Tuesday, 7 August 2018

15 Quick and Easy Tips to Lose Weight Fast and Naturally!

If one of your goals is losing weight and slim down fast for a big event coming, you would know that if you do nothing about your goal, then nothing gets done.  Do something to work towards your weight loss goal, and many things are placed in motion! 

Regardless of what you are doing in life, to achieve your desire in anything, even losing weight, you need to take action. 

Do something every day to put your weight loss plan in motion!

Have you thought about how is your attitude towards your weight loss goal? 

What are your first thoughts when you awake in the morning?  You’ve got quite a lot to choose from. 

Do you begin the day by dragging out of bed bemoaning the fact that you have to get to exercise, eat healthy or even go to work? 

Or, do you embrace the morning as another great opportunity to do great things? 

Put the universal law of reciprocity to work in your life every single day.  Did you know that as much as ninety nine percent of our conversation is negative?  There are some folks who can hardly wait to get their mouths open so they can “one up” another persons current negative situation.

Try this exercise.  Make a decision today, right now, from this moment to spend the rest of the day contributing to conversation in a positive way.

Impossible, you say?  Not so.  Say that somebody complains about another rainy day.  Your response might be, “yes, isn’t it great, see that beautiful rainbow!”  Try and create the habit of saying something positive to yourself and everyone.

If you are learning to say something positive to everybody about everything every time, you are disciplining your subconscious for positive results in everything that happens to you.

Here's 15 quick and easy tips to help you lose weight fast and naturally! Make a note of these tips!

1. Make sure you buy everything you need for your weekly meal planning.  Returning to the grocery store numerous times increases the risk of buying what you shouldn’t.  The grocery stores know their business very well and present items that are hard to resist.

2. Vary your foods – introduce something new each week.  Menu planning can become boring when you eat the same things.  That boredom translates into over eating.  Try new healthy recipes each week. Bring the nutritious and healthy Vermilion jelly with you everywhere you go!

3. Stay away from processed foods as much as possible.  Yes, they are very convenient.  They are also loaded with fat and/or sugar, not to mention the chemicals.

4. The ads are soooo compelling.  Cut fast food from your diet! 

5. Eat more fish but avoid breading or batters.  Fish oil is good for you.

6. Eat more vegetables.  Try mixing and matching fresh vegetables for variety.

7. Steam your veggies instead of boiling them.  They’ll taste better and you’ll retain more of their nutritional value.

8. Use fat free or low fat salad dressings or make your own using lemon juice, spices and a tiny amount of olive oil.

9. Exchange water for soft drinks – yes, even diet drinks!

10. Slim down with casseroles – just use lean meat and veggies.

11. Go ahead and good snacks, just snack on good stuff, like raisins, nuts veggies and dried fruit.

12. Never eat while you are standing.

13. Don’t sample when you are cooking.  A taste here, a little bite there and before you know it you’ve eaten an entire portions without sitting down at the table!

14. Don’t give up potatoes.  A baked potato has 0 grams of fat and only 160 calories.  Just don’t eat fries that weigh in at 13 fat grams and 480 calories!

15. Stay away from pastries.  They are loaded with fat not to mention that they are also loaded with sugar.


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