Saturday, 29 January 2022

13 Heart Healthy Diet and Exercise Tips!


Lifestyle changes can reduce your risk of developing serious heart conditions by more than 90%. That’s true even if you already have high cholesterol or high blood pressure.

If you want to protect your health but you’re still struggling to make major adjustments, you’re not alone. Many studies show that most adults have trouble making that kind of commitment. For example, less than 2% of Americans meet the 7 targets recommended by the American Heart Association.

On the bright side, even following through on one or two new tips can make a dramatic difference. Take a look at these heart healthy practices and find the ones that work for you.

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13 Heart Healthy Diet and Exercise Tips!

Heart Healthy Diet and Exercise Tips

  1. Eat more vegetables. Eating vegetables just three times a week can lower your risk of heart failure by more than 25%. For more progress, aim for at least 5 servings a day.
  • Focus on fiber and omega 3s. Fiber and omega-3 fatty acids help lower blood pressure and the risk of heart disease. Good sources of fiber include fruits, vegetables, and beans. Omega- 3s are found mostly in fatty fish.
  • Choose other healthy foods. The American Heart Association recommends eating a variety of nutritious foods from each food group. They also suggest cutting back on sugary drinks and red meat.
  • Manage your weight. Obesity puts more strain on your heart. Watch the scale and talk with your doctor about how to maintain a body mass index under 30.
  • Watch your waist. Abdominal fat is of particular concern. Women are advised to keep their waistline under 35 inches, and under 40 inches for men.
  • Drink responsibly. Excess alcohol can take a toll on your heart and other organs. In general, up to one drink a day is safe for women, and two for men.
  • Work out regularly. The American Heart Association also encourages at least 150 minutes per week of moderate exercise or 75 minutes per week of vigorous activity. Train for strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular fitness.
  • Monitor your heart. Heart rate monitors aren’t just for athletes. There are simple devices to tell you how hard your heart is working and whether you’re overdoing it.

Other Heart-Healthy Tips

  1. Start young. Heart disease is progressive, so the choices you make early in life can pay off. Give your kids a head start, especially if you have a family history of such conditions.
  • Quit smoking. Smoking increases the risk of heart failure by 86% for men and 109% for women. Give up tobacco, if you haven’t already done so. Avoid secondhand smoke too.
  • Limit TV. Some studies show that watching TV for an hour or less a day can help. Substitute other activities like socializing with friends and family or taking a walk.
  • Sleep well. Sleeping at least 7 hours a night is another essential. To enhance the quality of your slumbers, go to bed and rise on a consistent schedule, darken your bedroom, and block out background noise.
  • Talk with your doctor. Have your cholesterol and blood pressure checked regularly. Your doctor can also help you understand your individual situation. That may include taking medication like a daily aspirin, and monitoring chronic conditions like diabetes.

When you think about how your heart pumps blood and oxygen for you around the clock, you might want to spend a little more time caring for this important organ. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, but most cases are preventable by eating a nutritious diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding tobacco.

Friday, 28 January 2022

An Amazing Checklist of Healthiest Fast Foods and Alternatives!

Sometimes when you're out and about, you just need a meal fast. But you don't have to resign to the fact that you'll just have to eat unhealthy because you've chosen a fast food joint.

There are healthy alternatives mixed in among all the fattening choices. 

Your best bet is to learn what makes each item unhealthy and choose one of the healthy items.

It'll also help if you study the menus of some of your favorite fast food restaurants. You'll most likely be able to look up their nutrition facts online.

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An Amazing Checklist of Healthiest Fast Foods and Alternatives!

Here's a list of some things to look for:

  1. Grilled Meats. Grilled meats are a much healthier way of cooking rather than deep fried, breaded meats. If the fast food place you're visiting has the option of choosing crispy or fried chicken versus a grilled patty, choose the grilled one. 
  • Skip the Cheese. While eating some cheese is okay once in awhile, you should avoid it when it comes to keeping fast food calories down. Order the hamburger instead of the cheeseburger.
  • Healthier Sides. Some fast food places will offer alternatives to a side of fries. You should inquire about this because you may be able to opt for some healthy fruit or salad instead.
  • Don't Super Size. While it's tempting to grab some extra food for just a few pennies more, it'll bump up your portion size far more than you should be eating in one sitting.
  • Diet Soda. Some people will laugh at the person who orders the big greasy meal and then orders a diet soda, as if it'll make a difference. Well it does make a difference, but you need to avoid the big greasy meal in the first place!

Healthy Meals At Popular Restaurants

Here's a list of some healthy choices you can make at some of the most popular fast food restaurants:

  1. Taco Bell. Taco Bell has come out with a "Fresco Style" menu that allows you to choose popular menu items in a lower calorie style. A menu item ordered fresco style will come back with a special healthier salsa and it'll also lack cheese.
  • McDonalds. McDonalds has made recent strides toward a healthy menu also. They now offer an extended list of premium salads. However, it's still easy to get fooled into thinking something is healthy when it really isn't. Make sure you use a low fat dressing on your salad and opt for the grilled chicken. If you grab the ranch and crispy chicken, you may as well be ordering a Big Mac!
  • Subway. This sandwich shop is one of the most popular healthy and delicious fast food choices. It's truly easy to choose a sandwich that'll be good for you when they have a full menu of items that contain only 6 grams of fat or less. But make sure to avoid the creamy, full-fat dressings.
  • Wendy's. If you order a value meal you can definitely opt out of the fries. You can substitute for a baked potato, mandarin oranges, and more.
  • Burger King. Like the rest of the popular fast food chains, Burger King has followed suit and made changes. You can opt for healthier alternatives like salads, chicken and fish.
  • Chipotle. Chipotle is a Mexican restaurant that is gaining popularity. They have come under scrutiny for offering oversized portions. To combat the portion size, you can simply cut your meal down in half and save the rest for later. It's also best to order your meal as a bowl instead of a burrito, because the tortilla shell alone can really pack on the calories.

For all other restaurants, you can make an educated decision about the healthy items from the menu. If you're unsure, ask an employee about their healthy options.

Saturday, 22 January 2022

What is Retinal Detachment and How to Save Your Vision!

 Retinal detachment is difficult to prevent, but prompt treatment may save your vision. 

Get familiar with how your eyes work so you can recognize symptoms that require emergency care and give yourself the best chance of a full recovery.

What is Retinal Detachment and How to Save Your Vision!

The Facts About Retinal Detachment

  1. Get to know your retina. The light-sensitive tissue lining the back of your eye is called the retina. The retina converts the images that enter through your eye lens into electrical signals that your brain can interpret.
  2. Understand how a retina detaches. Retinal tissue sometimes pulls away from the blood vessels it needs for oxygen and nutrients. Our eyes are filled with a clear vitreous gel between the retina and lens. When that gel shrinks, it can pull and tear the retina creating one common cause of retinal detachment.
  3. Spot the warning signs. The most common symptoms include floaters that look like spots and lines before your eyes or sudden flashes of light. You may also feel like a curtain is falling across your vision or you may notice a loss in side vision.

Knowing When to Take Additional Precautions

  1. Use extra care after age 50. The vitreous gel in our eyes naturally shrinks with age. Ask your doctor what eye examinations you need and keep all your appointments.
  2. Gather your family history. You may be at increased risk if one or more family members have had a detached retina. Put together a family medical history and share it with your doctor.
  3. Monitor extreme nearsightedness. Myopic eyes are longer and tend to stretch the retina. Talk with your doctor about your risks.
  4. Be vigilant after cataract surgery. Cataract surgery can work wonders, but it can also increase the risk for detached retinas. Let your doctor know what procedures you’ve had done and if there were any complications.
  5. Manage diabetes. Advanced diabetes is linked to a specific form of retinopathy. Take your medication and adopt an overall healthy lifestyle.
  6. Avoid eye injuries. It’s relatively rare for a blow to the eye to cause retinal detachment. Still, you can lower your odds even more by using safety gear during hazardous work or sports.

Treating Retinal Detachment

  1. Get examined immediately. If you see spots or flashes or experience diminished vision, go to an emergency room. Painless procedures with an ophthalmoscope or ultrasound can identify the issue and potentially save your vision.
  2. Prepare for surgery. Surgery is required to treat a detached retina. Your doctor will describe the options, and usually include laser surgery, freezing, or injecting an air bubble. These procedures have a high rate of success when performed promptly. Your doctor will advise you on aftercare which may include medication, rest and keeping your head still.
  3. Live with holes. On the other hand, holes can form in the retina as a normal part of aging. Your doctor may advise you that no treatment is needed so long as you remain free of any symptoms.
  4. Buy new glasses. You’ll probably need at least one new pair of glasses after your operation. Today there are prescriptions specifically made to optimize vision for patients who have been treated for a detached retina.
  5. Find support. Even if your vision remains impaired, there are many resources for living better. Reach out to online support groups or resources in your local community. There may be free or discounted transportation services. Enlist the help of your family and friends and modify your home for maximum safety.

Protect your vision by becoming familiar with the signs of retinal detachment.

Most surgeries to repair a detached retina are successful, so immediate medical care makes all the difference.

Our natural Eye Health Jelly contains all the necessary nutrients to help preserve vision acuity. This synergistic effect of vitamins, antioxidants and nutraceuticals supports a healthy retina and aids in slowing down macular degeneration, cataract formation and helps to relief dry and tired eyes. Check out these Eye Health jelly on offer today!

Combat mental stress and physical fatigue with a healthy does of our Health and Vitality Jelly, which boast a dose of 900mg of the 6 year old red ginseng extract per serve! This will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom. Click here to read the reviews and check out the Health and Vitality Jelly on offer today!

8 Steps to Lift Weights and Train for Strength Without Injuring Your Joint

 Strength training plays an important part in your health and fitness, but you may be concerned about injuring your joints or other body parts.

By concentrating on proper technique, you can tone your muscles, enhance your posture, and reduce discomfort and stiffness in your joints.

Moving around and building up supporting muscles slows down the deterioration of your joints that comes with aging.

A sound exercise program may even enable you to postpone or avoid knee surgery and other procedures.

8 Steps to Lift Weights and Train for Strength Without Injuring Your Joints!

Try these guidelines for protecting your joints and staying safe while lifting weights.

Staying Safe While Lifting Weights

  1. Warm up and cool down. Start out with gentle movements that raise your body temperature. March in place or lunge to each side. Cool down with easy floor exercises and stretches for your whole body.
  2. Watch your form. Extend your arms and legs through a full range of motion without locking your knees or elbows to avoid putting too much pressure on your joints. Keep your back straight and hold your shoulders down.
  3. Vary your program. Repetitive motions and imbalances can also strain your joints. Limit your sets to about 15 reps or less. Design a program that covers all your muscle groups so your back and chest become equally developed.
  4. Start off light. Practice exercises with little or no weight at first. Increase the intensity by 10% or less at a time. That could mean doing a couple of extra reps or adding a few pounds.
  5. Slow down. Let your muscles do the work instead of allowing momentum to take over. Count to 3 as you raise the weight and as you lower it.
  6. Rest and recover. Strength training causes tiny, but harmless, tears in your tissues. Your muscles grow when those tears repair, so give them a break for 24 to 48 hours. You can target other body parts while you wait.
  7. Ask for a spot. If you want to handle heavy loads, find a partner who can grab the barbell if you start to falter. Most gym members consider it a common courtesy and are happy to oblige.
  8. Breathe freely. Holding your breath could raise your blood pressure or even lead to fainting. Instead, exhale while you exert force, and inhale on the less strenuous portion of the exercise.

Additional Tips

  1. Tidy up. Return weights to the rack when you’re done. You’ll be less likely to trip over them, and you’ll do your part to keep the gym looking presentable.
  2. Wear gloves. If you’re susceptible to blisters, try wearing workout gloves. They also help to tighten your grip.
  3. Change your shoes. Shoes give you traction while you’re balancing extra weight. Try on a variety of mid-cut sports shoes to find a style you like.
  4. Ditch the belt. On the other hand, most experts now advise against weight training belts. A firm core provides more reliable support than any accessory you can buy. Schedule some abdominal work for each session, like leg raises and planks.
  5. Consider alternatives to weights. Of course, there is more to strength training than traditional weights. When you’re short on space or equipment, try resistance bands or moves that use your own body weight like chin ups and dips. Learn Crossfit from Crossfit trainers. Pneumatic machines that use air resistance are also a great way to lessen the impact on your joints.
  6. Talk with your doctor. Consulting your doctor is especially important if you’ve been sedentary or have medical conditions such as diabetes. Your physician can recommend a program based on your individual history.

Taking sensible precautions will protect your joints from injuries that could interrupt your workouts.

A consistent strength training program helps you to shape up your body and perform your daily activities with greater ease.

Try out our joint health jelly supplement which is produced with a unique blend naturally extracted TCM herbs, supplementing the clinically proven dose for effective joint pain relief with anti-inflammatory properties. This joint health jelly is fun and tasty!

Do you know that our Vitality Jelly boast a dose of 900mg of 6 year-old red ginseng extract per serve to help you combat mental stress and physical fatigue? Our health and vitality Jelly will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom. Check out the vitality jelly on offer today!

Wednesday, 12 January 2022

7 Effective Relief for Your Dry Eyes

Although dry eyes are a common condition, they can interfere with daily activities like reading and driving.

However, most people can get significant relief through simple modifications in their usual routines and inexpensive products available at any drugstore.

Check out top 7 Effective Relief for Your Dry Eyes

Understanding the Facts About Dry Eyes

  1. Know the causes. Dry eyes are created by insufficient tears or an imbalance in the quality of your tears. Either way, your eyes need more lubrication.
  2. Recognize the symptoms. You're likely to experience irritation, sensitivity to light and blurring of vision. You may feel like something is in your eye and you'll notice more mucus. Also, your eyes may tear up unexpectedly as they try to protect themselves.
  3. Identify your risk factors. Dry eyes become more common with age, especially for postmenopausal women. 
  • Some medications also increase the risk, including antihistamines, birth control pills, and antidepressants.
  • Diseases like rheumatoid arthritis are often associated with dry eyes.
  • Temporary symptoms may also occur after laser eye surgery or radiation therapy for cancer patients.

Common Home Remedies and Medical Treatments for Dry Eyes

  1. Use artificial tear drops. Nonprescription eye drops are the first line of defense. Experiment with different brands or talk with your doctor to find the right formula for you.
  2. Ask your doctor about prescription drugs. Restasis is a prescription drug that has been proven to help eyes manufacture more tears. Topical steroids may also be used in some cases.
  • Undergo temporary or permanent punctual occlusion. This simple and painless procedure plugs the duct where tears go to drain. For people with chronic symptoms, this can be more convenient than constantly reapplying eye drops.
  • Consider surgery. Closing the tear ducts permanently is a safe outpatient procedure. Even if you do elect to undergo this surgery, you'll usually be able to resume normal activities right away.
  • Change your diet. Studies show that foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin A help keep your eyes lubricated. Eat more tuna and other fatty fish. Also, take in plenty of canola oil, soybeans and walnuts. Good sources of vitamin A include carrots and broccoli.
  • Rest your eyes. Take frequent breaks from computer work or reading to close your eyes, or look into the distance for a few seconds. Position the focal point of your computer screen an inch or two below eye level so your eyes will stay a little less wide open.
  • Protect your eyes from contaminants. Quit smoking and avoid second hand smoke. Wear wrap-around sunglasses on windy days. Keep fans and hair dryers turned away from your eyes.

Learning to Use Eye Drops Correctly

  1. Avoid infection. Wash your hands first. Avoid any contact between the applicator and your skin.
  2. Strive for ease instead of precision. Eye drops will create a struggle if you try to make a direct hit on your eyeball. Instead, tilt your head back and gently pull down your lower eyelid. That will create a pocket where you can insert a drop with ease. Your doctor or nurse can demonstrate this process for you.
  3. Maximize the effectiveness of eye drops. After an application of eye drops, close your eyes and press gently on the lower and upper eyelids to help the liquid bathe your eyeballs. This helps keep blinking and exposure to air from drying up the drops you just put in.

Over the counter eye drops and simple lifestyle changes are enough to put an end to dry eyes for most people. However, if you experience chronic symptoms, your doctor can advise you on more intensive treatments. Taking care of your eyes will let you live in greater comfort and go on enjoying the activities you love

Lose weight effectively and reduce your body fat, achieve sustainable weight loss using the slimming jelly! It’s tasty, fun and convenient. Get your slimming jelly here! 

Do you know that our Vitality Jelly boast a dose of 900mg of 6 year-old red ginseng extract per serve to help you combat mental stress and physical fatigue? Our health and vitality Jelly will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom. Check out the vitality jelly on offer today!

14 Surprising Ways to Maximize Your Immunity

 Your immune system has a big job to do fighting off germs, environmental toxins, and other threats. Wouldn’t you like to give it a hand to make its work easier?

After all, there are many factors that can strengthen your immune response, and some of them may surprise you. While a balanced diet and regular exercise are essential, they are just two of the effective ways you can maximize your healing powers. Take a look at these immunity boosters.

14 Surprising Ways to Maximize Your Immunity

Immunity Boosters You Can Work on at Home

  1. Laugh it up. A good laugh burns calories, boosts your heart rate, and strengthens your immune system. One study measured increased levels of certain antibodies in adults after they watched a Richard Pryor video. How about going out tonight to see a stand-up comedian or watching one on Netflix?
  2. Drink a cocktail. Alcohol may be beneficial as long as you practice moderation. That means up to two drinks a day for men and one for women. Researchers have found an enhanced vaccine response in monkeys who are moderate drinkers. Binge drinking, however, has the opposite effect.
  3. Avoid overtraining. Daily exercise strengthens your body, but overdoing it can leave you weaker than when you started. Set aside adequate time for rest and sleep. Cut back if your energy level is chronically low.
  4. Bask in the sun. Hold onto your sunscreen to protect you from skin cancer and premature aging, but small amounts of sunlight will give you the vitamin D you need for healing.
  5. Listen to music. Losing yourself in music is a constructive way to manage stress than can otherwise undermine your immune system. Arrange a soundtrack for your morning commute.
  6. Reduce noise. On the other hand, unpleasant background noises can compound daily stress. Keep your earbuds handy to block out car alarms and talking traffic signals.
  7. Hang out with friends. Isolation is also hard on your immune system. Call up a friend for a coffee date.
  8. Eat yogurt. Foods rich in probiotics have been associated with a lower rate of respiratory and gastrointestinal infections. Stir toasted oats and almonds into a cup of yogurt for breakfast. Other good choices include soft cheeses, sourdough bread, and miso.
  9. Drink tea. Consider trading in your second cup of coffee for a helping of tea. It’s full of phytochemicals and other substances that help to prime your immune system for action.
  10. Think positive. A cheerful attitude is one of the best defenses against illness. Plus, even if you feel under the weather, patience will lessen your discomfort.

Immunity Boosters You Can Work on with Your Doctor

  1. Get your shots. Maybe you think shots are for school kids and exotic travel. Actually, tetanus boosters and flu vaccines are recommended for many patients. Ask your doctor if they’re appropriate for you.
  2. Schedule screenings. Screenings help detect cancer and other conditions early on while they’re still curable or controllable. Many tests are quick, safe, and painless.
  3. Quit smoking. It’s becoming easier to give up tobacco, so keep trying. Your doctor can help you customize a strategy that works for you, like nicotine patches or online support.
  4. Discuss your family history. While you can’t change your genes, you can talk with your health team about how they affect your immune response. That way, you and your physician can better understand your individual risks and how to address them.

Catch fewer colds and protect yourself from more serious conditions like heart disease and diabetes by taking care of your immune system. A healthy lifestyle and appropriate medical care can extend your life and help you stay active.

Lose weight effectively and reduce your body fat, achieve sustainable weight loss using the slimming jelly! It’s tasty, fun and convenient. Get your slimming jelly here! 

Do you know that our Vitality Jelly boast a dose of 900mg of 6 year-old red ginseng extract per serve to help you combat mental stress and physical fatigue? Our health and vitality Jelly will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom. Check out the vitality jelly on offer today!

Wednesday, 5 January 2022

How to Turn Yourself Into Someone Who’s Naturally Fit and Healthy by Adopting These 5 Habits!

 Why is it that some people find it so easy to exercise and eat a healthy diet while so many others struggle?

One of the reasons is a difference in mindset.

If you view yourself as someone that can’t follow a diet, you’ll find it very challenging to eat well.

Do you see yourself as a person that doesn’t go to the gym? If so, you probably won’t be able to find your way to the gym with any regularity.

Someone that eats well doesn’t view food, or himself, in the same way an unhealthy, overweight person views those things.

With the appropriate mindset, you can do anything!

How to Turn Yourself Into Someone Who’s Naturally Fit and Healthy by Adopting These 5 Habits!

These habits will help turn you into someone who’s naturally fit and healthy:

  1. Make healthy choices and recognize them as such. The best way to think of yourself as someone that makes healthy choices is to make them regularly.
    • Whenever you make a healthy choice, notice it and announce to yourself, “I’m the kind of person that chooses healthy food over unhealthy food.” Or, “I’m one of those people that goes to the gym even if it’s raining.”
    • When you view health and fitness as part of your identity, the behaviors that support that belief occur naturally.
  2. Consider how each decision impacts your health and fitness. Most people never consider the impact a decision has on their health. They choose food based on what they happen to feel like eating at that moment. Or, they search for a parking spot as close to the door of the store as possible out of convenience.
    • When faced with options, ask yourself, “Which option best supports my health and fitness?”.  When you begin asking this question, you’ll begin the process of changing your mindset.
  3. Do your grocery shopping the way a healthy person would. Before you head for the grocery store, make a list of everything you want to buy. Review that list and ensure that you’re making healthy choices. Remove any items that aren’t healthy and replace them with healthier options.
    • Stick to your list. The only reason to stray from your list is if you remember something that you need. Avoid the temptation to pick up anything that fails to support your health.
  4. Make time for exercise. Avoid the mindset of, “I’ll exercise today if I have time.” Make time in your regular schedule for exercise. Plan out your week and decide when and where you’re going to work out. You can certainly arrange for 30 minutes of exercise a few times each week.
  5. Use affirmations. Write five affirmations that affirm your commitment to health and spend a few minutes each day reciting them. Here are a few examples:
    • I consider the impact every decision I make has on my health.
    • I make my health a priority.
    • I find it easy to stick to a healthy diet.
    • I love to exercise and keep my body fit and healthy.
    • My mind and body want to be healthy.

Possessing a mindset that supports your goals is a critical part of becoming a healthier person.

We consistently live up to our expectations and beliefs about ourselves. 

If you believe you’re one of those people that eats poorly and can’t stick to an exercise routine, any effort to change this reality will be a tremendous struggle.

If you can develop the mindset of a healthy and fit person, you’ll become healthier and fitter. You couldn’t stop yourself from making progress even if you tried. Change your mindset and your life will change, too.

Lose weight effectively and reduce your body fat, achieve sustainable weight loss using the slimming jelly! It’s tasty, fun and convenient. Get your slimming jelly here! 

Do you know that our Vitality Jelly boast a dose of 900mg of 6 year-old red ginseng extract per serve to help you combat mental stress and physical fatigue? Our health and vitality Jelly will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom. Check out the vitality jelly on offer today!

Tuesday, 4 January 2022

Top 10 Strategies to Breaking the Fast Food Habit Fast!

While fast food outlets keep advertising healthier menu items, a recent study found that most choices have become more fattening over the past 30 years. You’re likely to be consuming extra calories and sodium with each order.

Between 1986 and 2016, the average entree gained 100 calories while desserts gained 200. Meanwhile, most side dishes became significantly saltier, according to researchers from Boston University and Tufts University.

It’s a serious issue because about one in three Americans eats fast food on any given day. Experts believe that those burgers and fries are making a major contribution to obesity and related conditions including heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.

If you think it’s time to drive past the drive-through window, consider these suggestions. They’ll help you break the fast food habit or cut back.

Top 10 Strategies to Breaking the Fast Food Habit Fast!

Cutting Back on Fast Food

If you’re hesitant to give up fast food completely, you can still make positive changes. Think about making one less trip each week and making each visit healthier.

Consider these options:

  1. Customize it. Check the menu or fast food nutrition apps to figure out your healthiest options. Look for words like “grilled” and ingredients like “beans” and “whole grains.” Some chains will let you personalize your order so you can leave off bacon and condiments.
  2. Shrink portions. Buy the smallest size available. Depending on the restaurant’s policy, you may be able to order a children’s meal even if you’re an adult.
  3. Monitor liquid calories. Choose beverages without calories like water or unsweetened iced tea instead of soda or juice. If you drink milk, you may want to make that most of your meal.

Eliminating Fast Food

Eating at chain restaurants can be convenient, but there are proven ways to make healthier food work for any lifestyle. Quitting fast food may be easier than you expect!

Try these strategies:

  1. Think ahead. Do you wind up buying a combo meal because your refrigerator is empty? Plan menus for a full day or a week at a time and keep the ingredients on hand for wholesome meals and snacks. Try using a food journal to plan ahead.
  2. Stay full. French fries are less tempting when your stomach is full. Sit down for 3 balanced meals a day, plus any snacks you need to keep hunger cravings at bay.
  3. Indulge yourself. You can still satisfy your taste buds. Sample exotic fruits and fancy cheeses. Bake your own pita chips and roasted vegetables. You may enjoy them more than ultra-processed onion rings.
  4. Learn new recipes. Maybe you eat fast food because it’s cheap as well as quick. If so, browse online for dishes you can put together in less than 15 minutes on a tight budget. Have hummus or a stir fry for dinner.
  5. Scrutinize marketing. Do certain TV ads make you hungry? Turn them off or think twice about their message. Drink a glass of water or take a walk before you give in to your urges. You may find that your cravings fade quickly.
  6. Spot personal triggers. Maybe there are other events that stimulate your cravings. Visit the gym after work if that’s when you’re inclined to stop for take-out. Talk things over with a friend if you tend to use emotional eating to deal with stress.
  7. Seek support. It’s easier to form any new habit when you reach out to family and friends. Let them know how they can help you. They may want to eat healthier too.

Eating less fast food is one simple change that can help you lose weight and enhance your overall health. 

Shop for delicious whole foods you can prepare yourself that will contain fewer calories and provide the fiber and nutrients your body needs.

Combat mental stress and physical fatigue with a healthy does of our Health and Vitality Jelly, which boast a dose of 900mg of the 6 year old red ginseng extract per serve! This will bulletproof both your body and mind be it at the workplace, gym or in the classroom. Click here to read the reviews and check out the Health and Vitality Jelly on offer today!

Our unique Vermilion Digestive Health Jelly will definitely be your desired choice in combating stomach bloating , gastric issues and fight infections with a warm calming touch. Check out the gut health jelly on offer today!