Friday, 3 November 2017

5 Post Workout Snacks You Really Should Not Be Having

"The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison." -Ann Wigmore
Food is the fuel that heats up our body for us to become more productive and stronger every day. No food is harmful to any human being as long as it is in the right amount of each food. There are some foods which we, as human, cannot resist but to eat and eat again. Well, we are just simply answering the call of our cravings, right? But up to what certain point are we going to give in to our cravings? That question is just a matter of self-discipline.

Just like when you go to some workouts, you still need to observe proper actions before, during and after those sessions. One should also take note of what he or she will eat before and after workouts. Because, unlike ordinary days, food intake before and after a workout is much different. You cannot sweat all out and eat more than what you lose during your workout sessions. 

So with this, let me guide you to what snacks you should avoid eating right after your workout. Take note THESE ARE THE SNACKS THAT YOU SHOULD AVOID.

1.) Soda

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"Your body needs to hydrate, and soda won’t do that for you,” says Stephanie Mansour, a weight-loss and lifestyle coach for women.
Rehydrating is the most important thing you need to do right after a workout. You lost some water in your body through the sweats that came out of your body. A refreshing drink is what you want. But never consider SODA because if you will then you are not rehydrating at all. And if you do such thing you might ruin the whole purpose of your workout.
Stephanie Mansour also added that “Plus, soda may make you bloated!” Feeling bloated after a few days of vacation or a not following your diet, do you want that? So stay away from SODA.

2.) Fast Foods 

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The gym maybe is surrounded by all kinds of fast food chains but never ever put your feet any nearer to those place. Or maybe those stores ignites your cravings all this time, but still, NO and DO NOT. You are just from a workout which will lead you to your ultimate body goal and with just one order of meal everything will be ruined and damage, do you want that? 

3.) Candy

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“This means you should be avoiding refined sugars found in candy,” -Karena Dawn and Katrina Hodgson of Tone It Up.
Not a single one is allowed so please take your hands off of that candy. This snack is a big NO after working out. The reason is that eating anything like candy will spike your energy and can cause a crash. Instead of having some handful candies with you try having a protein-packed smoothie. This will not only keep you satisfied until your next meal, it will also give you everything you need for your muscles and decrease the recovery time.

 4.) Sweetened or Sugary Drinks

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"It’s slow to digest, and it reduces the fat burning effects of a high intensity or fat-burning workout as it adversely promotes fat storage.” -Natasha Forrest, a personal trainer at Crunch gyms
As you can observe number 1 list here is the soda then on the 3rd is the candy, would you still think what they have that you should not take right after your workout? SUGAR! Yes, it is all because of sugar. It is not that because sugar is bad or what. But right after your workout? NO, it should not be one of your options. So stay away from these products.

Juices—especially fruit punch—should be avoided at all costs because it contains high levels of fructose. You can still have these but not right after your workout. Remember you need to have the right food in order for your hard work in the gym pay off. Rehydrate is the key and sugary products will just cause you more dehydration.

5.) Sports Drink 

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"The high sugar content in sports drinks make them unnecessary post-workout when your body doesn’t need the extra glucose running through your bloodstream,”                ---Annie Lawless.
You might get enticed by the commercial or the advertisements these sports drinks have, but NO it is not proper to take some right after your workout. If you think of those electrolytes will replenish your body and is the perfect drink for you then you are completely wrong. These sports drinks still contain sugar. And, again, too much sugar will not hydrate you but instead, it will just keep you dehydrated. 
“If you feel drained and in need of glucose replacement, reach for coconut water or a healthy smoothie. A syrupy sports drink will just cause your blood sugar to spike violently when you don’t need it.”- says Annie Lawless

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