Tuesday, 26 March 2019

What are the most healthy foods that will fight fat?

What are the best and most healthy fat fighting food that can help you with losing weight effectively?

Add these food to your daily diet, or prepare them as snacks that you can bring along with you during your travel or for snacking during your work.

These foods are most healthy and can help you achieve your fat loss goals!

1. Barley

This filling grain stacks up favorably to rice and potatoes. It has 170 calories per cooked cup, respectable levels of protein and fiber and relatively low fat. Roman gladiators ate this grain regularly for strength and actually complained when they had to eat meat.

Studies at the University of Wisconsin show that barley effectively lowers cholesterol by up to 15 percent and has powerful anti-cancer agents. Israeli scientists say it cures constipation better than laxatives -  and that can promote weight loss, too.

Use it as a substitute for rice in salads, pilaf or stuffing, or add to soups and stews. You can also mix it with rice for an interesting texture. Ground into flour, it makes excellent breads and muffins.

2. Beans

Beans are one of the best sources of plant protein. Peas, beans and chickpeas are collectively known as legumes. Most common beans have 215 calories per cooked cup (lima beans go up to 260). They have the most protein with the least fat of any food, and they’re high in potassium but low in sodium.

Plant protein is incomplete, which means that you need to add something to make it complete. Combine beans with a whole grain – rice, barley, wheat, corn – to provide the amino acids necessary to form a complete protein. Then you get the same top-quality protein as in meat with just a fraction of the fat.

Studies at the University of Kentucky and in the Netherlands show that eating beans regularly can lower cholesterol levels.

3. Berries

This is the perfect weight-loss food. Berries have natural fructose sugar that satisfies your longing for sweets and enough fiber so you absorb fewer calories that you eat.

British researchers found that the high content of insoluble fiber in fruits, vegetables and whole grains reduces the absorption of calories from foods enough to promote width loss without hampering nutrition.

Berries are a great source of potassium that can assist you in blood pressure control. Blackberries have 74 calories per cup, blueberries 81, raspberries 60 and strawberries 45. So use your imagination and enjoy the berry of your choice.

4. Broccoli

Broccoli is America’s favorite vegetable, according to a recent poll. No wonder. A cup of cooked broccoli has a mere 44 calories.

It delivers a staggering nutritional payload and is considered the number one cancer-fighting vegetable. It has no fat, loads of fiber, cancer fighting chemicals called indoles, carotene, 21 times the RDA of vitamin C and calcium.

Here’s a tip for you. When you’re buying broccoli, pay attention to the color. The tiny florets should be rich green and free of yellowing. Stems should be firm.

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We want you to experience the amazing qualities of our fun, tasty, and convenient health-jelly.
Taking the best of both worlds, Vermilion Jelly fuses the qualities of Western supplements and TCM herbs to produce health supplements in food form.

Unlike other medicinal supplements, Vermilion Jelly is tasty, tested, and convenient – so you’ll never have any issues completing your course. In fact.. you’ll be left begging for more! Click here to redeem your FREE tasting pack! 

Thursday, 21 March 2019

What you need to know about the amazing health benefits of Barley!

Just like cinnamon, barley also has a lot of useful components that is not known to a lot of people. Barley is more than just flour.

Barley is a tall grass that has spikes consists of 20-60 grain. Great part of produced barley solely goes to the animals as their food supply. But barley is not just for animals. It is widely used for malt production, which is the main ingredient for making beer and whiskey.

Barley is also used for vinegar manufacturing and has been a substitute for coffee since WWI and WWII in Italy. Up to know, these roasted barleys are being used for coffee since it is natural and the absence of caffeine makes it healthier.

Also, the largest producer of barley around the world comes from Russia. They produce more than 16 metric tons per year.

Now that you know more about barley, it is the time to introduce its health components and how can they be beneficial to you.

1.    Colon Cancer
-    A whole grain diet is most likely to help lower the risk of diseases, including colon cancer. This is because of the high fiber content of barley. These fibers can take the time for your food to clear your gut. This process shows a protective process against colon cancer.

2.    Gallstones
-    The soluble fiber present in Barley can help to prevent gallstones from forming and also reduce the chances of getting gallbladder surgery.
There is a study conducted where two obese people were separately put on a fiber and protein diet.

As protein diet will work fast in the process of weight loss, the rapid progress of gallstones is at high risk.

Weeks after the study, the one who went with the fiber diet is more likely and three times bearing a healthy gallbladder than with the one on protein diet.

3.    Rich in Nutrients
-    It contains varieties of range of vitamins and minerals that are essential for your health. By soaking and sprouting, barley’s nutritional properties such as the minerals, vitamins and antioxidant levels will increase.

4.    Reduces the feeling of Hunger
-    Through its high fiber content, barley promotes the feeling of being full. Therefore, reducing hunger in your system. This factor may help you lose weight  and intake just enough amount of food needed in your body.
Barley contains soluble fiber also known as beta-glucan in which, through studies, is found to be effective in slowing down the digestion and nutrient absorption. Thus, creates the feeling of fullness.

5.    Beta-glucans
-    This soluble fiber from fiber can also help to fight bad cholesterol. It works though binding itself to the bile acids that are produced by the liver and removes it from your body when it turns to feces.  It increases the good cholesterol levels and fights back to decrease the triglyceride level.

Functional Food – Supplements in Food Form!

Get a sample pack of 5-sachets – one of each of our health-jelly supplements, for free! Just pay for shipping. We want you to experience the amazing qualities of our fun, tasty, and convenient health-jelly. Taking the best of both worlds, Vermilion Jelly fuses the qualities of Western supplements and TCM herbs to produce health supplements in food form.

Unlike other medicinal supplements, Vermilion Jelly is tasty, tested, and convenient – so you’ll never have any issues completing your course. In fact.. you’ll be left begging for more! Click here to redeem your FREE tasting pack! 

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Why Your Gut Health Is So Important!

How well do you know how your gut works? Or what exactly it does to your body? How familiar are you with your gut feeling?

Do you actually know that your gut acts as its own brain? It does not answer to your brain or your heart. With more than 100 million brain cells, the gut has its capability to think for its own. Allowing it to decide what work to do inside your body. It also has its own nervous system, making it possible to control the digestive system.

According to Dr. Ganjhu, “Our gut plays a major role, not only in our gastrointestinal health, but in the health and well-being of the entire body.”

This is why it is important to keep your gut healthy and protected because it does not only affect the digestive system of the body but also the whole system.

It covers a lot of organs that is making the body to function and to continue to live. The whole system that includes in the process like the mouth, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, small intestine, colon and rectum, these are the organs that are highly important and a great part of your body’s gut.

As Dr. Ganjhu coin these parts or organs as the building blocks that the body needs to live and to function.

An article about gut health written by Megan Dix, RN-BSN, states that the gut inside our body has this microorganisms that lives inside our intestine that are called gut microbiome. Also, there are about 300-500 species of bacteria that lives in a person’s digestive tract. Some are harmful and some or most of them are good bacteria.

The gut may seem simple but the effect is drastic. Be mindful of these 10 reasons on why you should keep your gut healthy and protect your digestive system:

1. Prevents development of cancer

– Gut microbiome. This is the one that fights and protect your body from the possible development of cancer.

The microbiome simply blends in and works alongside with the immune system to keep the homeostasis or the simple health state of balance and stability. Thus, when the microbiome gets too damaged, it may cause a failure and progress the development of tumor and cancer.
Keeping the microbiome to its proper function includes eating healthy food that can be sources of good bacteria. Processed food are not relatively helpful with the health f your gut because they just lack vitamins and enzymes that the microbiome needs.

2. Keeps you from having insomnia

– With a very uneasy feeling in the gut you will have develop insomnia throughout the time. This is due to the serotonin produced by the gut.
A severely damaged gut creates a malfunction in producing this hormone that affects the mood and sleep, leading to fatigue and creating a commotion throughout the system.

3. Developing food reactions

– Caused by bad quality of good bacteria in the gut resulting to a certain reaction when ingesting foods that trigger your gut system to develop symptoms like diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating and gas.

Acquiring food intolerance is developed by the gut through, again, lack of good bacteria that helps in the digestion of specific foods in the body.

4. Drastic weight change

– Either by gaining or losing weight, an unhealthy gut will have a significant effect on your weight or this should alarm you.
Losing weight without doing any exercise and diet is not something to be happy about. This is probably because of the growth of an intestinal bacterium that is affecting the process in the digestive system.

Weight gain on the other hand is caused by the insufficient supply of nutrients in the body that makes you feel hungry and tend to eat more.

Progression of such changes in the body may create much more complicated issues that might not be possible to cure.

5. Sudden skin ailment

– Gut inflammation that is caused by poor diet or any food allergy can increase the leak of proteins out to other parts of the body which creates the irritation in the skin, thus, resulting to different skin rashes or allergy like eczema.

The gut affects not only the digestive system, so be mindful of it as it literally take its effect on everything.

6. Improve your mental stability

– As the gut is responsible for the production of serotonin, a damaged gut will take effect on your mentality too. The researchers and scientist coined the gut as the second brain of the body, meaning the organs like the intestines contain nerve tissue that are similar to what the brain have.
Improving your eating habits and giving much attention to your digestive health will keep your mind at a balance state. Keep those gut bacteria well treated and the feel-good neurotransmitters that your intestines produce or release will keep your mind at the right track.

7. Keep you away from Acid Reflux

– Bad bacteria build up in the gut is the main cause for frequent acid reflux. Most of the time and normally, acid targets and kills the bad bacteria. But the neutralization of acid in the stomach makes all the bad bacteria grow, making your condition worst.
So, you might want to watch out your acidity intake. Even if you are not experiencing the reflux, it is best to present it from happening.

8. Asthma

– A research conducted by the group of microbiology and biochemistry professor at University of British Columbia, Brett Finlay, identified types of bacteria that are linked to asthma risk.
Though, these are commonly developed as an infant, it is best to watch your health gut as an adult if you have recurring asthma to improve it from progressing to a worst stage.

9. Risk of having Yeast Infection

– Gross as it may sound but it is possible to have a yeast infection with an imbalanced health in the gut.

As it causes digestive problems, fungal infections on the skin and fatigue. If it is possible for the skin to acquire eczema through a gut problem, it is more likely to be possible to acquire such fungal infection.

10. Energy Levels

– Improved gut is also an improved energy level. If you are experiencing tiredness even after a good sleep, then an unhealthy gut may be the culprit.

As it affect your body as a whole, you will feel it to your entire body. This is due to the unhealthy balance of bacteria that causes your body to prevent absorbing the nutrients from ingesting foods that are probably not even healthy and this is the main cause you are feeling tired all the time.

Your gut feeling should not be taken for granted. Some may think that it is only a ‘gut’ but it affects your entire body. What you do to improve your gut health is improving yourself.

Having frequent stomach bloating or gastric issues? Are you always feeling tired even after a good night sleep? It could be due to an unhealthy gut!

Do you know that probiotics are friendly micro organisms that confer health benefits on the digestive system? They help to sooth gut inflammation, allergies and aids in relieving constipation which are now common ailments due to our eating-habits and lifestyle.

And do you know that the tasty and fun Vermilion probiotics jelly can benefit you by combating stomach bloating and gastric issues? Check it out today!

Awesome List of Fat Fighting Foods!

These fat fighting foods provide a wide range of vitamins, minerals, proteins and other vital nutrients. Naturally, each one is high in fiber, low in fat and safe when it comes to sodium content, too.

(1) Buckwheat

It’s great for pancakes, breads, cereal, soups or alone as a grain dish commonly called kasha. It has 155 calories per cooked cup.

Research at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences shows diets including buckwheat lead to excellent blood sugar regulation, resistance to diabetes and lowered cholesterol levels.

You cook buckwheat the same way you would rice or barley. Bring two to three cups of water to a boil, add the grain, cover the pan, turn down the heat and simmer for 20 minutes or until the water is absorbed.

(2) Cabbage

This Eastern Europe staple is a true wonder food. There are only 33 calories in a cup of cooked shredded cabbage, and it retains all its nutritional goodness no matter how long you cook it.
Eating cabbage raw (18 calories per shredded cup), cooked, as sauerkraut (27 calories per drained cup) or coleslaw (calories depend on dressing) only once a week is enough to protect against colon cancer.

And it may be a longevity-enhancing food. Surveys in the United States, Greece and Japan show that people who eat a lot of it have the least colon cancer and the lowest death rates overall.

(3) Carrots

What list of health-promoting, fat-fighting foods would be complete without Bugs Bunny’s favorite?

A medium-sized carrot carries about 55 calories and is a nutritional powerhouse. The orange color comes from beta carotene, a powerful cancer-preventing nutrient (provitamin A).

Chop and toss them with pasta, grate them into rice or add them to a stir-fry.

Combine them with parsnips, oranges, raisins, lemon juice, chicken, potatoes, broccoli or lamb to create flavorful dishes.

Spice them with tarragon, dill, cinnamon or nutmeg. Add finely chopped carrots to soups and spaghetti sauce – they impart a natural sweetness without adding sugar.

(4) Corn

It’s really a grain – not a vegetable – and is another food that’s gotten a bum rap. People think it has little to offer nutritionally and that just isn’t so.

There are 178 calories in a cup of cooked kernels. It contains good amounts of iron, zinc and potassium, and University of Nebraska researchers say it delivers a high-quality of protein, too.

Do you know that the Tarahumara Indians of Mexico eat corn, beans and hardly anything else? Yes! Virgil Brown, M.D., of Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, points out that high blood cholesterol and cardiovascular heart disease are almost nonexistent among them.

What is your best and most favorite fat fighting food that has worked very well for you? Please do share it with us!

Functional Food – Supplements in Food Form!

Get a sample pack of 5-sachets – one of each of our health-jelly supplements, for free! Just pay for shipping.

We want you to experience the amazing qualities of our fun, tasty, and convenient health-jelly.
Taking the best of both worlds, Vermilion Jelly fuses the qualities of Western supplements and TCM herbs to produce health supplements in food form.

Unlike other medicinal supplements, Vermilion Jelly is tasty, tested, and convenient – so you’ll never have any issues completing your course. In fact.. you’ll be left begging for more! Click here to redeem your FREE tasting pack!  


Thursday, 7 March 2019

How to Easily Prevent Dementia!

In every 3 seconds, someone out there in the world develops a brain syndrome that is hard to deal with and with no known cure. Dementia.

According to statistics, there has been an estimated 46.8 million people recorded with this syndrome in 2015 and has reached out to 50 million people in 2017. With that many people experiencing this tedious illness, it must have been hard, not just for the people with dementia but also for the people around them.

It is not like the Alzheimer’s disease. They have similarities but dementia is a group of symptoms that does not have a specific diagnosis and Alzheimer’s is a type of dementia.

Alzheimer’s disease
is just one of many types of it. It has a wide range of disease and some people does not only have one type of dementia in their brain, known as mixed dementia. But it can’t be diagnosed earlier as mixed dementia can only be seen through an autopsy.

Causes of dementia
may also come in various reasons but the most common cause for this is the old age of a person. As a person’s body age, it is being prone to different kind of diseases that is making it vulnerable to damaging the brain cells.

When these brain cells develop a damage, it will affect a person’s thinking, behavior and feelings.

Different types of dementia may target a specific region in the brain. And those different regions in the brain are particularly for a certain function of the brain.

Often, the brain region that is the center of learning and memory which is called the hippocampus, is the one or the first to be damaged. That is why memory loss is the common of the earliest symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.

Head injury, brain tumor, and stroke are among other causes of dementia. A possibility of HIV infection may also cause dementia. It is not certain how the virus damages the brain cells, but it is known to do such behavior.
“To enjoy the glow of good health, you must exercise.”
~ Gene Tunney
Dementia may sound inevitable but there are ways to reduce the risk of having the syndrome. Here are some ways to keep in mind:

1. Exercise your mind and your body

There are a lot of positive benefits from exercising physically. Aside from making your body fit and makes your immune system stronger it can also contribute to making your mind active and alert.

According to researchers, frequent exercise of the body will also strengthen the capacity of the brain cells to work as it can get the enough oxygen supply.

Another fascinating exercise is the exercise literally for the brain. Buy yourself a set of crossword puzzles or any kind if problem solving games to stimulate your brain.

Keep your mind busy and working with these games. It is better to think about puzzle word problems than stressing yourself over the things that can develop possible cause of dementia.

2. Watch the health of your heart

Your heart and your brain may not be on the same side at times of decision making but they sure do have a strong bond. That is why taking care of your heart’s health will also help to reduce the risk of developing dementia.

Monitoring your blood pressure and your weight is the best you can do to ensure your heart’s health. Because the combination of theses tedious conditions can contribute 12% more chance to develop dementia.

As well as the sugar levels I your blood. According to the data analysis of more than 40,000 people that had type 2 diabetes are twice as possible to develop dementia than the healthy individuals.

3. Stop stressing and engage to social activities

Stress is the cause of anxiety and dementia in your brain. You tend to forget thing because of too much things going on inside of your mind. Just try to relax when something is stressing you out. It is hard at first but at least control it. There is nothing good that comes from stressing out, this could only lead to a lot of worst outcome.

Emerge yourself with a lot of activities that includes interaction with other people. Join a yoga class. This this you’re not only meditating your body and mind but will also meet new people that have peace of mind. It will be possible for them to influence you for the better.

You can also join some club or group with the same interest as you. Spending time with people that are have the same values and interests will lift your mood and emotions from succumbing to a stressful loneliness you may be feeling.

Free your mind from all the possibilities of stressing because it may not only develop dementia but can also trigger other illnesses.

4. Refrain from smoking

This can also be applied to keeping your heart healthy as cigarette smoking massively affects the heart. Also, other chemicals that are found in cigarettes can trigger oxidative stress. There are chemicals that are called free radicals that can cause damage to the cells that extremely contributes to acquiring and development of dementia. This can also trigger inflammation and vascular changes in the brain.

Researchers hypothesized that it is possible that smoking could damage the brain as the areas like prefrontal cortex and hippocampus are the regions in which are responsible for the process of memory, emotions and other important portions of the body’s being.

A psychology professor at Northumbia University in England states, “We already know that giving up smoking has huge health benefits for the body, but this study also shows how stopping smoking can have knock-on benefits for cognitive function, too.”

5. Get a good night sleep

This can be related to relieving stress. Well, a good and long rest is always good for everyone. Fortunately, it is also good for reducing the risk of developing dementia throughout the time as you grow older. A very well taken sleep can give such impact to your brain that sparks the way you think, your mood and especially the memory. And these are all vital to your brain’s health and the prevention of development of any brain impairment.

There’s been also a study that linked the vitamin from the sun to minimizing the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. According to the scientist from the University of Southern California, vitamin D may be the one responsible for activating cellular signaling that enables clearing of the plaque build-up on the brain that wards off Alzheimer’s.

The prevention of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s is purely an initiative. It is your choice to take action and reduce or fully prevent it from happening. But still keep in mind that reducing the risk factors of developing dementia does not exclude you totally from acquiring it.

Remember that there are possible circumstances like stroke and other diseases that causes dementia to emerge. No matter may the outcome be, seeking for professional help of the doctors is just the best way to prevent or slow the process of developing this syndrome.

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We want you to experience the amazing qualities of our fun, tasty, and convenient health-jelly.

Taking the best of both worlds, Vermilion Jelly fuses the qualities of Western supplements and TCM herbs to produce health supplements in food form.

Unlike other medicinal supplements, Vermilion Jelly is tasty, tested, and convenient – so you’ll never have any issues completing your course. In fact.. you’ll be left begging for more! Click here to redeem your FREE tasting pack! 

Sunday, 3 March 2019

Amazing Health Benefits of Cinnamon!

Cinnamon and Barley. You probably just know about these two to be a flavor additive and flour. Well, there is more than that. Cinnamon and Barley has a lot to offer more than you ever know. 

These two are both healthy and beneficial for your body. So unless you are allergic with any of these, then you are very much welcome to try and see this facts and benefits.
Did you know that cinnamon is also called as quill? It comes from the bark of a cinnamon tree and from there; our flavorful cinnamon roll is made. 

There are two types of cinnamon, Ceylon and Cassia. The difference between the two is that that, Cassia is referred to as the ‘fake’ cinnamon and this is widely produced in the market. While the Ceylon cinnamon is the ‘true’ and pure cinnamon. So, whenever you’ll ever be buying a jar of it, be cautious and make sure it is Ceylon.

Health Benefits of Cinnamon
1.    Blood Sugar
-    Cinnamon is known for being anti-diabetic. It is one of the best foods for diabetics. It has the power to lower blood sugar levels and improve the sensitivity to the hormone insulin that helps to deliver sugar from the bloodstream to the tissues to keep blood sugar levels balanced.

Cinnamon helps block the progression of some digestive enzymes to slow the absorption of sugar in the bloodstream after an intake of a high carb meal.

Studies have shown that people with diabetes are experiencing significant amount of positive effects on their blood sugar through the supplementation of cinnamon extract.

2.    Infections and Viruses

-    Naturally, cinnamon contains antimicrobial, antibiotic, antifungal and antiviral properties. Also, essential oils that came from cinnamon has powerful compound for boosting the immune system. Its oil can act as an antibacterial that prevent infections and viruses like common colds and pneumonia to spread throughout the body.

3.    Skin Health

-    Due to its antibiotic and antimicrobial properties, cinnamon can protect the skin from irritation, rashes and allergic reactions. Cinnamon is also beneficial to treating and preventing acne. Mix it with honey and directly put it on your face for best results.

4.    Oral Hygiene

-    Cinnamon can contribute to keeping your oral hygiene healthy and prevent it from developing bacteria that causes bad breath and tooth decay. Antibacterial properties from its oil can be naturally used to fight bad bacteria in the mouth as it acts as a natural mouthwash.

Due to its refreshing taste, cinnamon can also be used as a flavoring additive in chewing gums. It is capable of fighting bad breath even without the mixture of chemicals that are used in making toothpaste and mouthwash.

5.    Brain Function

-    Antioxidants that are present in cinnamon can help to boost the brain function and protect it from possible development of neurological disorders.

Functional Food – Supplements in Food Form!

Get a sample pack of 5-sachets – one of each of our health-jelly supplements, for free! Just pay for shipping.

We want you to experience the amazing qualities of our fun, tasty, and convenient health-jelly.

Taking the best of both worlds, Vermilion Jelly fuses the qualities of Western supplements and TCM herbs to produce health supplements in food form.

Unlike other medicinal supplements, Vermilion Jelly is tasty, tested, and convenient – so you’ll never have any issues completing your course. In fact.. you’ll be left begging for more! Click here to redeem your FREE tasting pack!