Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Mother's Day 2019: Make Your Mom Smile and Show Mom You Care!

Make Your Mom Smile & Show Mom You Care!

Check out these funny and the best mother's day quotes and sayings!
Write them on your gift cards for MOM!
  1. I don’t need no wonder woman, when all I need is my Super MOM!
  2. To my Mom, if it wasn’t for you, I won’t have this darn crazy good looks!
  3. It’s funny how you were right about everything, Mom.
  4. I want to congratulate you Mom, I turned out perfectly!
  5. I feel sorry for others, cuz I got the best Momma
  6. Raising me took a lot of patience. Thanks for hanging in there.
  7. To the world you are a Mother. But to our family you are the world.
  8. You might think I never listened to what you said when I was young, Mum. But the truth is, I live by your words every single day.
  9. Mom, I got all my best qualities from you. Aren’t we lucky that you had enough for both of us?
  10. Only a mother as perfect as you... could have a child as perfect as me.

Keeping Your Mom's Joints Healthy & Pain-free is Super Easy! Check out our upcoming Mother's day sales!


Friday, 19 April 2019

Common Eye Problems Faced By Elderly and What They Can Do About It

People experiencing eye problem nowadays are getting younger.

It is due to the exposure of the eyes to the harmful rays of the radiation coming from tv screens, computer screens, phones and other similar gadgets. However, the elderly are still the ones at risk to these eye problems because as they get older, the problem is also getting harder to cure.

When you reach the age of 50 it is common to experience changes in your eyesight. During this stage you should often visit an ophthalmologist to conduct a comprehensive dilated eye exam.

This exam can detect eye diseases that are not showing early warning symptoms. It is important to visit an eye professional even though you aren’t experiencing any eyesight problems. This way you can prevent or be educated on how to stop it and/or shower it from occurring.

1.Age-Related Mascular Degeneration

AMD is very common among adult age 50 and older. The damage it brings to the macula causes malfunction to its main purpose as the central vision that lets us see things straightforward.

A symptom of ADM is different with every people. In some it shows early and slowly in some it shows late and develops faster. In some, they would totally loss their vision. As the damage progresses to your eyes, the blurred areas grow bigger and create spots in your vision.

It may not completely cause you to lose your ability to see. But, its main target, which is the central vision, by the time you lose this ability, it will be hard for you to function in every day. The things you are used to do won’t be the same anymore.

Ways to prevent it:

Start off with self-discipline. Stop smoking. The risk of developing AMD is high to those people who are prone to smoking. This is due to the retina’s high rate of consuming oxygen and anything that may clog or mix on the oxygen that delivers to the retina can affect the vision itself. Oxidative damage that is caused by smoking may increase the further development of the disease.

You may also want to reduce your sun exposure as the ultraviolet (UV) ray coming from it is not only dangerous to the skin but also for the eyes. If it can’t be helped, always make sure to wear sunglasses or anything that can protect you from the harmful rays of the sun.

Also, watch what you eat. High fat and cholesterol foods increases the risk of obtaining this disease. Low intake of antioxidants and greens can also contribute to this. Monitor your diet and must always intake vegetables rich in lutein for healthier eyesight.

2. Cataracts

Have you experienced clouding in your vision? Felt uncomfortable as if there is something in your eye the whole time? Have your eyes checked because this may be cataract. This is common for the elderly to develop as they age. The occurrence of cataract can be possibly in either or both eyes.

The lens of the eyes is where this disease forms. It is the one responsible for the light that will reach to the retina which is responsible for the deliverance of the signals to the brain. So, if the lens are cloudy, he signals that are set to brain would be blurry hence, the vision that would register to the eyes is also blurry.

Lens is made out of water and protein that keeps it clear, enabling the light pass through it. But as we grow older, the proteins inside clumps together and this is where the clouding of the lens would start. That is how cataract forms. As the clouding continues, it will be harder for a person with cataract to see.

Cataract may also cause for a person to see a brownish or yellowish tint to vision as the lens will start to change its color due to fast progressing case of this disease. It may not seem to be a big deal as it sounds but this can make a tremendous amount of change in your life once it takes place.

Ways to prevent it:

Just like in AMD, avoid smoking and eat right. Putting on proper care and discipline.
Limiting off alcohol consumption will help to protect your eyes from developing cataract. Also, give attention to filling up your antioxidants.

This is the part where you would reminisce when your mom always tells you to eat veggies.
Yep, the green leafy stuff can lower then chance of you getting cataract. This can help to absorb the harmful UV light from the sun as this can stop damaged lens proteins from clumping.

3.Diabetic Retinopathy

Retina receives a constant blood supply through these tiny blood vessels. However, high blood sugar level on the blood stream can cause tremendous damage. There are stages in which indicates how risky it is to develop this disease. According to NHS website in UK, there are three stages of diabetic retinopathy.
  1. Background retinopathy – Tiny bulges also known as microaneurysms occurred through the blood vessels in the back of your eyes, which is the retina. This causes to leak small amounts of blood and that this is common for people with diabetes.
This stage may not affect your vision but the risk of getting other vision problems is higher.
  1. Pre-proliferative retinopathy – This the stage where the damage in your retina progresses to severe state and it is widely spread. Retinal bleeding also occurred and there is a higher risk of affecting your vision.
  2. Proliferative retinopathy – At the stage, the risk of losing your vision is higher. This is due the new formed blood vessels and scar tissues on the retina. It causes severe bleeding that leads to retinal detachment.
Symptoms of diabetic retinopathy won’t usually be noticeable until it progresses to the higher stage. But it is possible to see early signs by consulting to an eye specialist.

Ways to prevent

The most vital way to prevent it is to watch over your blood sugar. You might want to lay off the chocolates and pastries. Start eating your green veggies.  Take proper medication on your diabetes as prescribed by your doctor. Keep your blood pressure and cholesterol levels on a normal note.

At the end of the day, it is always up to you whether you would take care of your eye health or not.
But would you risk losing your eyesight just because you did not give enough time for your eyes?

Yes, life is too short to not enjoy the little things like the sweets and juicy meat.

You can enjoy these treats with proper amount of intake and with discipline. It is better to have it gradually than to have it all at once and risk your health with it.

Remember that your body age. There will always be a drastic change and you should adjust with it. Your body and the organs inside you won’t adjust with what your mind wants. Be chill as you age but not to the point where you would recklessly engage to things that can affect your health.

Tired and dry eyes?

Blurry vision?

Too much screen time?

No worries we are here to help.

Vermilion’s Eye Health Jellies not only contain essential nutrients for eye health support such as Vitamin A, berries extract but are also fortified with Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herbs to give your eyes added holistic care. Click here for the details!

Monday, 8 April 2019

Top 3 Problems of Joint Pain Faced by Adults and Elderly and How to Deal with It!

As you get older your body undergoes a lot of changes and people. A person’s body will have drastic change in the bones and joints. Bones will be fragile, and joints will experience stiffness. This causes for different diseases to form and develop through the body.

In this article, you will learn the top three common problems of joint pain and how to deal with it.
  1. Osteoarthritis (OA)
This Is very common for adults. This usually develops through age or through lasting injuries and obesity. All of these causes the stress of the bones and joints. This is what they called wear and tear. It involves the cartilage, joint, lining ligaments and bone.

The joints that carries the most weight was most likely to be the most affected by this disease. Because these are the parts of your body that you use for carrying and lifting, aside from walking.

This causes the cartilage that protects the ends of the bones to breakdown and develop such disease.
It is why the people with extra weights on their body pushes down the cartilage, pressuring it against the bones. And as it continues to be damaged, the bones will have no cushion support thus creating the painful fraction on joints.

Osteoarthritis is the number one cause of disability for elderly people. According to the Johston County Osteoarthritis, the lifetime risk of having OA of the is 46% and 25% for the hip. Early symptoms would appear usually at a middle age.

You will gradually feel the uneasy feeling in your body. You will feel the stiffness of your joints, making it hard to move because you’ll fell your bones grinding and it would cause you tremendous pain.

But also put in mind that elderly people aren’t the only prone to this disability. It can also be passed genetically by a family member with OA history. People who weights more, injury and joint deformity are also at risk. That is why it is important to know how you’ll be able to prevent or deal with it.

Clinically, OA is not curable, or at least now. But that doesn’t mean you have to suffer from its pain forever. There are treatments and therapy sessions that are made to improve the function of the joints and reduce the pain it causes. These treatments were also made to slower the development of the disease, giving more time to your body to adjust and do things to not make it worst.

Start the process of improving yourself from the joint pain by losing those excess weight that puts pressure on your bones. It is said that for every 10 pounds you lose over the years can reduce the chance of developing knee OA by 50 percent.

Also, don’t be afraid to move your joints and exercise your body. This won’t wear out your joint, but it will help to strengthen them and prevent it from suffering to stiffness. There are also several oral drug medications that prescribed by physicians to help with the treatment of OA. And it is best to be advised professionally by doctors on this matter for further accuracy.
  1. Rheumatoid Arthritis
This disease is classified as an autoimmune disease. And this basically means that RA attacks your immune system, especially the joints of your body. The effect of this will lead to a tremendous joint damage and inflammation. This is the cause of the lump on skin called rheumatoid nodules that forms on pressured joint areas like knuckles, elbows and heels.

There is no known cause for the occurrence of RA. Experts would say that after an infection occurred, your immune system will be confused and attack the joints of your body.

Symptoms of RA are often severe than the symptoms of osteoarthritis. It will also start to show gradually or suddenly.

Upon developing RA you will experience pain, stiffness and swelling on multiple joints. It will also affect the small joints in your wrists and feet.

The pattern of swelling in your joints will be symmetrical. So, if one joint on your left is affected it will more likely to affect your right side. Also, the stiffness of your body will increase especially in morning and you drastically feel the change of your appetite and fatigue all over.

RA may also affect the nonjoint structure of the body such as:
  • Skin
  • Eyes
  • Lungs
  • Heart
  • Kidneys
  • Salivary glands
  • Nerve tissue
  • Bone marrow
  • Blood vessels
Dealing with RA can possibly be done naturally through some ways without spending a lot in expensive therapy sessions and medication. And just like in every disease and disabilities, exercise is the number one natural remedy.

Exercise and stretching your limbs will help relief the symptoms of RA. It will strengthen the joints and slow the progression of the disease. Relief can also be provided by hot and cold compress. There are medical evidences that can prove the relief you can benefit from applying hot or cold packs on your RA affected areas.

Supplements like fish oil, and probiotics will also help. Researchers found that the combination of fish oil and an anti-inflammatory drug will result to less joint tenderness with long standing symptoms of RA. Also, probiotics are found in some yogurts and pickles. There is a study that found the lactobacillus casei 01 of probiotic will help to improve to lessen the activity of the disease and the inflammation.
  1. Psoriatic Arthritis
This condition involves the skin as the symptoms includes inflammation on skin or psoriasis. These are the inflated, patchy, red and white areas of the skin which usually effects the elbows, knees, the scalp, navel and around genital areas. And about 10% to 30% of people with psoriasis will also get psoriatic arthritis.

The stage of acquiring this type of arthritis ranges between ages 30 to 50. But there are some cases that starts in early childhood and is equally common to all sexes.

Symptoms may show through swelling of the fingers and toes. Nails would also appear discolored. And in some cases, only few joints are affected and not every joint in your body. But this case may also affect the spine.

There are a lot of natural remedies that can also help relive the and treat Psoriatic Arthritis. Balance diet and a change in lifestyle. Alternative therapies can also help such as massage therapy, acupuncture and acupressure.

See that these joint problems will affect you in your daily life. So as long as you have the strength to be prevent it, do it.

Yes, there are remedies for it, but it won’t guarantee a hundred percent success. And if ever you are experiencing any of the symptoms, go see your physician, get proper diagnosis and prescription of treatments compatible for you.

Our Joint Health Jelly is produced with a unique blend naturally extracted TCM herbs, supplementing the clinically proven dose for effective joint pain relief with anti-inflammatory properties. Try the tasty and fun Vermilion Jelly for joint health today!

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Fun Facts about Lutein and What Makes Your Retina Healthy!

Have you ever wondered about the health of your eyes?

Most of us doesn’t seem to care about them, some even abuse them. Eye related concerns would only take place only when there are complications already that are hard to cure.

We must keep in mind that our eyes are vital parts of our body and we should take care of it as much as how we take care other parts of our body.

Start by familiarizing yourself with the vitamins that would benefit the health of your eye.

Ever heard of Lutein?

You must’ve heard it on commercials or ads about eye supplements. But never actually paid attention on what it is or what it does to your eyes. Well, here are some fun facts about Lutein that you don’t know because you basically don’t care about it. Kidding!

The eye vitamin

According to research, lutein acts as a vitamin for the eyes that protects against various eye disorders such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), cataracts, retinitis, pigmentosa etc. It also claims to help cure colon cancer, breast cancer, type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Color pigment of the eye

Lutein is classified as carotenoid along with zeaxanthin, and it is also related to beta-carotene and lycopene. Sounds too obtuse? Welp, in layman’s term, carotenoids are the one responsible for the color of the eye.  Carotenoids are color pigments that gives bright red, orange and yellow hues among many fruits and vegetables.

So, just how much it does to plants, also does to the human eye.
According to the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, carotenoids has antioxidant properties that is strong enough to fight cancer cells.

Carotenoids are often turned into vitamin A by the body to support the vision. It also has benefits of anti-inflammatory and of the immune system that can be used to prevent heart related disease.

Also, carotenoids must be consumed with a high-fat meal. As per the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University, the nutrients of carotenoids need to become one with the mixed micelles, of which is a fusion of bile salts and lipids. That’s where the presence of fat is needed. To make the process possible.

Eat your greens, yellows, orange and red

It is much easier and tastier to obtain lutein from fruits and vegetables rather than taking it from medicines and food supplements.

Here’s a list from The Low Vision Centers of Indiana that will help you track your vegetable intake for a clearer and healthier vision:

Kale                                                                       Avocado
Collard Greens                                                     Carrots
Spinach                                                                 Plum
Cress leaf                                                              Tomato Paste
Swiss Chard                                                         Peach
Chicory Leaf                                                         Kiwi Fruit
Parsley                                                                  Prune
Mustard Greens                                                  Pear
Beet Greens                                                          Tomatoes
Okra                                                                       Apple
Red Pepper                                                           Squash
Dill                                                                         Peach
Romaine Lettuce                                                 Cabbage
Endive                                                                   Tangerine
Celery                                                                    Yellow onion
Scallions                                                               Nectarine
Leeks                                                                     Orange
Broccoli                                                                 Watermelon
Leaf Lettuce                                                         Apricot
Green Peas                                                           Turnip
Iceburg Lettuce
Brussel Sprouts
Yellow Pepper
Green Beans
Cucumber Pickle
Green Olives

No side effects, however…

There were no recorded side effects of lutein however, overdosing might cause tremendous change and discomfort in your body. As Lutein must be associated with fat, the risk of having high cholesterol is possible. Also, excessive amount of lutein intake might cause yellowing of the skin.

Though it’s not harmful, it might still be a discomfort.

Lutein intake must be taken seriously and responsibly just like any other vitamins and supplements. It is important to consult your physician before consuming it. May it be the natural healthy way or the supplement way, too much is never good for our body.

Given that lutein is a vital supply for a healthy and sharper vision, you should also familiarize yourself on ways of taking care of your eyes. Especially your retina. As it is the most important part of your vision system.

Your retina consists of tissues at the rear of the eye that captures the light and pass on those images to the brain. Well, you probably knew all about that but for those who doesn’t, then that’s the retina.
Common results of retinal damage were due to macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and even nearsightedness.

With proper care and precaution, these instances might be prevented. There are simple ways in our daily lifestyle that will help to keep a healthy retina aside from taking in supplements for it.
Watch your diet

When we often hear diet, weight loss would instantly come into our minds. But this diet is not for that cause. Watching your diet or your food intake. There are some foods that can be harmful for your eyesight. Especially, too much sugar.

As mentioned on an article from Diabetes Self-Management, blurring of vision that rapidly develops were caused by high blood sugar levels. It causes to swell the lens of the eye that changes the ability to see.

You may be experiencing blurred visions after eating a high-carb meal. It’s because of the rise of glucose in your system. So, high-carb meal must be reduced or better be avoided.

Smoke no more

Did you know that smoking can cause early occurrence of macular degeneration? It affects the circulation of blood to your eye and retina resulting to the damage of your eye blood vessels. It also lowers the level of antioxidants in your blood that helps to keep healthy eyesight.

Second hand smoking is as dangerous as it is to the retina. As it also affect those around you. The smoke coming directly to the eye of a person, especially children, are vulnerable and most likely exposed on retinal damage.

Macula was the part of the retina that is the most sensitive and will extremely be damage by the chemicals coming from the cigarette smoke. When the cell of macula dies, the damage that it will cause to your vision is tremendous and won’t be cured.

Smoking is easier to stop. Self-discipline is the key and also being aware of your own personal health and to those around you.

Shield it
Wearing sunglasses or eyeglasses is a simple way of protecting your eyes from the direct sunlight or even the harmful radiation of your gadgets. You can also put on eye drops to prevent it from drying when you’re outside. Keeping your eyes moist will reduce the risk of bacteria or tiny particles scratching a tissue on your eyes.

Even that small barcode scanner from the grocery story can harm your eyes by exposing it directly to the laser. This one won’t likely to happen often but as the saying goes, prevention is better than cure.

Chill and let it sit

Work, work, work. Too much stress and restless body can also affect your retina. The fast paced environment around you will constantly tire your eyes down. Take time to chill.

Sit down. Or lay down if possible. Close your eyes and forget all the stressful things that are stressing you out. Do this even for just a couple of minutes so that your eyes can take a break.

Taking care of your eyes always depend on you. On how you discipline and look after yourself. Medicines are there to cure what is still curable. Don’t wait for that time when even a medicine or a surgical procedure can’t do anything to fix what has been damaged.

We’re hoping that these facts and simple tips educated you well to take care of yours or your family's own eyes. Always remember that those eyes are one of those greatest gifts that you have so you must treasure it dearly.

Fortified with Lutein and TCM herbs, Vermilion Eye Health Jelly contains all the necessary nutrients to help preserve vision acuity.

This synergistic effect of vitamins, antioxidants and nutraceuticals supports a healthy retina and aids in slowing down macular degeneration, cataract formation and helps to relief dry and tired eyes!