Wednesday, 20 January 2021

8 Best Bloggers to Follow for Making Healthy Bread

 A lower-calorie diet that included whole grains, such as whole wheat bread, lost more belly fat than those who ate only refined grains, such as white bread and white rice.

"A slice of bread eaten is a million times more nourishing than a loaf of bread imagined"

1. The Fresh Loaf - Floyd Mann

The Fresh Loaf Handbook is a distillation of some of the baking wisdom of The Fresh Loaf community. The Fresh Loaf, a community for amateur artisan bakers and bread enthusiasts! Its mission is to share the love of bread: recipes, lessons, reviews, and so on.

2.  Breadtopia - Eric Rusch

Tt’s all about reviving an artful alternative to the bland, nutrition-less, mass-produced food on grocery store shelves. And make no mistake: using inexpensive, but premium raw ingredients and a nominal amount of baking gear, you can make the best loaf of bread you’ve ever had — at home in your kitchen — with a total labor investment of about ten minutes.

3. The Brotdoc  Wolfgang Schüttler

That's pretty clever. Beer, especially dark stout beer, is not necessarily so great for the usual raising agents due to the alcohol content, it can inhibit the rising of the dough. The recipe works right away and the bread is divine.

4. Reddit | Breadit - Inquebiss

Breadit is a community for anything related to making homemade bread!

5.  Bakery Bits - Dan Lepard

Baking bread the artisan way. At BakeryBits you will find all you need to start or indulge your passion for real bread! A wealth of recipes from BakeryBits showing how to make all manner of breads using yeast or sourdough and how to get the most of our equipment and ingredients.

6. The Perfect Loaf Maurizio

Bread is Something that tastes exceptional when the baker takes their time to prepare it, to let the yeast and bacteria work with the flour and water to create something transcendent.The Perfect Loaf is a work in progress designed to help make you a better baker. It’s continuously evolving because I’m constantly evolving, learning more as a baker.

7. The Knead For Bread

All nutritional supplements give the body the nutrients it lacks. It is known that in order to have good health, we must follow a balanced diet and we practice. The body needs all the nutrients to function properly. The whole procedure is simple but sometimes takes a long time.

8. Bake from Scratch Breads - Lisa Ludwinski

Bake from Scratch is a seasonal publication from Hoffman Media. Create beautiful, artisan baked goods, discover the world's best bakeries, movers, and shakers in today's baking culture, products that should be in every baker's pantry, new cookbooks, and more.

Switching white bread for a more healthful version is a quick and easy way to improve the diet.


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