Friday, 29 April 2022

4 Easy Steps for Healthy Weight Loss - Creating a Foolproof Plan

Whether you're at the point where you need to recover from long-term unhealthy eating habits, or you just want to shed a few unwanted pounds, there's always a healthy way to lose weight.

Especially with today's technology, it's very easy to get lost in the sea of information related to "quick weight loss" or "weight loss without the effort" strategies.

However, it's important to distance yourself from the overnight solutions and, instead, focus on achieving your goals using healthy, safe techniques.

Luckily, there's a foolproof plan for achieving healthy weight loss that you can maintain for a long time.

Four Steps to Healthy Weight Loss

Follow these tips to achieve consistent, lasting weight loss in a matter of weeks:

1. Set weekly weight loss goals. You'll likely be tempted to set some pretty aggressive weight loss goals, especially if you're overweight. But remember that fast weight loss doesn't always last.

  • To avoid those short-term results, seek the assistance of a medical professional to determine a reasonable weight loss goal for you.
  • If you're not overweight, you can aim at losing about two pounds per week. This is sustainable weight loss based on a combination of calorie cutting and increased metabolism.
  • If you’re overweight, your weekly weight loss goals could vary. When you’re overweight, you'll most likely burn much more than two pounds per week with just basic changes in diet and exercise.

2. Speak with a nutritionist. Naturally, if you slash your food consumption drastically, you'll automatically lose weight. But that doesn’t mean you'll achieve lasting, healthy weight loss.

It's important to have a discussion with a nutritionist so you know how to design your menu based on your age, weight, and goals.

  • If you're affected by health conditions like hypertension, high cholesterol, or diabetes, your adjusted menu will need the input of a nutritionist or dietician. You certainly don't want to cut consumption of foods that are effectively keeping your condition under control.

  • Your age also requires certain nutritional needs which you may overlook on your own. For instance, a nutritionist will be able to tell you how to continue to get calcium without eating as much high-fat cheese.

3.Do circuit training. Hands down, the best way to achieve weight loss is through circuit training because this involves both strength training and cardiovascular workouts.

Alternating between both types of workouts allows you to build fat-burning muscle and shed fat at the same time.

  • If you're the stay-at-home type, find some circuit training DVDs online and do the workouts at home. You'll likely find circuit training to be challenging, but that's because it's effective.
  • Most gyms have trained staff to help design a circuit training program tailored to your needs. Choose this route if you think you'll have trouble working out at home.

4. Get help from the supporting cast. The supporting cast doesn’t consist of people. Instead, it consists of things which, when coupled with a healthy diet and consistent exercise, allow you to achieve maximum results.

  • Ensure you get at least seven hours uninterrupted rest every night. Lack of sleep seriously hampers any weight loss efforts.
  • Take a multivitamin that has sufficient amounts of the vitamins and minerals you need each day. That way, you'll continue to fuel your body with the things that make you healthy.
  • Have one or two anti-stress activities at your fingertips for whenever you have a rough day at work. It's important not to allow stress to take over, because that's the easiest way to sabotage your weight loss program!

Healthy weight loss means doing the things you know are right for your body.

If you take a moment to listen to your body each day, you'll realize when something you've done or eaten is having negative effects.

Listen to your body, implement this plan, and look forward to healthy weight loss in no time!

Lose weight effectively and reduce your body fat, achieve sustainable weight loss using the slimming jelly! It’s tasty, fun and convenient. Get your slimming jelly here!Combat mental stress and physical fatigue with a healthy does of our Health and Vitality Jelly, which boast a dose of 900mg of the 6 year old red ginseng extract per serve! This will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom. Click here to read the reviews and check out the Health and Vitality Jelly on offer today!

Thursday, 28 April 2022

A Busy Mother’s Guide to a More Mindful and Meaningful Life!

 Motherhood can increase your motivation to live simply, and at the same time make it harder to cut back.

You want to be a good role model, but a growing family tends to accumulate more possessions and commit to more activities.

While minimalism is likely to help you save money, there are other benefits that may be even more important. You’ll have fewer distractions and more time and energy to devote to your family.

A Busy Mother’s Guide to a More Mindful and Meaningful Life!

You can enjoy the advantages of a simpler life whatever your circumstances and philosophy.

Maybe you’re simplifying voluntarily or under pressure from financial setbacks.

Maybe you define minimalism as growing your own food and making your own clothes or just spending less money at restaurants and shopping malls.

As you’re deciding what works for your family, consider these strategies that work for minimalist mothers.

Effective Strategies for Minimalist Mothers:

  1. Slow down. Calm your mind and clarify your thinking by resisting the urge to rush. You’ll feel more creative, and you’ll accomplish more with less effort.
  2. Appreciate boredom. Give your children the opportunity to become bored. Modern life makes it easy to go through the day being passively entertained. When they’re forced to rely on their own resources, your children will discover the power of their imagination and the benefits of unstructured play.
  3. Connect with nature. The beauty and peace of green spaces enhances our mental and physical health. Take your children for a walk through the park. Visit forests and oceans when you vacation.
  4. Avoid comparisons. Watching celebrity couples with full time nannies or reading Super Mom blogs can make anyone doubt their parenting skills. Set your own standards and work at being the best version of you.
  5. Network with other parents. Make friends with other parents in your neighborhood. You can exchange advice as well as outgrown clothing and toys.
  6. Manage stress. Show your children how to set aside time for reflection and relaxation. Try meditating briefly or taking a few deep breaths.

Specific Strategies for Minimalist Mothers:

  1. Eat as a family. Eating as a family leads to closer relationships and better nutrition. Join each other at the dinner table for a homemade meal at least once a week.
  2. Divide up chores. Learning to take responsibility prepares children for adulthood. Assign age-appropriate tasks to each family member instead of trying to do everything yourself.
  3. Run errands together. Use your time more efficiently by bringing your children with you to the grocery store. They can practice reading labels and doing arithmetic.
  4. Limit toys. It’s difficult to keep toys from multiplying, especially around birthdays and holidays. Create a system for keeping the total volume under control. You might want to try rotating toys by giving your child only a few to play with each week. Or, encourage regular toy donations to charities that help kids.
  5. Reduce clutter. Consider what other items you have around the house that you rarely use. You can clean your house faster when you get rid of clutter. Your surroundings will also feel more comfortable and look more attractive.
  6. Monitor technology. The internet can be used wisely for communication and education, but too much screen time can hinder your child’s development. Create house rules like no phones at the dinner table and turning off all devices at least two hours before bedtime.

However far you decide to go with minimizing your consumption, you’ll be teaching your children to value a more mindful and meaningful life. 

Buying and owning less stuff will give you the freedom to enjoy what you already have.

Check out the delicious healthy jellies that will benefit your health and life! You can buy 2 boxes and get 1 free for some of our products on offer during our Mother’s Day Special! Visit for more info.

Wednesday, 27 April 2022

How To Lose Weight Rapidly By Cutting Calories Every Day!

 If your goal is to lose weight rapidly, then it’s crucial to control your calories.

The success of your weight loss journey depends on your ability to cut calories on a daily basis.

Luckily, it’s not difficult to cut calories from your daily meals!

Try these easy strategies to cut calories, one meal at a time:

1. Avoid high-calorie salad dressings and toppings. Salad dressings and extra toppings can add 200 or more calories to your meal!

  • Once you add dressing, croutons, bacon, and other toppings, you sabotage what could be a healthy, low-calorie, side dish or meal.  

2. Watch your coffee additions. Similar to salads, your coffee can have hidden calories in it. Do you add creamer, whipped cream, or other toppings to your coffee?

  • You can reduce hundreds of calories by eliminating sugar and other “extras” in your coffee. You may want to try low-calorie flavorings or stick to simple black coffee with no sugar.

3. Limit cocktails. Alcohol has a high number of calories, and juices or other additives can make it even higher. You don’t want these empty calories if you’re trying to lose weight fast!

4. Consider miniature desserts. It’s hard to avoid craving sweets when you’re on a diet. Luckily, miniature desserts can let you indulge in the sweetness without a high number of calories. Naturally, it’s important to eat them in moderation.  

5. Count your servings before you eat. It’s important to read labels on products and be aware of the serving size.  

  • By counting the number of items in a serving, you can control your calories. This is easier with items such as crackers or other solid foods. For other foods, measure out an approximate serving size as noted on the label.

6. Beware of too much pasta. Pasta can be part of a healthy diet, but if it’s part of every meal, then the calories add up quickly.

  • Did you know the typical serving size of pasta in restaurants has more than 1,000 calories? Your home-cooked version can also be high in calories. If you love pasta and can’t avoid it, then consider limiting the portion sizes.

7. Be careful with healthy snacks. Healthy treats can still be loaded with calories. It’s important to remember that even healthy foods need to be eaten in moderation.

  • If you’re eating processed or packaged foods that claim to be healthy, you may have to deal with a separate issue. These foods may not be as healthy as they claim, and they may have a great deal of calories. 

8. Skip the clean plate club. Your parents may have taught you that it’s healthy to be part of the clean plate club and eat everything in front of you. However, if you’re on a diet, you don’t have to eat your entire plate of food.

  • It’s more important to pay attention to your body and stop eating when you feel full. As an adult, you shouldn’t feel forced to eat everything on a dish.

You can lose weight and have a healthier diet by watching your calories.

Cutting calories doesn’t have to be a difficult or annoying process. Eliminate the highest-calorie culprits and enjoy most items in moderation and you’ll see the pounds start to disappear.

Lose weight effectively and reduce your body fat, achieve sustainable weight loss using the slimming jelly! It’s tasty, fun and convenient. Get your slimming jelly here!

Combat mental stress and physical fatigue with a healthy does of our Health and Vitality Jelly, which boast a dose of 900mg of the 6 year old red ginseng extract per serve! This will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom. Click here to read the reviews and check out the Health and Vitality Jelly on offer today

Tuesday, 26 April 2022

Daily Positive Affirmations: My body and I Take Care of Each Other.

 Affirmations are sentences that you say repeatedly in order to modify your subconscious beliefs. Choose a handful that you like and practice them in front of the mirror many times a day! You might notice some changes in the way you think about yourself and your body if you can identify some of these positive body affirmations that resonate with you and really allow yourself to see, hear, and feel them.

Daily Positive Affirmations: My body and I Take Care of Each Other

I am lucky to be alive. That knowledge propels me forward each day. I want to work hard, play harder, and live life to the fullest. In order to do all of these things, I take good care of my body. After all, my body takes great care of me.

I recognize that the more closely I pay attention to my body, the better my body sees me through challenging times. Considering everything my body does for me, taking special care to exercise regularly, eat right, and get enough sleep seem like a small price to pay.

I am thankful for everything my skin does for me. My skin is tough enough to keep out bacteria and viruses yet soft enough to make my body appear supple, smooth and healthy. My skin is strong but also pretty, and I am grateful for both attributes.

I am also appreciative that I can physically do whatever I choose.

When I drop something on the floor, I can easily bend over to pick it up. Sometimes, I want to perform hard physical labor like washing the car or scrubbing the sidewalks. I can do those things, thanks to the strength and flexibility of my body.

Today, I am grateful for how much my body takes care of me. I plan to continue to provide the very best care and nourishment for my body that I can.

Your Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Do I take care of my body so that it will function well?
  2. If not, what sorts of things prevent me from taking good care of myself?
  3. How can I ensure that I will strive to take better care of my body?

Combat mental stress and physical fatigue with a healthy does of our Health and Vitality Jelly, which boast a dose of 900mg of the 6 year old red ginseng extract per serveThis will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom. Click here to read the reviews and check out the Health and Vitality Jelly on offer today!

Our unique Vermilion Digestive Health Jelly will definitely be your desired choice in combating stomach bloating, gastric issues and fight infections with a warm calming touch. Check out the gut health jelly on offer today!

Monday, 25 April 2022

10 Ways Your Mood and Mindset Affects Your Immune System

 Scientists once believed that the mind and the body were separate, that one didn’t influence the other. Today we know that isn’t the case.

Your stress levels and general mental state can have profound effects on the efficacy of your immune system. Your immune system doesn’t just deal with illnesses like the flu or the common cold.

10 Ways Your Mood and Mindset Affects Your Immune System

Your immune system also deals with cancerous cells on a daily basis.

Many otherwise healthy older people die of pneumonia due to a less effective immune system. Your immune system can affect your longevity.

Enhance your outlook and boost your immune system:

1. Cortisol is an enemy of the immune system. During times of stress, the level of cortisol rises in the body. The body recognizes this increase as an indicator of the fight or flight response and responds by limiting other body functions, including the immune system.

2. Prolonged stress keeps the immune system in a compromised state, which increases the likelihood of getting sick.

3. Positive social interaction has the opposite effect. Enjoying time with others has been shown to lower stress hormones and boost immune activity for several hours afterward. Get out and enjoy time with other people.

4. Listening to relaxing music or getting a massage is also beneficial. Anything that’s relaxing, without being harmful, seems to have a positive impact on immune function.

5. Make a list of the activities that you find relaxing. Try to do a few of the items on your list each day. Ensure that you find a few items you can do in the car and at work.

6. Stress has also been shown to increase the risk of developing immune-based diseases. These include arthritis, psoriasis, eczema, asthma, and lupus. In time, it’s believed that science will show that many other diseases are influenced by stress.

7. Laughter has a powerful impact on immune function. Record the shows that make you laugh and try to watch one each day. Read a few jokes from a book or online during your breaks at work. Spend time with funny people! You’ll get the benefit of positive social interaction and laughter.

8. Practice gratitude. Giving yourself a little reminder of the great things in your life will boost your mood and your ability to fight disease. This is a quick exercise that can turn your mindset around quickly.

9. Use positive affirmations to enhance your mood. Positive thoughts lead to positive feelings. Repeat positive affirmations on a regular basis, especially during periods of stress. Keep your mind occupied with something positive. Make a list of positive affirmations that resonate with you.

10. Be successful. Experience success by setting goals you can reach. Big, audacious goals are great, but be sure to have a few easier goals, too. Be happy with your small successes. Your immune system will reward you, too.

Exercise patience. Impatience creates stress. Relax and make good use of the extra time. The time will pass regardless of how you spend it. Take advantage of it and stay calm.

Be happy! What makes you happy? Figure it out and spend more time doing it. Read, knit, dance, meditate, grill outdoors, go on a picnic. These aren’t frivolous things. They make life enjoyable and keep you healthy.

Avoid underestimating the impact your mood and mindset can have on your immune system. Optimism, happiness, fun, love, and success keep your immune system in good working order. 

Scientists are only beginning to understand the impact of psychology on physiology. Being happy and positive doesn’t just feel good, but it also strengthens your health.

Combat mental stress and physical fatigue with a healthy does of our Health and Vitality Jelly, which boast a dose of 900mg of the 6 year old red ginseng extract per serveThis will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom. Click here to read the reviews and check out the Health and Vitality Jelly on offer today!

Our unique Vermilion Digestive Health Jelly will definitely be your desired choice in combating stomach bloating, gastric issues and fight infections with a warm calming touch. Check out the gut health jelly on offer today!

Saturday, 23 April 2022

Daily Affirmation: I Create my Life with My Thoughts, Words, and Actions.

 Many of us have negative thoughts sometimes frequently. When we think like this, our confidence, mood and outlook can become negative, too.

But, if we deliberately do the opposite and use positive thoughts about ourselves, the effect can be just as powerful but far more helpful.

In this article, we'll explore how you can use affirmations to drive positive change in Life, Thoughts, Words, and Actions.

I Create my Life with My Thoughts, Words, and Actions

I am in control of my life. I have the power to create the life I desire and deserve. I have everything I need inside of me to change my life as I see fit.

I understand that thoughts are powerful because they influence my mindset, words, and actions.

My thoughts are based on my beliefs, but they are also under my direct control. I can choose to think about anything I want. My thoughts are under my power. I choose to think thoughts that move my life in a positive direction. 

The words I choose to speak have a powerful effect. Saying the wrong thing can have negative consequences. I use my words to my advantage. I am creating the life of my dreams by speaking positive words.

My actions have the greatest impact on my life. Each day is an opportunity to choose actions that drive me forward toward my goals.

When I fail to act, I fail to make progress in my life.

Positive, effective actions create the results I desire. I strive to take intelligent action each day.

Today, I am paying special attention to my thoughts, words, and actions. I am putting them to work for me to create the life I desire.

Your Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Do my thoughts each day take me closer or further away from my goals? How can I think more thoughts that support the life I want to live?
  2. Do I think before I speak? When have I gotten myself into trouble by speaking too quickly or inappropriately?
  3. What actions do I consistently take toward achieving my goals?

Combat mental stress and physical fatigue with a healthy does of our Health and Vitality Jelly, which boast a dose of 900mg of the 6 year old red ginseng extract per serveThis will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom. Click here to read the reviews and check out the Health and Vitality Jelly on offer today!

Our unique Vermilion Digestive Health Jelly will definitely be your desired choice in combating stomach bloating, gastric issues and fight infections with a warm calming touch. Check out the gut health jelly on offer today!

Thursday, 21 April 2022

The Surprising Solution to Better Health: The Magic of Gratitude

 Did you know that gratitude can have a tremendous impact on your health?

A recent study, titled “The Role of Gratitude in Spiritual Well-Being in Asymptomatic Heart Failure Patients,” found that it plays an important part in overall wellbeing.

The study found that being thankful helped improve the health of heart disease patients.

This has wider implications, and researchers believe it can help anyone.

So, you don’t have to be a heart disease patient to benefit from showing gratitude to others. Anyone can be thankful and see improvements in their health.

The Surprising Solution to Better Health: The Magic of Gratitude

Try these strategies to use gratitude to benefit your health:

  1. Understanding the heart of gratitude. Being thankful is an important part of staying healthy.
  • Do you show your gratitude when it matters?
  • Do the people in your life feel you appreciate them? Have you told them how much you enjoy the things they do?
  • Being grateful may require a conscious effort. It’s important to start noticing your thought processes and how you react to various situations.

2. How to show gratitude to your loved ones. The people who are closest to you need to know you appreciate them.

  • You can begin to show gratitude by thanking them for a specific action.
  • You can also show your thoughtfulness by doing small things for them and making their lives easier.
  • Sharing your time is important. Offer to do something your loved ones may enjoy. This will show you care and pay attention to their lives. It also shows you want to help.
  • Everyone loves compliments, so give them out frequently with love.

3. How to show gratitude to your coworkers. They spend hours with you and need to know you appreciate them.

  • Send thank you notes to your coworkers to show them you care.
  • Show your gratitude by bringing them lunch or offering to buy it for them.
  • Sometimes just listening to your coworkers can be a good way to show your gratitude.
  • Bring flowers to work to brighten your coworkers’ day.

4. How to show gratitude for yourself. Recognize the great things that are happening in your life and be thankful for them each day.

  • Sometimes making a simple list of all the positive and good things in your life can start you on the path to gratitude.
  • Remember to give yourself compliments, too!
  • Thinking about the positive things you have done for others can help you see how you impact the world.

5. How to show gratitude to strangers. You may not know their name or life story, but the strangers you meet throughout the day can also benefit from gratitude.

  • Does the person who makes your coffee stand next to a tip jar? You can make a generous tip and help brighten their day. You can also point out something they have done well.
  • You don’t have to know your servers’ names to be grateful. You can thank them, compliment them, and share something positive.

Gratitude is an important part of life, and showing it to others can help strengthen your health. 

It’s crucial to note the positive things occurring every day.

There are many ways to be thankful, so you can share the joy with others.

Combat mental stress and physical fatigue with a healthy does of our Health and Vitality Jelly, which boast a dose of 900mg of the 6 year old red ginseng extract per serveThis will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom. Click here to read the reviews and check out the Health and Vitality Jelly on offer today!

Our unique Vermilion Digestive Health Jelly will definitely be your desired choice in combating stomach bloating, gastric issues and fight infections with a warm calming touch. Check out the gut health jelly on offer today!

Tuesday, 19 April 2022

What is True Personal Power and How Does One Gets It?

 Personal power is about your character and accomplishments.

It’s the result of who you are and what you do.

When you learn how to unlock your personal power, you can achieve your goals and lead a more meaningful life. You’ll also find it easier to influence others and take on leadership roles.

In some ways, building up your inner power is like building up your outer body. It takes effort and practice.

What is True Personal Power and How Does One Gets It?

Start with these exercises for cultivating inner strengths and taking positive actions.

How to Cultivate Your Inner Qualities:

  1. Clarify your values. Understand who you are and what’s important to you. Once you figure out your priorities, you can devote your time and resources to the activities that you find most rewarding. You’ll also have solid criteria for making moral decisions.
  2. Think positive. Look on the bright side. Preserve your energy and motivation for taking constructive action instead of becoming drained by daily irritations.
  3. Build your self-esteem. Question your self-limiting beliefs. Have the courage to take worthwhile risks and give yourself credit for trying. Take satisfaction in your past achievements and let them encourage you to take on bigger projects.
  4. Manage your emotions. Recognize your feelings without letting them distract you from making healthy choices. Deal with stress safely by talking sensitive situations over with your friends or taking a long walk.
  5. Let go of baggage. Free yourself from grudges and resentments. Forgive yourself and others for any past disappointments.
  6. Persevere through obstacles. Patiently accept reversals and delays as the price of success. Remember your purpose and renew your commitment when the going gets tough.
  7. Be authentic. Stay true to yourself. Be prepared to align your actions with your values even when it’s uncomfortable. Evaluate your progress according to your own standards instead of comparing yourself to others. Authenticity gives you real strength.

Taking Constructive Action:

  1. Meditate and pray. Faith and mindfulness can make you stronger and more resilient. Set aside time each day to give thanks and connect with your spiritual side. Practice your faith by seizing opportunities to be kind and generous.
  2. Engage in self-care. Your physical condition affects your personal power. Keep your body in peak condition with a balanced diet rich in whole foods like fresh vegetables and fruits. Exercise regularly and stick to a consistent sleep schedule.
  3. Continue learning. Adding to your knowledge and abilities also makes you more powerful. Sign up for educational seminars at work or study a foreign language at your local community college. Take courses online and read classic novels in your free time.
  4. Communicate skillfully. You can make yourself more likeable and influential. Ask friends and colleagues you trust for honest feedback about areas where you need to grow. Brush up on your attentive listening or public speaking skills. Monitor your body language and proofread your emails.
  5. Network vigorously. A robust network gives you more opportunities to leverage your strengths by collaborating with others. Help others by sharing your time, expertise, and other resources. Stay in touch with your old contacts, and attend events where you can widen your circle.
  6. Aim for balance. It’s tempting to limit ourselves to the areas where we feel safe and appreciated. Ensure you’re giving adequate attention to both your professional and family life.
  7. Maximize your productivity.  Time and other resources are limited. Organizing your routines can help you to do more with less.

Mental and spiritual strength allows you to take charge of your life and your future.

Claim your personal power so you can realize your potential and have a positive impact on the world around you.

Combat mental stress and physical fatigue with a healthy does of our Health and Vitality Jelly, which boast a dose of 900mg of the 6 year old red ginseng extract per serveThis will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom. Click here to read the reviews and check out the Health and Vitality Jelly on offer today!

Our unique Vermilion Digestive Health Jelly will definitely be your desired choice in combating stomach bloating, gastric issues and fight infections with a warm calming touch. Check out the gut health jelly on offer today!

Sunday, 17 April 2022

8 Simple Steps To Maximize Your Healing and Boost Your Body’s Ability to Self-Heal!

 Visiting the doctor is always a good idea when you’re sick or injured.

But think about how many injuries, colds, and other ailments you’ve recovered from without intervention throughout your lifetime. The human body has a remarkable ability to heal itself. 

Who can say what limits exist on your body’s capacity to heal itself? 

8 Simple Steps To Maximize Your Healing and Boost Your Body’s Ability to Self-Heal!

Under ideal conditions, many scientists believe that the body would never get sick and could heal from anything if it did.

Avoid selling yourself short. There have been documented cases of people recovering from conditions that were considered terminal.

Be proactive by taking these steps to boost your body’s ability to self-heal:

1. Believe in your body’s ability to heal. Numerous scientific studies have shown the body can heal itself in many circumstances. We’ve all had cuts, bruises, colds, and numerous other ailments that our bodies have managed to heal.

  • There’s evidence that many, more serious conditions can also be at least partially healed by our bodies.

2. Get plenty of rest. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to be in bed 18 hours a day, but always attempt to get enough sleep. It’s recommended that every adult get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep per night. Get even more sleep if you can.

3. Eat nutritiously. Studies have shown that people who enjoy long and healthy lives tend to eat relatively few calories. These people eat nutrition-dense foods.

  • Provide your body with the minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients it needs to function optimally.

4. Drink water. Practically every function your body performs requires water. Be certain you’re hydrating your body. A good rule of thumb is to drink enough water to have a minimum of three clear urinations per day. There is little value in drinking more.

  • Avoid getting carried away with your water intake. However, as a general rule, if you’re thirsty, drink.
  • Keep in mind that drinking too much water can be just as dangerous as not drinking enough.

5. Remove the stress from your life. Studies have shown that stress reduces the body’s self-healing mechanisms. As much as possible, reduce the stress in your life. There may be nothing that has a greater positive impact on your ability to heal than relaxation.

6. Have a mental picture of yourself in perfect health. Your body is already trying to heal itself. Include your mind in the process. The pictures we hold in our minds tend to become reality sooner or later.

  • Have a vision for your future that includes perfect health. Return to that mental picture regularly throughout the day.

7. Spend time with friends and family. People that are alone tend to have poorer health than those that spend time with loved ones on a regular basis. Get together with friends and family. If you’re lacking people in your life, the good news is that the world is practically overrun with them.

  • Get a hobby or join an activity that involves others. If you’re really sick, there’s probably even a support group for folks with your health challenge.

8. Remember to continue seeing your doctor. Giving your body the best chance to heal itself is just one part of the puzzle. Avoid turning your back on modern medicine.

  • Take full advantage of every opportunity to get better.
  • Your physician should be one of the tools you use to heal yourself.

If you’re facing a physical challenge, it’s important to use every tool that’s available to you.

Refrain from ignoring your physician, but also keep in mind your body’s own ability to heal. If you take excellent care of your body and mind, your health is much more likely to serve you well. 

Think about implementing these steps even when you’re feeling great!

Combat mental stress and physical fatigue with a healthy does of our Health and Vitality Jelly, which boast a dose of 900mg of the 6 year old red ginseng extract per serveThis will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom. Click here to read the reviews and check out the Health and Vitality Jelly on offer today!

Our unique Vermilion Digestive Health Jelly will definitely be your desired choice in combating stomach bloating, gastric issues and fight infections with a warm calming touch. Check out the gut health jelly on offer today!