Wednesday, 26 May 2021

15 Easy Ways to Use Your Lunch Hour To Help You Lose Weight

Lunchtime habits can make or break your weight loss plans. Fast food burgers and fries often contain more calories than you need for the entire day, but there are many simple options that will satisfy your hunger without putting on extra pounds. 

Your midday meal can be delicious and nutritious without requiring a lot of money or time. Start with these ideas for using your lunch hour to help you slim down.

Learn and be inspire with this15 Easy Ways to Use Your Lunch Hour To Help You Lose Weight

Bringing Your Lunch:

1. Prepare the night before. If you spend most mornings rushing around to get everyone ready for school and work, give yourself a head start. Look for recipes you can make before you go to bed, like putting your smoothie ingredients in a blender jar in the refrigerator so you can just hit a button in the morning.
2. Start from scratch. Bringing frozen pizza to work is really just about the same as ordering take out. Switch to whole foods and home cooking.
3. Focus on plants. Try to get at least half your calories from vegetables and fruits. Enjoy a variety of salads, sandwiches, soups, and other dishes.
4. Master the microwave. Do you yearn for a hot meal? Pack an insulated lunch bag with thermos containers of chili or lasagna you can quickly heat up at noon.

Going Out for Lunch:

1. Seek support. Studies show that we tend to consume more calories at a restaurant if we’re with companions who indulge too. Invite your coworkers to make a pact to order lighter dishes.
2. Check the menu. What if the choices are limited to cheesesteak and Buffalo wings? Go online before you visit a new restaurant to ensure they serve grilled fish or pasta with vegetables.
3. Eat soup. Whether you prefer minestrone or clam chowder, you’ll find that most lunch spots offer some kind of soup. Soup helps you to slow down so you may feel full while eating less.
4. Inspect your salad. Some salads turn out to be the most fattening item on the menu. Go easy on the bacon, cheese, croutons, and creamy dressings.
5. Ask for substitutions. You might enjoy your favorite lunch dishes just as much with a bit less sugar, fat, and salt. Some restaurants have no substitution policies, but others will be happy to accommodate you.
6. Bring back leftovers. Serving sizes are often massive. Push half your food to the side of the plate so you can take it home for dinner or lunch tomorrow.

Other Ideas:

1. Stay on schedule. Skipping breakfast or lunch to save calories will probably backfire. You usually wind up so hungry that you raid the vending machine or overeat at your next meal.
2. Eat mindfully. Paying attention to your food encourages you to make healthier choices and enjoy your meals more. Leave your desk for lunch. Sit down someplace where you can relax and forget about the office for a while.
3. Walk around. Prolonged sitting contributes to obesity and back pain. Use your lunch hour to stroll around the block or climb the stairs.
4. Visit the gym. Check out the gyms near your office. Your employer might be able to negotiate a group discount if you and your coworkers want to work out during the day when they’re less busy.
5. Take a class. Similarly, many fitness centers offer group classes at lunchtime designed to get employees back to work on time. An hour of cycling followed by a smoothie may give you more energy for the rest of the afternoon.

Enjoy a light and scrumptious midday meal each day of the week. Healthy lunch habits will help you lose weight and shape up.

Saturday, 22 May 2021

11 Quick and Easy Ways to Boost Your Mood for a Joy Filled Life!

 Life is so busy, hectic and filled with challenges. There are also myriad opportunities for personal enrichment, satisfaction, friendship, love, finding purpose and doing good for others. There are effective ways to increase your happiness.

Here's our 11 Quick and Easy Ways to Boost Your Mood for a Joy Filled Life! 

1. Find joy in the little things.

For most people, life consists of an accumulation of small moments. There are, of course, momentous events that occur in a person’s life that can precipitate a dramatic shift, changing direction, embarking on a new path. Still, everyday life goes on, populated with small, seemingly inconsequential moments.

2. Start each day with a smile.

This is more than a simple suggestion. It’s backed by science. When you smile, you not only trigger smile muscles in others, according to research, you also benefit. Smiling activates neural brain circuits associated with well-being and happiness. It also feels good to smile, especially when you do it regularly.

3. Connect with others.

The power of social connection to boost happiness and well-being is another area explored by researchers. The construct of time, for example, motivates people to choose being with family and friends more than working – behaviors associated with greater happiness.

4. Do what you’re most passionate about.

Pursuing your passions is highly conducive to increased happiness and, contrary to a mistaken notion that to do so is selfish, when you do what you’re most passionate about, you’re helping develop your potential, broadening your horizons and contributing to higher self-esteem and overall well-being.

5. Reflect on your blessings and be grateful.

Everyone has something in their life to be grateful for. Most of us have many, many blessings. A simple ritual of daily reflection is enough to center in on them and allows us to take a few moments to express personal gratitude for all that we have been given in life. Good health, loving family, satisfying relationships, an enjoyable career – the list is endless and highly personal.

6. Choose to be positive and see the best in every situation.

A positive attitude is scientifically proven to increase happiness and well-being. How can you develop a positive attitude and learn to see the best in everything? It does take practice and a willingness to confront your fears and reject their power to control you.

7. Take steps to enrich your life.

Seeking knowledge, exploring unknown areas, pushing yourself to go beyond your current skill set or experience, striving to learn something new — these are steps each of us can take to not only enrich our life but also maximize personal joy and happiness.

8. Create goals and plans to achieve what you want most.

If you expect or desire to achieve a certain standard of living, aspire to earn a college degree, receive a promotion, buy a house, marry and have children or any other goal you find meaningful and purposeful, you must identify the goal first and then create action plans to help you achieve what you want.

9. Live in the moment.

Worry about the past or anxiety over the future are both counterproductive and a waste of time. Instead, to add to your happiness quotient, change your mindset so that you live in the present. Another way of saying this is to be present. When you focus on now, this moment, you are more aware of your surroundings, your breath, how you feel, what’s going on with your loved ones, family, friends, co-workers, other drivers and everything in your immediate environment.

10. Be good to yourself.

Overeating, drinking too much, staying up all hours and other bad habits aren’t good for you physically or mentally. Instead, embark on a lifestyle that includes healthy behaviors: eat nutritious foods, cut down or cut out alcoholic intake, get sufficient and restful sleep, hydrate well, exercise regularly and take frequent breaks so that you give yourself breathing time between tasks. You’ll be healthier and happier because of being good to yourself.

12. Practice mindfulness.

There are many forms of mindfulness and meditation, sometimes called mindfulness meditation. Whichever style you prefer, when you find one that fits, make regular use of it. One example is loving kindness meditationTrusted Source — opening hearts to positive emotions. Research shows that it not only increases positive emotions, but also personal resources and well-being.

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

7 Days to a More Fulfilling Life

 Don't let life get in the way of personal and professional happiness and fulfillment. Take charge! Take a few minutes each day to reflect on how to practice these tips and see what happens!

Check this 7 Days to a More Fulfilling Life

Day 1: Create an Inspiring Vision Board

  • List life goals
  • Gather supplies
  • Clip photos and words
  • Make your board

Day 2: Find Meaning in Your Work

  • Discover what you love abount you work
  • Put in the best effort
  • Find a mentor
  • Read your latest performance evaluation
  • Establish your own work goals

Day 3: Focus on Important Relationships

  • Spend quality time with your partner and kids
  • Stay close with your parents and siblings
  • Keep contact with extended family

Day 4: Cultivate an Engaging Social Life

  • Make good friends
  • Hang out with friends at least monthly
  • Take steps to expand your social circle

Day 5: Use Spare Time to Re-Charge

  • Exercise
  • Meditate
  • Re-connect with nature
  • Listen to music
  • Think great thoughts
  • Indulge by watching TV or movies

Day 6: Expand Your Mind

  • Concentrate on learning
  • Join a club
  • Take an online course
  • Read magazine and a variety of book genres

Day 7: Try Something New

  • Dabble in new physical activities
  • Attend stage production
  • Accept invitations refused in the past to stretch yourself intellectually and experientially

Saturday, 15 May 2021

Top 10 Fun Ways to Burn Calories and Shape Up!

Those who think they have no time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness. – --Edward Stanley

Prevent that illness from coming. Do your healthy habit today. If you find it boring though, here's Top 10 Fun Ways to Burn Calories and Shape Up!

1 Bootcamp

Bootcamps are a massive fitness trend, and rightly so, as they not only give you an all over body workout, but often get you quick weight and fat loss results. Combining endurance and strength training and with little time to recover between sets, bootcamps are great to get your body looking fabulous and develop your current fitness.

Calorie burn – approx 480 per hour

2 Pole Dancing

Burn calories, tone muscles and increase your flexibility by learning how to pole dance. These classes are great fun and are perfect if you want to tone your arms, legs and stomach, and what’s more they also help with your posture.

Calorie burn – approx 250-400 calories per session (depending on the complexity of the routines)

3 Running

Get your running shoes on and get outside for a brisk run (and since it’s free, there’s really no excuse). Running regularly will not only improve your cardiovascular fitness, it’ll also help you shed some weight and tone up muscles.

Calorie burn – approx 315 calories per 30 minutes

4 Hot Yoga

With the addition of high temperatures and high humidity, Hot Yoga takes the regular kind to a completely new level. This is an intense workout, but well worth it as it will improve your strength and balance, and get you nice and supple too.  

Calorie burn – approx 450 calories per session

5 Swimming

Swimming is another great sport for strengthening and toning all your major muscles. It’s a particularly great way to really work your upper body (using strokes such as the front crawl and backstroke) to combat those dreaded bingo wings.

Calorie burn – approx 180 calories per 30 minutes

6 Spinning

If you’re looking for a lower body workout – then you are onto a winner with spinning. This high-intensity workout really gets your heart going if you put the effort in – the calories and pounds will literally be dropping off. Plus, you’ll be the proud owner of a better pair of pins too.

Calorie burn – approx 300-445 per hour

7 Zumba

Possibly one of the biggest trends to burst onto the fitness scene, Zumba is a great and fun way to get fit and lose weight whilst dancing. It’s the perfect class to try out with friends and guaranteed to have you feeling great afterwards too.

Calorie burn – approx 400-500 per hour (depending on the exercises included in the routines)

8 Body Pump

Body Pump is a moderate to high intensity resistance activity, that usually lasts an hour and is a great way to include weight training in your workout. With lots of repetitive exercises, you thoroughly work all areas of the body, and really tone up without getting bulky.

Calorie burn – approx 250-600 calories per hour (depending on the exercises included and weights used)

9 Circuit Training

Get ready for classic star jumps, lots of sit-ups and a few cheeky squats (to name but a few). Circuit training is a great all over workout, improves your aerobic fitness and burns fat. This is a great option if you are pressed for time as you can complete an effective workout even if you only have 15 minutes.  

Calorie burn – approx 300-400 per hour (depending on the exercises included in the routines)

10 Boxercise

This a great high-intensity class that’s well worth a go if you want to tone-up key areas such as your arms and stomach and shift a few pounds. This cardio workout is perfect for everyone; it increases your strength and hand-eye coordination, plus it’s the perfect chance to exert any stress whilst burning away those calories.

Calorie burn - 340-420 per 45 minutes

Wednesday, 12 May 2021

An Amazing Checklist to Achieving Your Goals Despite Obstacles!

Setting goals can be an effective way to help yourself grow and develop, both personally and within your career and relationships. When you set goals for yourself, you are ultimately approaching success with an open mind, and making progress toward your goals can allow you to improve your skills and knowledge and even learn new skills. 

Here's An Amazing Checklist to Achieving Your Goals Despite Obstacles!

Improve your growth mindset.

Setting goals and achieving them can require changes in your life that you may have to make. But to believe that change is possible, you must have an open mind and the awareness to accept any mistakes you might make along the way.

Be more proactive.

Once you set a goal for yourself, you can choose to take action each day to further your progress toward achievement. If you choose to remain inactive, there can be a chance that you might not achieve your goals.

Learn to understand yourself.

Learning to understand yourself can allow you to accept your abilities, improve your skills and ultimately play a role in how you pace yourself when working toward your objectives.

Be persistent despite obstacles.

Learning to be patient and keep applying strategies to overcome obstacles may seem daunting when progressing toward your goals. However, remaining consistent in your actions and maintaining your perseverance no matter what kind of difficulties you come across may not only help you achieve your goals, it can help you develop and nurture the growth mindset you might also be trying to develop.

Learn to accept your limits.

Understanding your limits and learning from your mistakes ultimately helps you progress toward your goals. While it may seem as if making mistakes or finding limitations in your personal progress may be negative, in reality, it can actually have a positive influence in teaching you how to handle setbacks and find solutions to problems.

Learn how to make effective decisions.

Big decisions in life—from buying a new car to planning your retirement—can offer growth opportunities. However, it's not always easy to make huge choices like these. When you learn and apply effective decision-making strategies, such as evaluating all your options for a retirement fund, you can better equip yourself to handle the important choices in your life.

Practice gratitude.

You might set this goal as a small daily objective, where you consciously choose to acknowledge your gratitude. This can mean being grateful for finding a dime on the sidewalk, waking up to your family every day or having a career. The success in this small goal is that you can find ways to shift your attitude toward being grateful and generous daily

Stay open-minded to new opportunities.

Maintaining an open mind and accepting opportunities and possibilities as they present themselves can help foster your growth mindset even more, as well as allowing you to accept responsibility and accountability for your actions, success and achievement of your goals.

Avoid negativity in the workplace.

Sometimes gossip, rumors or negative attitudes in the workplace may be difficult to avoid, but when you actively seek out methods to step away from that kind of energy, you can improve your overall morale and motivation at work.

Live according to your values.

Your morals and values can influence how you progress through your career, relationships and life in general. However, if you ignore your values in favor of someone else's, you may never achieve your goals.

Learn healthy ways to cope with stress.

Stress can often play a large part in life. However, making it a point to learn healthy strategies (such as a five-minute yoga stretch) for coping and calming stress can help you focus on what is important when moving toward your goals.

Thursday, 6 May 2021

Top 10 Ways to Coping with Daily Frustrations!

 The feeling of frustration forces some to seek inspiration.- Sara Wellington

We all hate it to be frustrated. We can't do what we want, our day is ruined. Well, we must adhere to this  Top 10 Ways to Coping with Daily Frustrations!


1. Meditate

The first step to dealing with frustration is to notice that you’re feeling. Believe it or not, but it’s not always easy to notice frustration arising. Sometimes, we blow up at loved ones not realizing that we were pent up with frustration. Fortunately, there is a way to get better at noticing frustration: meditation. With meditation, you simply become more attuned to feelings and sensations in your body. That way, when you notice that frustration is coming up for you, you can take action to lower it instead of taking it out on those you care about. One of the benefits of meditation is that it helps you become more self-aware in the present moment. If you find that you regularly have fits of rage or if you’ve gotten in trouble at work over anger issues, you may find that meditation is helpful to prevent the buildup of frustration within you.

2. Get some fresh air

While some parks, stores, and public places may be closed in specific cities around the world, in most countries, no one is stopping you from getting some fresh air. Whether you spend some time in your backyard or on your balcony, getting some of that fresh air can do your body good. If you own a pet, you might enjoy taking some time to walk it a few more times a day than usual to get some of that warm sunshine glowing upon you. While outdoors, be sure to mindfully breathe. Being out in nature is one of the best places you can ever be. While you shouldn’t be hitting up your local beach, going for a casual stroll by the water or in a forest can be a relaxing activity. But remember to practice social distancing at this time. You never know who may be contagious.

3. Exercise

Exercise is one of the healthiest ways to deal with frustration. Instead of carrying all that pent up energy inside of you, you can release it through your physical movements. During your most frustrated moments, go for a run. If you’re feel really angry, you can gently punch the air as you move forward. You’ll notice that it actually feels good. Even those who don’t like running will find relief in a run when it comes to their frustration. You can also do other cardio such as dance if you want to transition from a mood of frustration to one of happiness. And if you’ve really built up a ton of pent up frustration, maybe you’ll find some solace in weight lifting. You can grunt every time you lift your weight up. And in all of these cases, you’re improving your physical health and dealing with frustration in a way that makes you stronger. 

4. Practice nonviolent communication

Raise your hand if you’ve ever said something you shouldn’t have when frustrated. Okay, don’t worry, me too. When we’re frustrated, we sometimes use our words to hurt people we care about to get back at them for causing the frustration. However, verbally attacking someone doesn’t solve the problem, it only magnifies it. There’s an actionable book by Marshall Rosenberg called Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life that breaks down how to communicate your needs to other people. A cause of frustration may stem from not having our needs met. However, if we fail to know how to communicate those needs to others, we end up having to deal with frustration for years. If you can invest some time to reading, this book may help push you in the right direction.

5. Focus on positive visualization

Now we don’t want to be woo-woo about positive visualization. Imagining yourself as a billionaire on a beach with zero cares in the world can be a wild dream but deep down you know it’s not possible. Most billionaires have more stress, not less. Kidding aside, positive visualization can help calm your frustrations. You can use Declutter The Mind’s Visualization for Anxiety meditation on the app to help you visualize a ball of light flowing through you to help you ease the tension in your body. The aim of the visualization is to shift your focus on something else to help you deal with frustration.

6. Change the tone of your thoughts

Positive thinking alone won’t cure your frustration. However, it can help you transition your thought process to a new path. Have you ever found yourself thinking a negative thought and going down a rabbit hole. And somehow this one thought magnifies into something so big you can’t control it? How frustrating! Now you can recite every positive mantra in the world but that’s not going to help you.

When a negative thought enters your mind, think of a piece of evidence that counters it. For example, you might think to yourself, “I forgot to buy eggs at the grocery store, I’m so forgetful.” However, telling yourself that you’re a forgetful person is a permanent way to describe yourself for making a tiny mistake. Instead, think to yourself, “I forgot to buy eggs because I didn’t include it on the grocery list due to being busier than usual today. I can pick some up tomorrow.” That way, you include a reason for not buying eggs and you also include a solution proving that the problem is fixable.

7. Look for solutions, not problems

When we deal with frustration, we often put all of our focus on the problem instead of the solution. When you find that a problem is growing bigger, create a list of all the solutions. That way, you remind yourself that the problem is fixable. Frustration is fixable too.

However, frustration goes away when we block the negativity in our thoughts so that they don’t take something that makes us feel bad and turn it into something that makes us raging mad, upset, or hurt. For instance, say you feel frustrated being stuck at home. Right now, you might not be allowed to leave your house so that won’t work as a solution. However, what can you do to turn your home into a place you want to be? Maybe you can sign-up for an online fitness class to release the tension. Or you can play an online game to help entertain you. Or you can write ‘thinking of you’ cards to friends and family to help make other people happy when they get a surprise in their mailbox.

8. This too shall pass

Experiencing frustration is part of being human. However, here’s some good news for you: frustration passes. When you find that burning ball is in your chest, taking a deep breath, and remembering that this isn’t a permanent state can help you deal with frustration. Obstacles and challenges don’t last forever. They can be a huge pain in the butt as you deal with the problem. However, nothing is permanent. Eventually, as time passes, you’ll notice your frustrations do. Avoid making permanent decisions to solve temporary problems. In this present moment, you’re in full control of how you feel and react to your frustration. Choose your next step wisely.

9. Distract yourself

There are two types of frustrated people in the world: those who ruminate on their thoughts and those who take action. Those who ruminate on their thoughts tend to make a small problem an impossible one. And those who take action usually by distracting themselves eventually move on. If you find that something is frustrating you, it’s important to distract yourself with a different task. Maybe you play anxiety relief games, exercise, or watch a show. Avoid calling a friend to talk about your problem because that may cause the rumination to escalate. You don’t need someone to agree with your frustrations, you need someone who will help you let go of your frustrations. Not every problem deserves a battle. And that doesn’t just include a battle with other people, but also a battle in your mind.

10. Add a journal entry about it

Sometimes when you’re dealing with frustration, you want to get a million things off of your chest. But the problem is, once the words come out, they stay out. It can add tension to relationships and make bad situations worse. Now, you probably don’t want to write your negative thoughts about people or situations on paper. Paper can be found and accidentally read by others. The best strategy is to type it all out and immediately deleting it without sending it. If you think sharing your thoughts needs to be heard to help you come to a solution, give yourself a few hours to cool down. And when you do write something out be sure to include actions that you and others can take to help resolve your frustrations.