Wednesday, 27 July 2022

Top 5 Brain Exercise to Improve Your Concentration and Focus

 When you want to strengthen your muscles, you lift weights.

If you want to improve the concentration and focus of your mind, then you need to work out and exercise your brain.

The correct brain exercises will improve the way your brain works and develop better focus and concentration.

As we age, we may lose the ability to concentrate, but brain exercises can improve concentration even in older people.

Brain exercises are excellent tools for people of any age who would like to strengthen their mind!

Here are some great brain exercises that can help you build your brain:

1. Do some crossword puzzles. Not only are crossword puzzles a lot of fun, but they can help improve your concentration. Relying on your long-term memory and trying to solve tough questions help stimulate the brain.

  • Taking only 15 minutes daily to work on crossword puzzles can benefit you.
  • To keep a fresh supply of puzzles handy, you can buy a crossword puzzle book, check your daily newspaper, or look online to find them for free.

2. Changing your daily routine challenges your brain to do something that’s outside your comfort zone. This can strengthen your problem solving abilities.

  • Consider changing things by taking a different route to work one morning and then finding another on your way home.

3. Try Sudoku puzzles. These are number placement puzzles based on logic. You complete a 9x9 grid so that each row and each column only has numbers that range from 1-9. Within the grid, in each 3x3 block, a number can only be used once. Most definitely challenging!

  • These puzzles are often found in daily newspapers, printed books, and online.

4. Eat foods that help your brain. Your brain will stay healthy and function at its best if nourished with nutritious foods.

  • Proteins are great for the brain, and may be found in cheeses, meats, fish, and milk.
  • Complex carbohydrates are important as well, and these carbs come from fruits, vegetables, and grains.
  • The brain needs some fat, so don’t shy away from healthy oils like olive oil or fish oils.
  • Eat foods that include omega-3s, such as trout, salmon, and tuna, which are oily fish. Some nuts contain these fats as well and are healthy food for the brain.

5. Start a new hobby. Trying a new hobby is another way to expand your interests and use your brain to learn something new.
Being busy and learning new things expand the way the brain thinks and gets you out of a rut.

  • Join a local club or take a class at a hobby store or community college.

Challenging yourself and improving brain function is something that any person can do. 

Young and old alike can enjoy and benefit from these great techniques. Get your whole family in on the fun!

Make just one change today to stimulate your brain.

You won’t notice any drastic changes overnight, but with time and practice, eventually you’ll find that you can finish puzzles quicker, solve problems more easily, and enjoy improved concentration and focus.

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Monday, 25 July 2022

20 Amazing Ideas to Lose a Pound Each Week!

 With all the diets floating around that claim to result in losing 20+ pounds in a month, 1 pound per week might not sound worthwhile.

But consider that 1 pound per week is over 50 pounds per year. 

How would you look and feel if you had started a year ago?

Try to perform at least one of these ideas each day:

  1. Skip lunch and go for a walk. There’s a common misconception that eating 5 or more meals per day speeds up your metabolism. A research study has shown that it takes at least 9 meals to have even a small effect on metabolism. Additional studies have shown health benefits from eating one meal per day!
  2. Perform 1 hour of housework. Not only will you lose weight, but the house will be cleaner, too.
  3. Reduce each meal by 25%. If you’re eating out, get a doggie bag. The best exercise for losing weight is pushing yourself away from the table. Avoid being wasteful. Take smaller portions.
  4. Drink regular coffee instead of a latte. If you can’t give up your morning latte, go with skim milk and non-caloric sweetener.
  5. Avoid drinking any calories. It’s much easier to drink calories than it is to eat them.
  6. Replace red meat with fish or chicken. This assumes you’re not adding a high-calorie sauce.
  7. Replace rice and potatoes with vegetables. Rice and potatoes aren’t unhealthy, but most vegetables have a lower caloric density.
  8. Work in the yard for an hour. You’ll have the best looking yard in the neighborhood, and your pants will fit better.
  9. Skip the elevator and use the stairs. If you work on the 47th floor, you might take the stairs to the 5th and ride the elevator the rest of the way.
  10. Drop all processed foods. If you limit yourself to foods that at one time flew, swam, ran, grew in the ground, or on a tree or plant, it’s hard to be overweight. Manmade carbohydrates like bread, pasta, crackers, and candy can really add a lot of calories.
  11. Eat a salad before eating your meal. Eating a large salad with low-calorie dressing can fill you up before you get carried away with the rest of your meal.
  12. Use smaller plates. The average plate in the United States is huge. Studies have shown that people eat less when served food on a smaller plate.
  13. Get up and move around for 5 minutes each hour. Studies have shown that you’ll actually get more work done if you take a short break each hour. Take a short walk or pick up a dumbbell.
  14. Do something else for 15 minutes. When you first get the urge to eat, find something else to do for 15 minutes. You might be surprised how much time goes by before you remember you were hungry.
  15. Take a picture of yourself. For some reason that violates the laws of the universe, we all look better in the mirror than we do in a photograph. Take a full-body picture and take a look.
  16. Stand up. More offices are moving to standing desks. It’s much healthier and burns more calories. You could even try standing at home while watching television.
  17. Replace a bad food with a good food. Once each day, replace one food you’re about to eat with a healthier option.
  18. Avoid eating while watching TV. According to scientists, you’ll eat almost 300 calories more in front of the television than you will at the dinner table!
  19. Sleep for a full 8 hours. Those that sleep less tend to eat more.
  20. Check the serving size. You might be surprised how small a serving is for certain foods. Limit yourself to a single serving.

Losing a pound per week can be easy and painless.

By utilizing just one of these tips each day, you could find yourself 50 pounds lighter by this time next year. 

Lose weight effectively and reduce your body fat, achieve sustainable weight loss using the slimming jelly! It’s tasty, fun and convenient. Get your slimming jelly here!

Combat mental stress and physical fatigue with a healthy does of our Health and Vitality Jelly, which boast a dose of 900mg of the 6 year old red ginseng extract per serve! This will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom. Click here to read the reviews and check out the Health and Vitality Jelly on offer today!

Sunday, 24 July 2022

How to Effectively Lose Weight at Work with These 11 easy, Portable Snacks!

 If you’re on a diet, the office can make staying healthy a challenge.

From birthday cakes to breakfast muffins, you’ll want to avoid the usual food at work and pick healthier options.

You can stay on a weight loss plan while working.

Try these delicious snacks at work: 

1. Almonds. Nuts are a quick snack that can be carried in your bag and eaten at your desk. Almonds are a good choice with fiber, protein, and healthy fats.

  • Almonds can help you feel full, so you’re not tempted to eat half of the birthday cake in the break room. These nuts also have vitamin E, which is an important nutrient.

2. Roasted chickpeas. They’re a quick snack that can keep you full for a long time.

  • Chickpeas have fiber and protein, so you’ll be able to avoid junk food and burn calories at the same time.

3. Popcorn. Popcorn is a high-fiber choice that often surprises people.

  • Popcorn may look like a lightweight snacking option, but it has fiber and protein. It’s a low-fat option that doesn’t have many calories.

4. Pears. Instead of a boring apple, try bringing pears as a snack to work.

  • Pears have fiber, which is important for weight loss goals, and they have vitamins. If it’s hard for you to chew on an entire pear at work, then consider cutting it up into small pieces.

5. Yogurt. If you avoid the sugary versions, then yogurt can help you lose weight.

  • Yogurt has the protein you need to keep going during a long day at the office. It also has calcium and fiber.

6. Hardboiled eggs. You can chop them at home and bring easy to grab slices for your snacks.

  • They may be a popular breakfast food, but eggs can also be a good snacking option if you’re trying to lose weight. They have the protein you need to stay energized. Studies also show that eggs can help stabilize blood sugar, so you’re less likely to suffer from sugar spikes during the day. 

7. Whole grain crackers. You’ll probably crave carbohydrates during your day.

  • It’s hard to focus at work while you’re fighting a carbohydrate craving. Instead of ignoring it, you can satisfy it with whole grain crackers. Select varieties that have lower calories and more fiber.  

8. Edamame. This popular health food can be a fun and quick snack at work.

  • Edamame, or young soybeans, are easy to eat while you’re working. They provide protein and fiber to help you lose weight. These low-calorie snacks taste great with some seasoning, so you may want to sprinkle some herbs, salt, or pepper on top.

9. Cauliflower. This vegetable has fiber and protein, but it doesn’t have many calories.

  • One way to enjoy cauliflower at the office is to cut it up at home and bring a sealed cup of your favorite dip. The vegetable tastes great with ranch or bean dip. You can also try hummus dips.

10. Dried fruits. You’ll have to eat this snack in moderation because of the high sugar content, but it’s perfect for fighting a craving. If you want something sweet at the office, then consider some dried fruits.

  • Dried fruits have fiber and vitamins that can help you stay healthy. Raisins, apricots, strawberries, and other fruits are popular choices.

11. Vermilion Jelly. Lose weight with our naturally made and fun vermilion jelly! Healthy food does not have to be blend and boring. By flavouring them with natural fruit juice, teas and flavours, we have turned a household favourite snack into a functional food. Check out these amazing portable healthy jelly today.

If you love to snack while you work, then you can pick healthier options and still lose weight.

The key is to find healthy foods that you’ll enjoy eating at the office.

Lose weight effectively and reduce your body fat, achieve sustainable weight loss using the slimming jelly! It’s tasty, fun and convenient. Get your slimming jelly here!

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Thursday, 21 July 2022

How to Achieve your Goal of Losing 10 Pounds - 10 Amazing ways!

 Rather than trying to lose a large amount of weight, you’ll have better results if you attack your weight challenge 10 pounds at a time.

This is a manageable and believable goal, and you’ll only need to make a couple of small changes to achieve it.

Then you can set another goal to lose another 10 pounds. Just keep going until you’ve reached your weight goal.

Do the minimal amount to lose 10 pounds in a reasonable amount of time.

The fewer changes you make, the easier the changes will be to maintain. 

The fewer changes you make, the more changes you can make in the future. If you use every trick and tactic right out of the gate, you’ll run out of tools to use in the future.

Lose 10 pounds with the minimal amount of stress and effort:

  1. Drink fewer calories. If you drink calorie-containing drinks, it’s easy to consume a lot of calories without your awareness. Switching to water is an easy way to save yourself several hundred calories each day. You can flavor it with fresh fruit.
  2. Walk. Hitting the gym could be even better but be certain you’re walking each day. We’re meant to move around more than most of us do. If you have foot or leg problems, swimming is an excellent alternative.
  3. Eat slower. You’re much less likely to overeat if you eat slower. Pay attention to the food in your mouth and chew thoroughly. Avoid watching TV or playing on your phone while you eat. Give your meal your undivided attention, eat slowly, and you’ll eat less.
  4. Reduce your intake of processed carbs. These are also loaded with calories and are unhealthy food choices. These include things like cookies, crackers, bread, and pasta.
  5. 5. Stop eating after dinner. After two or three meals, your body has had enough. Eating after dinner is unnecessary and can cause a host of problems. Eating a lot and then going to bed isn’t optimal for your weight or your health.
  6. Sleep more. Studies show that tired people are attracted to fattening foods more than the well-rested. A lack of sleep also contributes to metabolic issues that make it harder to maintain a healthy weight.
  7. Eat at home. Eating out and being healthy is challenging. You can save a lot of calories and money by staying home for your meals.
  8. Weigh yourself daily. When you measure something, the thing you measure changes. Weigh yourself each day and average your weight at the end of each week. You might find this is enough to move your weight in a positive direction.
  9. Eat more vegetables. With few exceptions, vegetables are low in calories and high in bulk. You’ll feel full without expanding your waistline. Follow your mom’s advice and eat more vegetables.
  10. Skip breakfast. For ages, we’ve been told to eat three meals a day. However, newer research suggests that skipping breakfast or dinner is a healthier way to live. Avoid skipping lunch. This idea works best if you skip dinner, but most people find it easier socially and psychologically to skip breakfast.

Losing 10 pounds is a lot easier physically and mentally than losing 60 lbs.

Set a series of 10-pound weight-loss goals until your target weight is reached. A few small changes can be enough to see real results. 

Just add a few of these tips to your life until you’re losing 1-2 pounds each week.

Avoid the temptation to try to lose 25 pounds each month. Two pounds/week is 100 pounds/year. How much did you lose last year with your current strategy?

For your best results, take your time and make permanent changes to your habits.

What do you think of these tips? Let me know!

Lose weight effectively and reduce your body fat, achieve sustainable weight loss using the slimming jelly. It’s tasty, fun and convenient. Get your slimming jelly here! Read these testimonials from amazing people!

Combat mental stress and physical fatigue with a healthy does of our Health and Vitality Jelly, which boast a dose of 900mg of the 6 year old red ginseng extract per serve! This will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom. Click here to read the reviews and check out the Health and Vitality Jelly on offer today!

Tuesday, 19 July 2022

The Secret to Losing Weight on a Plant-Based Diet Made Super Easy

 When you started your plant-based diet, you expected to lose weight. Now, you feel like you may have been misled. Your bathroom scale says you’re heavier than when you started.

Eliminating or cutting down on animal products in your diet can help you lose weight.

Numerous studies have found that vegetarians and vegans tend to have less body fat than meat eaters.

There are also many other health benefits to eating more plants.

That includes lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, as well as reducing your risk for heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.

However, as you may have discovered, these outcomes are not automatic. Learn how to make your plant-based diet lighter and healthier.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls:

  1. Limit processed foods. With or without animal products, frozen dinners and packaged sweets tend to be high in sugar, salt, unhealthy fats, and calories. Opt for whole foods instead. You can still buy convenient items like plain frozen vegetables and fruits.
  2. Monitor serving sizes.  Maybe you thought you could eat more when you gave up meat. Try shrinking your portions and take time to savor each bite. Plan your meals and snacks instead of grazing throughout the day.
  3. Dine at home. Vegan and vegetarian options can still be fattening. Preparing your own dishes gives you more control over the ingredients.
  4. Be flexible. On the other hand, you may have become too strict. If you try to survive on salad greens and grapefruit, you’ll miss out on essential nutrients and start craving sweet potato fries.
  5. Consider your lifestyle. Remember that your diet is just one part of taking care of yourself. Examine your other habits to ensure that you’re exercising regularly, sleeping well, and handling stress constructively.

Making Smart Choices:

  1. Increase your fiber. One major advantage of plant-based diets is that you’re likely to eat more vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. These kinds of foods are high in fiber, which helps you feel full while eating less and may even extend your life.
  2. Count calories. If you want to lose weight, you’ll still need to watch your calories. That will probably mean going easy on the dairy products, nuts, and seeds.
  3. Restrict fats. Olive oil has many health benefits, but it’s still about 120 calories for just one tablespoon. Use plant fats sparingly.
  4. Consume more protein. Vegetarian and vegan diets can fulfill your protein needs, even if you’re a serious athlete. In fact, lentils have more protein than meat. Other smart choices include beans, peas, and soy.
  5. Enjoy healthy treats. Did you switch from ice cream to nondairy frozen desserts? Many brands are still high in sugar and saturated fat. Snack on fruit and air popped corn instead.
  6. Change your cooking methods. At close to 400 calories, a cup of breaded fried zucchini sticks has almost as many calories as a full meal. If you steam it, it’s only 17 calories. You can also look for recipes that involve broiling, grilling, poaching, and baking.
  7. Stay hydrated. Drinking enough water makes it easier to control your appetite and stay energized. Many fruits and vegetables have a high water content, so they’ll help you stay hydrated. Keep in mind that the more fiber you eat, the more water you need to avoid gas and bloating.
  8. Seek balance. Think of your diet as an eating plan you can stick with for life, instead of a temporary solution. You may also want to consult your doctor or a nutritionist to see if you need any supplements.

Nutritious and delicious plant-based diets come in many forms.

Find a plan that can help you manage your weight and enhance your overall wellbeing.

Saturday, 16 July 2022

How to Prepare Your Own Food to Eat Healthier and Lose Weight!

 You probably know that preparing your own food is a great way to eat healthier and lose weight.

If you love to cook, that’s an added bonus. If you’re uncomfortable in the kitchen, it can be difficult to stop relying on dining out.

That’s especially true if you grew up without many culinary role models, and now you think it's too late to learn.

On the other hand, you might be eager to bake cookies and fry bacon, but you draw a blank about what to do with asparagus and brown rice.

The truth is healthy cooking can be a lot of fun. Try these suggestions for changing the way you eat and enjoying the process.

How to Make Healthy Cooking Easier:

It’s natural to feel frustrated if you have to look up half the words in a recipe or run to the store for missing ingredients. You’ll be happy to hear that there are many quick and simple ways to make healthy cooking faster than takeout.

Try these techniques:

1.Organize your kitchen. If you can’t afford expensive renovations, there are still many things you can do to make your space more efficient. Put your essentials within easy reach and install racks to expand your cabinet storage.

2.Check your equipment. Some basic tools can speed up meal preparations. Keep your knives sharp. Invest in a slow cooker and a food processor that fits your budget.

3.Stock up on staples. Fill your pantry and freezer with ingredients you use frequently. That may include olive oil, tomato paste, and flour.

4.Cook in batches. Shorten your cooking time by preparing multiple servings and freezing the leftovers. You can heat them up later for quick dinners.

5.Play music. Research shows that music can make any task seem more effortless. Turn on the radio or invent your own playlists.

6.Minimize clean up. Does your kitchen look like a disaster area when you’re through? Prevent messes by using parchment paper and spoon rests. Soak dishes as you go along or load them into your dishwasher.

How to Make Healthy Cooking More Social:

Food is even more delicious when you share it with others. Invite your family and friends to join you.

Use these strategies to combine cooking with socializing:

1.Take a class. Check the calendar at local cooking schools or browse online for courses at Udemy or BBC Food. Encourage your partner to join you or surprise them with what you learn.

2.Teach your kids. Healthy cooking is one of the most important life skills you can nurture in your children. You’ll be teaching them habits that support a longer and more active life.

3.Post your creations. Take photos of your prized creations. You deserve to show off a little.

4.Write a book. Assemble an album of your personal recipes. Add pictures and stories to make it more personal.

5.Send gifts. Homemade food can be a thoughtful and affordable present for any occasion. Bake and decorate low sugar cakes for birthday parties. Hand out bags of chocolate dusted almonds for wedding favors.

6.Throw a party. Entertain in style without having to pay a caterer. Depending on your skills, you can arrange a fish taco night or take your turn hosting a formal Thanksgiving dinner.

7.Prioritize family meals. Try to sit down with your family for at least one meal a day to share conversation and wholesome food. If dinner is difficult to coordinate, gather for breakfast.

With a little practice and creativity, you can enjoy making your own nutritious meals and snacks.

In addition to eating healthier, you’ll save money, and create more opportunities to spend quality time with your loved ones.