Tuesday, 22 October 2019

10 of the Best Post Workout Snacks

1 Bananas 
Banana are high in the good kinds of carbs that one deed after a workout. These fast-acting carbs help restore the body's levels of glycogen, which is known to help rebuilt damaged muscles. Moreover, bananas are packed with potassium.

2 Egg
Eggs are the perfect post-workout food for two reasons: They’re high in protein and are also a great source of many other nutrients, which help your body repair after an intense gym session.

3 Sweet Potato
Sweet potato is a great source of complex carbohydrate, which is low on the glycaemic index, meaning that it provides sustainable energy. Sweet potatoes are also rich in fibre, helping your body process the sugars, resulting in a steady supply of energy, for longer periods.

4 Whole grain bread
While working out, you deplete a large amount of energy from your muscles. The process of recovery requires the restoration of your muscle's glycogen stores. After working out, it is best to get a meal of protein and carbohydrates. Whole grains such as whole wheat bread are extremely beneficial as they contain more fiber and protein than refined grains and deliver more energy to your body

5 Oatmeal
One of my favorite post-workout choices is protein-packed oatmeal. (Learn more about the benefits of oatmeal the benefits of oatmeal don't just apply after workouts. Oatmeal is also a good choice pre-workout to prep your body and avoid training on an empty stomach.

6 Greek yogurt
Yogurt is a great food to eat after workouts, just as long as it’s Greek.  We recommend pairing your yogurt with berries; they’ll help fight muscle soreness.

7 Orange juice
 juice is always a great way to replenish key vitamins and nutrients after an intense workout.The natural sugars in orange juice (preferably freshly squeezed, or at least not from concentrate) give your body a much-needed refueling. OJ boosts your body’s system with carbs and potassium, but unlike most sports drinks, it also packs in vitamin C. For less intense workouts, cut your juice with water to lower the sugar content.

8 Leafy green Vegetables
Dark leafy greens such as kale, Swiss chard and collard greens are rich in antioxidants and an important post-workout food. Incorporating a salad into your post-workout meal will help you manage the inflammation created during yourworkout

9 Tuna
If you’ve never considered tuna as a go-to, post-workout snack, it might be time to give it a try. It’s an excellent source of lean protein, which is ideal for anyone trying to build muscle and lose fat. Six ounces of tuna can give you up to 33 grams of protein and only about 2 grams of fat, 

10 Nuts
Grab a Handful of almonds and dried fruits, like raisins, to replenish muscle glycogen immediately post-workout

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