Friday, 19 April 2019

Common Eye Problems Faced By Elderly and What They Can Do About It

People experiencing eye problem nowadays are getting younger.

It is due to the exposure of the eyes to the harmful rays of the radiation coming from tv screens, computer screens, phones and other similar gadgets. However, the elderly are still the ones at risk to these eye problems because as they get older, the problem is also getting harder to cure.

When you reach the age of 50 it is common to experience changes in your eyesight. During this stage you should often visit an ophthalmologist to conduct a comprehensive dilated eye exam.

This exam can detect eye diseases that are not showing early warning symptoms. It is important to visit an eye professional even though you aren’t experiencing any eyesight problems. This way you can prevent or be educated on how to stop it and/or shower it from occurring.

1.Age-Related Mascular Degeneration

AMD is very common among adult age 50 and older. The damage it brings to the macula causes malfunction to its main purpose as the central vision that lets us see things straightforward.

A symptom of ADM is different with every people. In some it shows early and slowly in some it shows late and develops faster. In some, they would totally loss their vision. As the damage progresses to your eyes, the blurred areas grow bigger and create spots in your vision.

It may not completely cause you to lose your ability to see. But, its main target, which is the central vision, by the time you lose this ability, it will be hard for you to function in every day. The things you are used to do won’t be the same anymore.

Ways to prevent it:

Start off with self-discipline. Stop smoking. The risk of developing AMD is high to those people who are prone to smoking. This is due to the retina’s high rate of consuming oxygen and anything that may clog or mix on the oxygen that delivers to the retina can affect the vision itself. Oxidative damage that is caused by smoking may increase the further development of the disease.

You may also want to reduce your sun exposure as the ultraviolet (UV) ray coming from it is not only dangerous to the skin but also for the eyes. If it can’t be helped, always make sure to wear sunglasses or anything that can protect you from the harmful rays of the sun.

Also, watch what you eat. High fat and cholesterol foods increases the risk of obtaining this disease. Low intake of antioxidants and greens can also contribute to this. Monitor your diet and must always intake vegetables rich in lutein for healthier eyesight.

2. Cataracts

Have you experienced clouding in your vision? Felt uncomfortable as if there is something in your eye the whole time? Have your eyes checked because this may be cataract. This is common for the elderly to develop as they age. The occurrence of cataract can be possibly in either or both eyes.

The lens of the eyes is where this disease forms. It is the one responsible for the light that will reach to the retina which is responsible for the deliverance of the signals to the brain. So, if the lens are cloudy, he signals that are set to brain would be blurry hence, the vision that would register to the eyes is also blurry.

Lens is made out of water and protein that keeps it clear, enabling the light pass through it. But as we grow older, the proteins inside clumps together and this is where the clouding of the lens would start. That is how cataract forms. As the clouding continues, it will be harder for a person with cataract to see.

Cataract may also cause for a person to see a brownish or yellowish tint to vision as the lens will start to change its color due to fast progressing case of this disease. It may not seem to be a big deal as it sounds but this can make a tremendous amount of change in your life once it takes place.

Ways to prevent it:

Just like in AMD, avoid smoking and eat right. Putting on proper care and discipline.
Limiting off alcohol consumption will help to protect your eyes from developing cataract. Also, give attention to filling up your antioxidants.

This is the part where you would reminisce when your mom always tells you to eat veggies.
Yep, the green leafy stuff can lower then chance of you getting cataract. This can help to absorb the harmful UV light from the sun as this can stop damaged lens proteins from clumping.

3.Diabetic Retinopathy

Retina receives a constant blood supply through these tiny blood vessels. However, high blood sugar level on the blood stream can cause tremendous damage. There are stages in which indicates how risky it is to develop this disease. According to NHS website in UK, there are three stages of diabetic retinopathy.
  1. Background retinopathy – Tiny bulges also known as microaneurysms occurred through the blood vessels in the back of your eyes, which is the retina. This causes to leak small amounts of blood and that this is common for people with diabetes.
This stage may not affect your vision but the risk of getting other vision problems is higher.
  1. Pre-proliferative retinopathy – This the stage where the damage in your retina progresses to severe state and it is widely spread. Retinal bleeding also occurred and there is a higher risk of affecting your vision.
  2. Proliferative retinopathy – At the stage, the risk of losing your vision is higher. This is due the new formed blood vessels and scar tissues on the retina. It causes severe bleeding that leads to retinal detachment.
Symptoms of diabetic retinopathy won’t usually be noticeable until it progresses to the higher stage. But it is possible to see early signs by consulting to an eye specialist.

Ways to prevent

The most vital way to prevent it is to watch over your blood sugar. You might want to lay off the chocolates and pastries. Start eating your green veggies.  Take proper medication on your diabetes as prescribed by your doctor. Keep your blood pressure and cholesterol levels on a normal note.

At the end of the day, it is always up to you whether you would take care of your eye health or not.
But would you risk losing your eyesight just because you did not give enough time for your eyes?

Yes, life is too short to not enjoy the little things like the sweets and juicy meat.

You can enjoy these treats with proper amount of intake and with discipline. It is better to have it gradually than to have it all at once and risk your health with it.

Remember that your body age. There will always be a drastic change and you should adjust with it. Your body and the organs inside you won’t adjust with what your mind wants. Be chill as you age but not to the point where you would recklessly engage to things that can affect your health.

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