Thursday, 15 July 2021

12 Best Gratitude Affirmations in Your Daily Life

 Gratitude brings joy, satisfaction, and peace into your life. Practicing daily gratitude affirmations is one of the most powerful personal development exercises you can do. When you combine positive affirmations with gratitude, you get dream life manifestation superpowers.

Here's our Gratitude Affirmations That You Should Repeat Every Day

“I Find Something to be Grateful For Every Single Day”

No matter what, there is always something to be grateful for, even though it may seem, on the surface at least, that everything is going wrong.

“I am Open to Receiving Abundance”

By openly declaring to yourself, the universe, or your own chosen higher power, you are inviting good things into your life.

"The Power to Change Things Which No Longer Serve Me Lies With Me”

This affirmation is a powerful one for anyone (most of us) who has aspects of their life that they don’t like, but which they accept as a given. By repeating this mantra you are being mindful of your own situations, and giving yourself permission, encouragement, and strength to make changes for the better.

“I Am Here, Right Now”

Much of our lives are spent on autopilot, but we miss out on so much that way. Saying these words out loud will bring your awareness to the here and now, and allow you to notice the things around you – the blue sky, the rain on your face, the smell of dinner cooking.

“I Am So Grateful to be Here”

Waking up each morning is a blessing, the greatest blessing of all, and is certainly something to be celebrated for so many reasons

“I Am Worthy to Receive”

It doesn’t matter what it is you would like more of in your life; if you don’t believe you are worthy of it, it probably won’t come. Or rather, the opportunity will come along but you will be so convinced that you don’t deserve it that you will let it pass by.

“I Only Attract Positive Energy”

Like attracts like is the cornerstone of the Law of Attraction, and the last thing any of us wants to attract is negativity. By raising your own frequency, or vibe, you will attract the same higher energy in return, making your life exponentially better and more abundant.

“I am Thankful For My Health”

Spend a few moments every day being truly grateful for your health. Okay, we all wake with various aches and pains as we get older, and few of us escape the odd cold or flu, but while these things are annoying, we know they will pass.

“I Live Every Day in Awareness”

Perfect for mindfulness, this mantra will – when repeated often – bring your mind to the present. Living in awareness doesn’t mean being on high alert 24/7 (because that would be exhausting), but rather that you notice the seemingly insignificant things in life that we usually take for granted.

“I Am Blessed With the Body I Have”

Almost everyone has a hang-up about some aspect of their body, but this gratitude affirmation will quickly change negativity into positivity. Every part of your body serves a purpose, so thank it for the job it does and the things it enables you to do.

“I Am Focused on Gratitude and Positivity”

Being focused on positivity and gratitude means that you are less likely to notice negativity in your life. The more you pay attention to the good things, the more the bad will fade into insignificance.

“I Interrupt Anxiety With Gratitude”

This a great mindfulness affirmation for anyone who suffers from anxiety, because it makes you aware of anxious thoughts as they strike. By declaring your intention, you will find that before long, your mind will automatically switch from any anxious thought into a positive one

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