Saturday, 27 August 2022

Secrets of Shaping up and Losing Weight in Less Time - Use Kettlebells Training

 Russian bodybuilders used kettlebells centuries ago and they’re making a big comeback now.

People are discovering how effective they are for shaping up and losing weight in less time.

Liven up your workout routine and learn how to use these weights safely.

Fun Facts About Kettlebells

  1. Go back in history. Russian strongmen first started using kettlebells in Russia in the 1700s. You may have seen these objects that look like cannonballs with handles in old bodybuilder pictures or hardcore gyms. Now they’re becoming popular again.
  2. Feel like a celebrity. Some famous movie stars and athletes train with kettlebells. You’ll have something in common with Sylvester Stallone, Jennifer Aniston, Penelope Cruz and many football players.
  3. Burn up more calories. Kettlebell workouts are very intense and target your whole body. Some experts estimate that it’s typical to burn about 20 calories per minute. That’s more than three times the average for a regular aerobics class.

Working Out With Kettlebells

  1. Purchase your equipment. You can buy weights online or in sporting goods stores. The exact prices will depend on the poundage. It may be economical to buy them in sets to keep up with the progress you’ll make.
  2. Enjoy a full body workout. What makes these workouts so special is the way they work everything at once. You get cardiovascular and strength training combined. You even increase the stability of your core muscles as your body works to balance itself.
  3. Learn the whole circuit. The best way to train is to complete a full circuit of different exercises. You’ll learn to swing the weights as well as to pass them from one hand to the other.
  4. Adapt your old dumbbell exercises. Even though you’ll be learning a new approach with different equipment, you can make use of what you already know. Some moves like shoulder presses and flys will be familiar if you ever trained with dumbbells.
  5. Supplement with other activities. Schedule a variety of exercise types to liven up your workouts and maintain interest. Alternate kettlebell days with other activities like hiking or yoga classes.

Additional Tips for Your Best Results

  1. Talk with your doctor. Kettlebell workouts are safe for most people, but you may want to talk with your doctor first. This is especially true if you’ve been sedentary for a prolonged time or you’re over 50.
  2. Seek out qualified instructions. Proper technique is crucial to avoiding injuries and reaching your fitness goals. You can work with an individual trainer or call CrossFit gyms in your community to see if they have group classes.
  3. Use the correct weight. Give your muscles time to build up their capacity. Using lighter weights will let you concentrate on learning the correct form. From there, you can work your way up to the big weights.
  4. Remain mindful. Once you get into the routine of completing your circuit of exercises, it may be tempting to let your thoughts drift, but try to pay attention. In addition to protecting you from accidents, concentrating your mind plays a big role in sculpting your body.
  5. Protect your hands. You’ll love how kettlebells are tough on fat, but you may be concerned about what they can do to your hands. Give them some extra care. Use pumice stones and moisturizing lotion to treat callouses. Treat any cuts with an antibiotic ointment promptly to reduce the risk of infection. You can also wear cotton gloves for a more comfortable grip.

Kettlebells are a fun and effective way to get fit even if your time is limited.

Swing your way to better health and a leaner figure. You’ll be glad you did! If you like our tips for today, please share!

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Thursday, 25 August 2022

Secrets of Losing Weight: 15 Easy Tips to Stick to Your Diet at Work

 Deadline pressures and birthday parties can make it difficult to stick to your diet at work.

These are some changes you can make in the way you eat and other activities that will help you avoid putting on extra pounds from nine to five.

Eating Strategies to Use at Work

  1. Stay full. It’s easier to resist temptation when you’re free from hunger pangs. Start each day with a nutritious breakfast. Make time for lunch and snacks. As a bonus, you’ll also feel more alert and energetic.
  2. Stock up on healthy snacks. If the vending machines are full of candy and crackers, you can provide your own treats. Store yogurt and baby carrots in the office refrigerator or in your own freezable portable lunch pack. Keep a bowl of nuts on your desk.
  3. Drink water. Carry a steel water bottle with you to sip water throughout the day. You’ll feel full while consuming fewer calories.
  4. Eat mindfully. Sitting down to eat helps you become more aware of your food. Chew slowly and pause between bites.
  5. Focus on conversation. Birthday parties and other gatherings are great for getting to know your colleagues better. Switch your attention to socializing so you’ll forget about multiple trips to the buffet table or cake platter.
  6. Bring in healthy potluck dishes and snacks. Sign up to bring in a delicious green salad or three bean chili. It will make a nice break from the usual cheesy casseroles and chips. Bring the delicious and tasty Vermilion jelly to work!
  7. Advocate for healthy fare. If you’re planning the menu for office functions, serve steel-cut oats for breakfast or fish for lunch. Collect take-out menus from local ethnic restaurants for balanced meals that may cost even less than super sized sandwiches.
  8. Suggest happy hour alternatives. You can still get together with your colleagues after work. Organize a softball league or volunteer as a group at a food kitchen if you’re looking for more ideas than drinking beer.
  9. Share the goodies. If vendors send you ten pound boxes of chocolate every December, put them out in the kitchen or lobby immediately. You’ll make friends fast.

Other Strategies for Sticking With Your Diet at Work

  1. Put on a sweater. Evolution has designed our bodies to seek food when we feel chilly. A sweater will help you deal with excessive air conditioning.
  2. Manage stress. Alleviating stress reduces the risk of overeating. Listen to instrumental music or take deep breaths while you work.
  3. Squeeze in some exercise. Burn more calories. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Visit the gym before work or learn crossfit exercises that you can do in an hour!
  4. Get adequate sleep. A well-rested body digests food more efficiently. Individual needs vary. Experiment to find the right amount for you and develop a consistent schedule.
  5. Brush your teeth. Brushing and flossing is one simple way to discourage eating more than you intended. Put together a small dental kit for your desk drawer or handbag. For times when it’s impossible to brush, chewing sugar free gum provides some of the same benefits.
  6. Enlist support. Since so many people struggle with overweight issues, you’re likely to find support among your colleagues. Ask your human resources department about employee wellness programs. Creating a culture of health has been proven to be good for productivity and fosters better health.

What’s good for your career can be good for your waistline too.

Planning ahead makes it easier to eat sensibly during the workday and taking care of your overall health increases your chances of success in every aspect of life.

Let me know what you think of today’s tips! Please share the love and stay fit and healthy!

Lose weight effectively and reduce your body fat, achieve sustainable weight loss using the slimming jelly! It’s tasty, fun and convenient. Get your slimming jelly here! Click here to read the raving testimonials!

Combat mental stress and physical fatigue with a healthy does of our Health and Vitality Jelly, which boast a dose of 900mg of the 6 year old red ginseng extract per serve! This will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom. Click here to read the reviews and check out the Health and Vitality Jelly on offer today!

Monday, 22 August 2022

Daily Positive Affirmations: My Weight Loss Goals Are Attain

 If you have ever tried to lose weight or change your eating habits, you know that it is not just a physical battle, but a mental one as well.

When it comes to weight loss, it can be tough to stay motivated.

You might start strong, but then a week or two goes by and things get overwhelming or frustrating and you find yourself back to your old habits.

My Weight Loss Goals Are Attainable

My accomplishments include great triumphs in school, my career, and family matters.

Weight loss may be a challenge, but I know that my weight loss goal can be achieved just as I tackle other challenges in my life and win!

For a driven person like me, losing weight is more like a game rather than a burden. Each pound I lose is a sign of my strength and determination.

By placing such a positive spin on my efforts to lose weight, I increase both my confidence and my will to succeed.

My weight loss goals are perfectly achievable. I set a reasonable timeline to lose weight and milestones to let me know how far I have come. Each time I reach a milestone, I treat myself to a movie or a gift unrelated to food.

Rewarding my achievements, no matter how small, gives me the motivation to keep on going.

I can have my cake and eat it too. But, I always make sure that it is angel food cake with a natural fruit topping! Choices like this let me enjoy the sweets I crave in healthier, smaller-calorie ways. The more I learn about food, the more pleasing choices I can find.

Like a game, I can find ways to prevent me from sabotaging myself, and win! Just as I can find tasty foods that are healthy, I also find fun ways to exercise.

With my positive mindset, the pounds just seem to be melting off! I am eating healthily, exercising regularly, and controlling my cravings.

Today, I keep my eye on the prize: fitting into my skinny jeans! I am actively working towards regaining the beach body that I once displayed proudly.

Your Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Am I losing weight to please myself or someone else?
  2. Am I truly overweight or am I simply striving for perfection?
  3. How can I curb cravings to stay strong in times of weakness?

Lose weight effectively and reduce your body fat, achieve sustainable weight loss using the slimming jelly! It’s tasty, fun and convenient. Get your slimming jelly here! Click here to read the raving testimonials!

Combat mental stress and physical fatigue with a healthy does of our Health and Vitality Jelly, which boast a dose of 900mg of the 6 year old red ginseng extract per serve! This will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom. Click here to read the reviews and check out the Health and Vitality Jelly on offer today!

Sunday, 21 August 2022

How to Look and Feel Younger!

 Gout has been called the disease of kings because many associate it with overindulging in rich food and drink.

Studies hae shown gout is a form of arthritis that affects more than 2 million Americans. 

Unfortunately, the incidence of this disease is on the rise as the population of many countries grows older and heavier.

While gout is a complicated condition that can strike anyone, there are many effective medications and treatments available today.

Use this quick guide to educate yourself about gout and keep your joints healthy.

Know the Facts About Gout

  1. Learn the definition.
    Gout occurs when too much uric acid builds up in your blood.
    The uric acid hardens into crystals that cause inflammation in your joints.

    The most common causes of gout are being overweight and consuming too much alcohol and animal foods that contain high levels of substances called purines.
  2. Spot the symptoms.
    Gout often appears at night. Your big toe may ache, feel tender, and turn red. Gout can also affect other joints, such as your knees and ankles.
  3. Know your risk factors.
    In addition to lifestyle factors, gout can run in the family or be associated with other illnesses like diabetes and certain cancers.

Preventing and Managing Gout

  1. Ask for a diagnosis.
    Simple tests can measure the amount of uric acid in your blood or fluid around your joints.

    Your doctor will also monitor your symptoms to determine if you require treatment, since many individuals have high levels of uric acid without experiencing any adverse effects.
  2. Treat acute flare-ups. Immediate treatment can stop most gout attacks in less than a day. 
    Treatment may include steroid shots, other medications, and rest for the affected joint.
  3. Receive long term care.
    It’s important to remember that joint deterioration may continue even when you’re free from visible symptoms. Chronic gout can also affect your kidneys. Your doctor may recommend ongoing treatment.
  4. Avoid alcohol.
    Alcohol aggravates gout, especially in the case of beer, which is full of purine chemicals. Liquor is another culprit. There is conflicting evidence about the effects of wine, but recent studies suggest it may also contribute to flare-ups.
  5. Cut back on soda.
    Fructose-sweetened beverages can also trigger the onset of gout. Water is a better choice because it helps your kidneys flush out more uric acid.
  6. Lose weight. Sensible weight loss is essential for dealing with gout. 
    Crash diets that fail to provide enough calories may trigger your body to produce more uric acid. Rely on regular exercise and nutrient dense foods instead.
  7. Change your diet.
    Thanks to modern drugs, most gout patients no longer have to endure severely restricted diets. Still, it’s a good idea to get most of your calories from fruits and vegetables. Eat healthy fats and cut back on the foods highest in purines, such as red meat and seafood.
  8. Take your prescriptions.
    Your doctor may suggest escalating doses of drugs that reduce uric acid levels. You may also want to talk with your doctor about alternatives to medications that can trigger attacks, such as aspirin and diuretics.
  9. Prepare for medical stress.
    The stress associated with medical procedures may also aggravate gout. Let your doctor know about any conditions you have when you’re having surgery or undergoing any major medical procedure.

Experts estimate that 9 out of 10 people can find effective relief from gout through appropriate medication and lifestyle changes. 

Talk with your doctor about your individual concerns.

A healthy diet and proper treatment can protect your joints and keep you free from discomfort.

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Our unique Vermilion Digestive Health Jelly will definitely be your desired choice in combating stomach bloating , gastric issues and fight infections with a warm calming touch. Check out the gut health jelly on offer today! Click here to read the raving testimonials!

Thursday, 18 August 2022

3 Amazing Strategies – How to Eat to Live Longer!

 Changing the way that you eat could add 10 or more years to your lifespan.

A recent study found specific dietary patterns that contribute to longevity, and some of the conclusions may surprise you.

Dr. Valter Longo, professor of gerontology and biological sciences at the University of Southern California, led a team that reviewed hundreds of nutrition studies.

Their top three findings focused on eating more plants, limiting protein, and fasting periodically.

Keep in mind that these recommendations are general guidelines.

Your individual dietary needs may be different, and they may change along with your age, and other factors.

Still, it’s worth talking with your doctor to see if these habits will work for you. Learn more about eating to live longer.

(A) Plant-based Foods

If you’re hesitant about becoming a strict vegetarian or vegan, you still have many ways to add more plant-based foods into your diet.

Try these tips:

  1. Switch to legumes and nuts. 
    One of the most effective steps you can take is eating more legumes, nuts, and seeds. Legumes are edible plants like beans, peas, and lentils. Some of the most nutritious nuts and seeds are almonds, flaxseed, and chia seeds.
  2. Proceed gradually. 
    If you have trouble imagining life without steaks and burgers, take it slowly. Celebrate meatless Mondays and add extra days over time.
  3. Dine in. 
    Preparing your own meals and snacks gives you more control over the ingredients. You can enjoy vegetarian main courses and use olive oil and other healthy plant-based fats.

(B) Periodic Fasting

It can be difficult to fast in the modern world.

Your employer probably doesn't offer leave for low calorie days, but there are practical strategies for keeping up with your busy schedule.

These strategies can help:

  1. Continue sleeping. 
    You’re already fasting for 8 hours if you sleep that much regularly. It’s an effortless way to give your body a chance to burn up some of its fat reserves.
  2. Limit late night snacking. 
    You just need 4 more hours to reach the recommended 12 hours eating, and 12 hours fasting each day. Give up grazing after dinner or stick to light choices like fruit or plain popcorn.
  3. Loosen up. 
    This study also suggests fasting about 3 times a year for 5 days each. However, this can mean cutting your calories in half rather than avoiding food completely.
  4. Know your limits. 
    Keep in mind that there may be reasons why you need to skip fasting. It’s not advisable for children and seniors, pregnant or breastfeeding women, and anyone with certain medical conditions, like diabetes.

(C) Protein Needs

Have you been avoiding carbs and buying protein supplements? This review suggests that low but sufficient protein is a smart choice for most adults.

Keep these ideas in mind:

  1. Avoid red meat. 
    If you want to eat animal products, you can still benefit from minimizing your consumption of beef and processed meats. Eat moderate amounts of white meat instead.
  2. Enjoy fish. 
    You may be happy to know that fish can be part of a healthy diet. Eating one or two servings a week may strengthen your bones and reduce your risk for stroke, depression, and other issues.
  3. Consider your age. 
    If you’re over 65, you may need more protein to prevent becoming frail. Talk with your doctor about this and any questions you have about your individual needs.

A longevity diet may be even more attractive these days.

The pandemic reduced life expectancy by almost two years in 2020, the biggest drop since World War II.

Healthy eating can help lower your risk for chronic conditions and give you back more time to enjoy the things you love.

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Why Is Obtaining a Healthy Body Image Important?

 Do you struggle with your body image?

How you feel about your body affects your confidence, overall self-concept, and personal value.

It sure is difficult to feel okay about what you look like when you're constantly presented images on TV, the internet, and magazines that depict people who are too thin or even digitally enhanced to mask flaws. It's just unrealistic!

You already know that it's important to love yourself for the person that you are.

Everyone is made differently, but beautifully, in their own way. Sure, your beauty may be different than that of a fashion model, but you're still beautiful! Once you accept yourself, you'll be a happier person.

Focus On Yourself First

When you're learning to love who you are inside and out, you first need to start with the inside. This simply means that you need to work on changing the way you think about beauty.

No one's absolutely perfect. There may always be something that you don't particularly like about yourself, but it doesn't negate your beauty, and it's certainly no reason to have an unhappy life over it.

Shift your focus onto the things that you do like about yourself.

Try having a little faith in humanity. If you people watch in a public place, are you constantly pointing out everyone's flaws?

Chances are that you're not. You probably don't judge your friends about their imperfections, so why should you be so hard on yourself?

You're Uniquely You

Once you've worked on your inner feelings, you can then move on to loving yourself on the outside. Unfortunately, in today's society, people feel ashamed of what they look like to the point of having all sorts of procedures and surgeries. Don't be fooled! You don't need this in order to feel good about yourself!

You can attempt to make changes if you have a problem like acne or weight gain, but there are also things that you can't change, like having wide hips or freckles. The best thing you can do is embrace yourself for the unique individual that you are. After all, there's no one else on this planet quite like you.

Making Changes in a Healthy Way

If you wish to make changes in your appearance, you can certainly do so. You just need to be doing it for the right reasons.

You might need to lose weight in order to get back into a healthy weight range. There's nothing wrong with wanting to change your hair color every now and then either. Variety is the spice of life.

But some people are tempted to go too far and do things like losing too much weight. They convince themselves that even a healthy weight is "fat" and they strive to be underweight.

It's important for your health to avoid these types of problems. If you're stuck in a situation like this, you need to explore the reasons why you feel this way. You also might want to discuss your concerns with a professional.

Passing On a Healthy Body Image

One thing you can do for the world is to help pass on a healthy body image to others. The way the media portrays beauty truly is outrageous, and everyone should be doing their part to promote health and beauty in an undistorted form.

If you have children, teach them that they're beautiful just the way they are. Since children learn by example, ensure that you never put yourself down in front of them.

Avoid complaining about your own body because they might overhear and you might inadvertently teach them something you never intended to teach.

A healthy body image is something we can all strive toward.

You'll make yourself and others feel better by complimenting your friends and family.

Remember, everyone likes to get a compliment every now and then. You just might make someone's day!

If you love today’s tips, please share and let me know what you think! :)  

Lose weight effectively and reduce your body fat, achieve sustainable weight loss using the slimming jelly! It’s tasty, fun and convenient. Get your slimming jelly here! Click here to read the raving testimonials!

Combat mental stress and physical fatigue with a healthy does of our Health and Vitality Jelly, which boast a dose of 900mg of the 6 year old red ginseng extract per serve! This will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom. Click here to read the reviews and check out the Health and Vitality Jelly on offer today!

Monday, 15 August 2022

Daily Positive Affirmations: I Feed my Spirit, Focus my Mind, and Train my Body.

 Contrary to popular belief, a self affirmation will work to motivate you, but there’s a catch: it is only effective if you have high self-esteem.

Think of this as a menu of options. Each morning, immediately upon rising, select a few and say them out loud and/or write them down. Doing this will set the tone for your day and get you moving in a positive direction.

Daily Positive Affirmations

Each day, I do what I can to enhance my spirit, mind, and body. When they are healthy and thriving, I am at my best.

I feed my spirit each day. I do this by investigating my interests. I explore new ideas and concepts that interest me. I live a life that allows me to feel free. My spirit grows when I have the freedom to be myself.

I focus my mind on the things that matter. I know what matters in my life, and those are the things that get my attention. I avoid wasting my mental energy on things that are of little consequence or beyond my control.

My ability to focus grows greater each day. I am in control of my thoughts and attention. My mind is focused on my goals. I reject all distractions. I have the focus of a monk.

I train my body. This is the only body I have, so I respect it greatly. I take wonderful care of it. Each day, I am becoming stronger, healthier, and fitter.

My body houses my spirit and my mind, so it is my temple. I take care of my temple and train it consistently. Fitness is important to me.

Today, I am focused in my mind, spirit, and body. Everything else is on hold. I feed my spirit, focus my mind, and train my body. This is my new mantra.

Your Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How can I feed my spirit each day? How will this impact my life?
  2. How well am I able to focus? What am I focusing on each day?
  3. How would I rate my overall health and fitness? What can I do to strengthen my health?

Let me know what you think of today’s affirmation tips! Please share!

Combat mental stress and physical fatigue with a healthy does of our Health and Vitality Jelly, which boast a dose of 900mg of the 6 year old red ginseng extract per serve! This will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom. Click here to read the reviews and check out the Health and Vitality Jelly on offer today!

Our natural Eye Health Jelly contains all the necessary nutrients to help preserve vision acuity. This synergistic effect of vitamins, antioxidants and nutraceuticals supports a healthy retina and aids in slowing down macular degeneration, cataract formation and helps to relief dry and tired eyes. Check out these Eye Health jelly on offer today!

Sunday, 14 August 2022

Rollerblading Fitness Secrets: How to Skate Your Way to Weight Loss and Freedom

 If you loved skating as a kid, turn your old hobby into a fun, new workout. Even if you’re a complete newbie, skating is easy to learn and safe as long as you follow some simple precautions.

Put some wheels or blades under your feet.

Take a look at the advantages of skating and how to make rollerblading or ice skating part of your exercise routine.

Benefits of Rollerblading

  1. Lose weight. Ice skating or rollerblading burns as many calories as running, which is about 400 calories an hour, depending on your weight. 

    As a bonus, skating is also easier on your joints than running.
  2. Tone your lower body. Skating engages your entire lower body, as well as your core.

    With one movement, you target your buttocks, thighs, calves, and abdomen.
  3. Enjoy socializing. Skating is a fun activity to share with family and friends.

    Many rinks offer concerts and concession stands. Sip hot chocolate and listen to jazz after your workout.
  4. Spend time indoors or outdoors. Indoor rinks allow you to stick to your program, even when it’s snowing or raining. 

    On the other hand, skating outdoors can be especially appealing. Connecting with nature helps reduce stress and restore your energy levels.
  5. Feel exhilarated. With rollerblades, also known as inline skates, you’ll be traveling fast from the time you take off.

    On pavement or ice, some skaters may work up to speeds of 25 miles an hour or more. You’ll feel graceful and relaxed as you fly along.

How to Exercise on Skates

  1. Select your footwear. Proper fitting is essential. Your skate size will probably be a bit smaller than your shoe size, especially if you’re a woman. 

    Ensure that your heels fit securely in the back of the boots. You may want to start out with recreational skates and switch to fitness skates as you become more proficient.
  2. Take a class. Working with a qualified instructor could save you from many falls.

    Ask the staff at your local skate shop for recommendations or browse online for classes.
  3. Learn to brake. Stopping safely in various conditions is one of the first skills you’ll want to master. Remember that figure skates brake in the front, while online skates brake in the back.
  4. Train for balance. Additional balance training may also help keep you on your feet. Ask your instructor for exercises you can perform on your skates. Practice standing on one leg with your eyes closed to increase your balance.
  5. Build up your strength. At first, your legs may feel sore as your muscles try to adapt to skating. Performing squats and lunges can help speed up the process.
  6. Plan your route. Quiet parking lots or skating rinks are ideal for your first skating practices. As you become more steady on your feet, you can venture out to skating parks and trails.
  7. Follow the rules of the road. If you’re skating on public roads, obey the same rules as a bicyclist. Wherever you skate, stay to the right. If you want to pass someone, check that you have enough room and let them know that you’re approaching on their left.
  8. Wear safety gear. Helmets are essential when skating. Wrist guards and pads for your elbows and knees will also help protect you from injuries.
  9. Intensify your workouts. There are many ways for skaters to heighten the challenge. Gradually increase your speed and distance. Bend forward at the waist to work your legs harder.

If your treadmill is starting to bore you, maybe it’s time to trade it in for a pair of skates.

They’re not just for kids or Olympic athletes. You can skate your way to greater health and fitness.

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Thursday, 11 August 2022

4 Best Diet Tips to Get in Shape and Tone Your Body in only 6 Weekes!

 While looking fit and trim may be a challenge, it's certainly far from impossible. In fact, with the right adjustments to your diet, you can enjoy a toned body in just six weeks.

Where do you start to get in shape and tone your body?

What kind of changes do you need to make in order to achieve the desired result?

It’s all about the foods you eat.

By sticking to these dietary recommendations, you stand a great chance at hitting your target:

1. Avoid belly bloaters. Perhaps one of the quickest ways to skim some of that belly fat is to avoid belly bloaters.
That's right, within a matter of days, your puffy tummy can start to look like a washboard!

  • Carbonated beverages cause bloating because of the air component. Give them a break while on your body toning mission.
  • Vegetables like broccoli, asparagus and cabbage have excellent nutritional value. But due to a sugar property known as raffinose, they remain undigested until they get to the large intestine. As a result, they also contribute to bloating.
  • Hard candy and chewing gum increase the amount of air you take in. More air usually means bloating, which you don't want. Plus, candy gives you extra unwanted calories anyway!
  • Dairy products can cause terrible bloating, especially if you're allergic to lactose. For the next six weeks, avoid dairy products. You can enjoy many of the same benefits from other foods.

2. Increase fiber intake. Fibrous foods are excellent at helping you to shed an unwanted bulge. Because fiber is lower-calorie, yet dense, you tend to feel fuller longer. 

Additionally, fiber does a good job of expelling toxins from your system. This takes place while indigestible fiber moves through your body.

  • Most vegetables and fruits with skin are good sources of fiber. Try to have between 5 and 6 servings of vegetables and fruits per day.
  • Whole grain products like oatmeal and quinoa are also great sources of fiber.

3. Skip the sugar. Sugar is notorious for causing weight gain due to its ability to rapidly convert to fat when stored.

  • Sugary foods have higher calories. They’re also easier to indulge in because they're so tasty! But consuming excess sugar can result in weight gain of a pound or more each week, while contributing absolutely no nutritional value.

4. Skimp on the salt. Excess sodium is usually linked to health conditions like hypertension. However, salt also plays a part in your weight loss regimen.

  • Consumption of excess salt results in fluid retention. Try not to exceed 2,300 mg of salt per day. It's pretty easy to gauge that. Processed food labels show sodium content, and you can control how much salt you put in your meals.

Slim down the right way by eating healthier foods and eliminating fat producing foods. Once you're able to make these diet changes, you'll be on your way to a toned body.

Of course, a solid workout regimen won't hurt in the process!

Combine your new diet with enough cardio and strength training to achieve maximum results. 

In just 6 weeks, you’ll be happily admiring your new reflection in the mirror!

Let me know what you think of today’s diet strategies shared with you, please do share it!

Lose weight effectively and reduce your body fat, achieve sustainable weight loss using the slimming jelly! It’s tasty, fun and convenient. Get your slimming jelly here! Click here to read the raving reviews

Combat mental stress and physical fatigue with a healthy does of our Health and Vitality Jelly, which boast a dose of 900mg of the 6 year old red ginseng extract per serve! This will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom. Click here to read the reviews and check out the Health and Vitality Jelly on offer today!

Sunday, 7 August 2022

Who Else Wants a Workout That Reverses Aging?

 You probably know that any form of physical activity beats sitting on the couch if you want to  look and feel younger. However, some exercises are more effective than others. Researchers  from the Mayo Clinic figured out how you can design your workouts to reverse the clock as  much as possible in as little time as possible. 

The Mayo team tested 3 different exercise programs on men and women under 30 and over 65.  After 12 weeks, high intensity interval training (HIIT) proved to be the anti-aging winner,  compared to lighter cycling and lifting or strength training alone. 

That’s because HIIT made changes at the cellular level, enhancing mitochondrial function.  Participants over 65 had a 69% increase in their cells’ ability to take in oxygen and produce  energy, while those under 30 had a 49% boost. 

While that might sound a little technical, it means slowing down age-related physical decline,  including osteoporosis, arthritis, hypertension, heart conditions, and digestive issues. 

Learn how to stay young. Follow these guidelines for a workout program that reverses aging.

High Intensity Interval Training to Fight Aging 

1. Understand the concept. High intensity interval training means alternating between  short periods of intense exercise and gentler activities. In the Mayo study, this involved 4 minutes of fast cycling followed by 3 minutes of easy cycling repeated 4 times. 

2. Be consistent. You’ll need to do HIIT regularly to see results. Aim for at least 2 to 3  workouts each week. 

3. Proceed gradually. Avoid injuries by giving your body time to adapt. You might start out  with just a few minutes of HIIT, and work your way up slowly to 15 or 20 minutes.  

4. Rest up. The gentle periods are just as important as the more intense phase. That’s when  your body becomes conditioned to return to your normal heart rate quickly. 

Strength Training to Fight Aging 

1. Build muscle. Strength training may not rival HIIT for cellular changes, but it’s good at  slowing down age-related muscle loss. Otherwise, most adults over 30 lose about 5% each  decade. 

2. Challenge yourself. Heavier weights and lower repetitions will give you faster results. Try picking the biggest dumbbell that you can lift safely 4 to 8 times.

3. Take time off. Work hard at the gym, but rest between sessions so muscles can heal and  grow. Take a day of rest or do other activities like biking or running. 

Other Anti-Aging Training Tips 

1. Steady yourself. Training for balance will protect you from falls and may help prevent  some forms of dementia. Take a yoga class or practice standing on one foot while you brew  coffee. 

2. Stand tall. Good posture helps you to look younger and puts less strain on your spine. It also  enhances bodily functions like respiration, circulation, and digestion. 

3. Target your whole body. Include lots of full body exercises in your workout. You’ll burn  more calories and increase your coordination. Plus, you’ll see more gains in functional  fitness that prepares you to handle real-life tasks like vacuuming and yard work. 

4. Engage your brain. Your mental health matters too. In addition to exercising your brain  with word puzzles, try physical activities that make you think, like waltzing or playing  tennis. 

5. Be social. Connecting with others is like a fountain of youth. Work out with a buddy or go  running with your spouse. 

Any work out can help you manage your weight and reduce inflammation, but HIIT does more  to maintain healthy cell functions as you grow older. Make high intensity interval training part of  your formula for fitness and anti-aging.

Tuesday, 2 August 2022

How to Burn Calories Fast Without Exercises: 15 Weight Loss Tricks That Is Effortless

 When you’re trying to lose weight, the last thing you want to think about are all the delicious foods you’re trying to cut back on.

Give yourself a break with calorie-burning and weight loss tricks that require little thought or effort.

How to Change the Way You Eat and Drink

  1. Spread out your daily protein. Foods high in protein curb your appetite better than fats or carbohydrates. That way you’ll feel satisfied on fewer calories. Eat yogurt at breakfast and fish at lunch rather than saving all your protein for dinner.
  2. Drink more water. Fill up on water so there’s little room left for cheesecake. Have a glass before every meal and snack. Put a pitcher on the table for easy refills.
  3. Eat more fiber. Fiber is good for your heart and waistline. All that chewing makes you feel like you’ve had enough. Good choices include apples, beans, and broccoli.
  4. Start with soup. Serve soup for your first course. It forces you to eat slowly. Choose a clear broth or slim down creamy recipes by substituting low-fat milk for cream.
  5. Use smaller plates. Tiny dishes make the contents look more abundant. Buy a pretty set of dessert plates that will make the most of a skinny slice of pie.
  6. Put your fork down. Set your silverware down between bites. It’s one of the easiest ways to pace yourself and give your brain time to realize that it’s full.
  7. Limit the side dishes. One look at a buffet line proves that variety leads to overeating. Plan your menus around one main course and a salad.
  8. Eat before shopping. It’s easier to bypass the cookies right after you’ve had a bowl of minestrone with some whole wheat bread. Bring home more produce and fish.
  9. Clear out your pantry. What about the junk food that’s already on hand? Drop it off in your office or church kitchen for others to enjoy. If you decide to hold onto your corn chips, store them out of sight so they’re less convenient to get to.
  10. Choose healthier restaurants. Dining out can be challenging. Skip the fast food places and try a new Indian restaurant that serves lots of low calorie vegetable dishes.

Other Lifestyle Changes You Can Implement

  1. Take a walk. Aerobic exercise tends to suppress appetite temporarily. Hit the treadmill or stroll around the neighborhood after dinner instead of taking a second helping of potatoes.
  2. Dine alone. Studies show we eat more when we sit down with others. Instead of your usual Sunday brunch, you may want to eat a healthy breakfast and then go bicycling with friends.
  3. Make new friends. Socializing can also be a positive influence. Keep your old buddies, but reach out to that coworker who loves yoga and green salads. You may pick up her habits if you spend more time together.
  4. Get a good night’s sleep. Lots of people give their bodies more food when better sleep is what they really need. Go to bed an hour earlier on work nights. Keep your bedroom dark and quiet so you’ll sleep more soundly.
  5. Indulge in calorie-free pleasures. Overeating is often closely tied to our emotions. Reward yourself with a new book rather than a candy bar. When you’ve had a rough day at work, walk right past the pizza parlor and call a friend to talk things over.

Making small changes in your diet and lifestyle can add up to big declines in your weight.

Best of all, these tips are so easy to use that you’ll be able to stick to them and keep the extra pounds from ever coming back.

What do you think of today’s tips? Please share it!

Lose weight effectively and reduce your body fat, achieve sustainable weight loss using the slimming jelly! It’s tasty, fun and convenient. Get your slimming jelly here! Read the raving testimonials too.

Combat mental stress and physical fatigue with a healthy does of our Health and Vitality Jelly, which boast a dose of 900mg of the 6 year old red ginseng extract per serve! This will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom. Click here to read the reviews and check out the Health and Vitality Jelly on offer today!