Saturday, 25 November 2017

4 Training Tips For Brand New Mums

Every Mom should be given an award with a thundering round of applause. Why? Because they survived life after a near-death experience. SuperMom indeed is the best title to be given to every successful mom out there.
This may sound exaggerated but they really did experience a near-death situation. When? It was during birth and the months of sleepless and restless nights. Who would ever survive that kind of situation without having pure love for the baby?
Some are not even aware or did not have any training regarding that kind of situation. That, maybe, is the reason why some went crazy in taking care of their child.
Are you going to be a mom anytime soon? Or maybe you already have survived from those experience? (If you did then maybe you will just laugh this tips out. For sure you can relate yourself to this)
Here are the 4 training tips for brand new mums out there.

Let the Dad Be Involved

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Many first-time dads hesitate to get involved because they are afraid of doing something wrong and incurring the wrath of Mom. But think of it, they commit mistakes because they are still human so try not to make a fight against that mistakes.
Ask them to take some off of their work. Why? Well, they need to babysit too. It is still their duty somehow, right? But please do this with some soft and flowery words. Try not to force them.
And while you want everything to be as perfect as it can be, remember that Dad wants to do some fun stuff, too.  Let them get involved and assign them some tasks every now and then. Maybe you can let them do the grocery and stuff or maybe let them put the baby to sleep.
The main point here is to let them be involved too.

As much as possible Stay Sane

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No matter how excited you are to be a mommy, the constant care an infant demands can drain you. Find ways to take care of yourself by lowering your expectations and stealing short breaks.
You can ignore the unwanted or confusing advice first. Why? Well, they are just too many to follow.
Remember that you are just a human and not a superman or what. But you can be your own version of SuperMom. How? Do the following below:
  • Forget about your daily chores, for now.
    • While you are still adjusting yourself, forget first about the daily chores and focus your attention on your baby.
  • Accept help. (Superman has Justice League and you have your family, relatives, and neighbors.)
    • If your husband is not available then call your family or relatives. You can also ask help from your neighbors.
    • Call your Best Friends! This is the time that you need them the most so never hesitate to call them.
The key point here is just to let yourself breathe and reconnect the inner self you had before you have that bay. Do not forget to take care of yourself. Because if you don't then who will take care of the baby if you got sick?

Take some rest if you can

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If your infant is not eating then he is probably sleeping.
Newborns log as many as 16 hours of sleep a day but only in short bursts. The result: You'll feel on constant alert and more exhausted than you ever thought possible. Even the best of us can come to resent the severe sleep deprivation.
Stop obsessing about being tired. There's only one goal right now: Care for your baby. Accept the reality that it will take few more months for you to have that full night sleep.
And while you are still in the process then consider the following advice below:
  • Take shifts. 
    • One night it is Mom's turn to rock the cranky baby, the next it is Dad's turn.
  • What if your infant has trouble sleeping?
    • Do whatever it takes: Nurse or rock baby to sleep; let your newborn fall asleep on your chest or in the car seat. "Don't worry about bad habits yet. It's about survival -- yours!" says Jean Farnham, a Los Angeles mom.
The best thing you can do is to sleep when your baby sleeps.  "Take naps together and go to bed early," says Sarah Clark, a mom in Washington, D.C.

Beware of the GERMS!

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While some exposure to germs early on can help strengthen your child's immune system, you don't want to risk them falling ill.
Practise smart germ control by insisting that anyone who holds your new baby washes their hands first. Also, keep unwell friends and family at arm's length and disinfect your home on a regular basis.
However, some germs are unavoidable and there's only so much you can do.
As much as possible, stay in a cleaner place.

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