trying things like Double Unders over and over again until you have finally mastered the movement can be one of the most satisfying and life-changing experiences you may have. Everybody, who remembers their very first Muscle-Up or Handstand-Walk knows what great feeling of conquering it is to have finally done “it”.
In the long term, this causes you to become more patient in other parts of life as well. You will realize that constant work pays off and more often than not will finally get you what you want. It will also by then that you will realize that it takes more practice to perfect something. 

CrossFit will make you fight against your fears

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Gender equality must become a lived reality.     
Michelle Bachelet
Almost the majority of us think that we can never conquer our fears. But with CrossFit it makes you think the opposite way. How? Well, looking at that woman hand-standing for a minute or so, you can always say "how can I ever do that?"
It makes you feel weak and low thinking about will you ever do what CrossFit is asking from you. But as time passes by you will then feel you become more adventurous. CrossFit will mold you into someone you never thought you were.
You will not only conquer those hard-looking positions or exercise because you will also come to a realization that you have fought against your fear. And later on in real-life, you will also find some time to fight against the other fear you have inside you.

5 Weight Loss Tips From Real CrossFit Members

“It's the questions we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think. If you give a man an answer, all he gains is a little fact. But give him a question and he'll look for his own answers.”
― Patrick Rothfuss, The Wise Man's Fear
Losing weight is so hard to do. And the worst thing about it is starting the weight loss process. That is why anyone would grab the chance of having many tips as they can.
But one should be careful on choosing to whom to get an advice with. This is because a lot of people might lead you into the wrong way.
With that, here are 5 weight loss tips from real CrossFit Members.

No two boxes are alike

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“Each culture, coach and [workout] space is very different,”
Anna Willard, a CrossFit athlete at CrossFit Merrimack in Lowell, MA,
It is recommended to try out a couple of different boxes before committing yourself to one. You do not necessarily have to go to the place that is the most convenient.
Look for that one gym that will keep you coming back. Take note of each box’s programming (aka the structure of workouts) and study the overall vibe of the community before ponying up for a package.
The thing here is just to remember that you cannot compare yourself to another. Or one gym to the other one. They are different and you too are different from other CrossFitters. So you should consult an expert to determine which program is best for you.
And before considering a gym, look for the programs they offer and reconsider your choice.

Be Wise and Eat Smart Fats

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“Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be recovery.”
― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
A healthy fat intake is essential for body composition. This is because dietary fat is used to make up the lipid layer of cells. It is involved in the production of muscle building hormones such as testosterone.
Diets that contain 30 to 50 percent fat are associated with much higher testosterone levels in men than low-fat diets, which is significant because higher testosterone is associated with a better body composition.
Research shows that in both men and women, eating a diet higher in certain dietary fats is associated with a leaner body composition and less body fat than a diet lower in fat and higher in carbs.
So you better keep in your mind that not all fats are bad. Humans need them in order to maintain the proper balance of our health. But you also need to remember that too much or too less of something is bad.

Avoid artificial sweeteners

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“Dieting is the only game where you win when you lose!”
― Karl Lagerfeld
According to the study published in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, consumption of Splenda (sucralose) resulted in negatively altered gut flora.
Sucralose consumption resulted in significantly reduced amounts of good bacteria in the gastrointestinal system as well as alterations in pH. Sucralose found in sugar alcohols such as mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol, lactitol, and maltitol are known to cause bloating, gas, diarrhea and other forms of gastrointestinal distress.
That is why avoiding artificial sweeteners is a must when you are still trying to lose weight.

 Stay Hydrated and Limit Your Beverages to Water, Tea & Coffee

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Drink adequate water. Limit your beverage choices to water, tea, and coffee. Completely eliminate juice, all soda, alcohol and any “sports” drinks.
For water intake, shoot for 0.6 to 0.7 ounces per pound of body weight, which calculates to 120 to 140 ounces for a 200 lb man, or 72 to 84 ounces for a 120 lb woman.
Naturally, this suggestion may vary based on the amount you sweat, the amount you train, and your personal circumstances. If you are not even close to your water intake goal, start by increasing intake by 4 to 8 ounces a day until you reach your goal.
Green tea and coffee have both been shown to increase insulin sensitivity, and they provide a slight boost to resting metabolic rate. They are rich in antioxidants and green tea supports detoxification. Drink only organic tea and coffee for best results.

 Most importantly, never say never

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Rope climbs, pull-ups, and handstand push-ups all seemed so out of reach for first starting. But after nine months of training, plus a solid dose of grit and determination, you can now do all of those movements with ease.
Lofty goals might be more achievable than you expect — just keep working at it.
Never give up easily.

Saturday, 25 November 2017

4 Training Tips For Brand New Mums

Every Mom should be given an award with a thundering round of applause. Why? Because they survived life after a near-death experience. SuperMom indeed is the best title to be given to every successful mom out there.
This may sound exaggerated but they really did experience a near-death situation. When? It was during birth and the months of sleepless and restless nights. Who would ever survive that kind of situation without having pure love for the baby?
Some are not even aware or did not have any training regarding that kind of situation. That, maybe, is the reason why some went crazy in taking care of their child.
Are you going to be a mom anytime soon? Or maybe you already have survived from those experience? (If you did then maybe you will just laugh this tips out. For sure you can relate yourself to this)
Here are the 4 training tips for brand new mums out there.

Let the Dad Be Involved

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Many first-time dads hesitate to get involved because they are afraid of doing something wrong and incurring the wrath of Mom. But think of it, they commit mistakes because they are still human so try not to make a fight against that mistakes.
Ask them to take some off of their work. Why? Well, they need to babysit too. It is still their duty somehow, right? But please do this with some soft and flowery words. Try not to force them.
And while you want everything to be as perfect as it can be, remember that Dad wants to do some fun stuff, too.  Let them get involved and assign them some tasks every now and then. Maybe you can let them do the grocery and stuff or maybe let them put the baby to sleep.
The main point here is to let them be involved too.

As much as possible Stay Sane

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No matter how excited you are to be a mommy, the constant care an infant demands can drain you. Find ways to take care of yourself by lowering your expectations and stealing short breaks.
You can ignore the unwanted or confusing advice first. Why? Well, they are just too many to follow.
Remember that you are just a human and not a superman or what. But you can be your own version of SuperMom. How? Do the following below:
  • Forget about your daily chores, for now.
    • While you are still adjusting yourself, forget first about the daily chores and focus your attention on your baby.
  • Accept help. (Superman has Justice League and you have your family, relatives, and neighbors.)
    • If your husband is not available then call your family or relatives. You can also ask help from your neighbors.
    • Call your Best Friends! This is the time that you need them the most so never hesitate to call them.
The key point here is just to let yourself breathe and reconnect the inner self you had before you have that bay. Do not forget to take care of yourself. Because if you don't then who will take care of the baby if you got sick?

Take some rest if you can

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If your infant is not eating then he is probably sleeping.
Newborns log as many as 16 hours of sleep a day but only in short bursts. The result: You'll feel on constant alert and more exhausted than you ever thought possible. Even the best of us can come to resent the severe sleep deprivation.
Stop obsessing about being tired. There's only one goal right now: Care for your baby. Accept the reality that it will take few more months for you to have that full night sleep.
And while you are still in the process then consider the following advice below:
  • Take shifts. 
    • One night it is Mom's turn to rock the cranky baby, the next it is Dad's turn.
  • What if your infant has trouble sleeping?
    • Do whatever it takes: Nurse or rock baby to sleep; let your newborn fall asleep on your chest or in the car seat. "Don't worry about bad habits yet. It's about survival -- yours!" says Jean Farnham, a Los Angeles mom.
The best thing you can do is to sleep when your baby sleeps.  "Take naps together and go to bed early," says Sarah Clark, a mom in Washington, D.C.

Beware of the GERMS!

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While some exposure to germs early on can help strengthen your child's immune system, you don't want to risk them falling ill.
Practise smart germ control by insisting that anyone who holds your new baby washes their hands first. Also, keep unwell friends and family at arm's length and disinfect your home on a regular basis.
However, some germs are unavoidable and there's only so much you can do.
As much as possible, stay in a cleaner place.

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Top 5 Reasons to Start Shopping on Black Friday Cyber Monday!

“Everything comes at the right time, but if the right time is too late to be patient, go earlier before it becomes too late.”
― Michael Bassey Johnson
Black Friday and Cyber Monday are fast approaching. No one can stop the clock and wait for you to get ready for these big events.
Remember that it was once said that early birds get the worm. In this case, not just the ordinary worm but the worms that would satisfy your budget well. Who does not want to save some extra money for the coming Christmas Holiday, right?
And while you are still thinking about whether to start shopping or not, here are the top 5 reasons you should consider now.

1. Coupon codes have bigger savings

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"Work hard, stay positive, and get up early. It's the best part of the day."-
George Allen, Sr.
Shopping online makes comparing prices easy. All you have to do is to just browse different retailers online to see how the deals stack up on specific items.
Do you want some bonus? Well, here is the thing before you complete a purchase, you can search the Web for relevant coupon codes. You may be able to add discounts on top of already reduced prices. Sounds a good deal, right? So if I were you start shopping now for that Black Friday and Cyber Monday event.

2. Discounts are everywhere

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"Shopping is a bit of a relaxing hobby for me, which is sometimes troubling for the bank balance."-
Rebecca Hall
Black Friday is about retailers dangling discounts and deals for all shoppers out there. Some are fabricated, as retailers plan doorbusters together with suppliers months in advance.
Featured items are just that, featured for that event. Most allow some room for a profit, for both retailers and manufacturers. Others are what the industry calls "loss leaders," to attract shoppers who will then buy other, more profitable items.

3. Free shipping is so exciting

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“Buy what you don’t have yet, or what you really want, which can be mixed with what you already own. Buy only because something excites you, not just for the simple act of shopping.”
― Karl Lagerfeld
For the past few years, one of the drawbacks of making purchases online has been the shipping fees. It is way too costly and the amount is almost worth 25% of your purchased items. And sometimes it is more than the amount of the price of your purchased items, which would make it sound so ridiculous.
Consumers are in for a treat this year, as many stores are offering free seasonal shipping.
At Best Buy, shoppers can enjoy free standard shipping through Jan. 2 on eligible products with no minimum purchase amount required.
Similarly, Target is also offering a free standard shipping with no minimum purchase amount through Dec. 25.
Does it not sound good? When all you have to do is to buy online and wait for your items to be delivered for FREE!!!

4. Deals will surprise you the most

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“When I shop, the world gets better, and the world is better, but then it's not, and I need to do it again.
(Confessions of a Shopaholic-the movie)”
― Sophie Kinsella
In the world of Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping, deals can change quickly with just a blink of your eyes. Limited-time offers may disappear as quickly as they appear, which in this case you need to look out for.
Regarding the new deals pop up over the course of Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday and the weekend leading into Cyber Monday, shopping online gives you the flexibility to find and act on new sales as they happen.
Keep your computer or phone close by to monitor your email inbox and social media feed for news of late-breaking specials. So you better watch out for those deals before they disappear. You do not want to regret things like that, right?

5. You will still have time to enjoy Thanksgiving

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“Shopping is a woman thing. It's a contact sport like football. Women enjoy the scrimmage, the noisy crowds, the danger of being trampled to death, and the ecstasy of the purchase.”
― Erma Bombeck
Perhaps most importantly, shopping from home means you can still enjoy Thanksgiving.
Though you will spend a lot of time sneaking peek at your laptop or smartphone during dinner, you will still enjoy some time during Thanksgiving without fretting that you have missed out on some delicious deals.
Just make sure you have balanced your time well so nothing will be at risks.