Sunday, 25 March 2018

Have you ever wondered how you can get beautiful, healthy glowing skin?

Have you ever wondered how you can get beautiful, healthy glowing skin? The best route to healthy skin is to take care of what you have. 
Sounds simple, doesn’t it?
The truth is that your skin takes a beating from the environment every single day.
Here are some of our favorite tips for keeping your skin fresh, glowing and healthy!
how to get beautiful healthy glowing skin

1. Stay hydrated, and drink plenty of water!

That doesn’t mean soda, caffeine or any other type of liquid even if it is low cal. Soda (even diet soda) has a high concentration of sodium. Sodium retains fluids. You need fluid that will hydrate and flush your body free of toxins. Make sure you are drinking at least 8 glasses a day!

2. Protect your skin from harmful ultra violet (UV) rays.

We all love the sun. We love being in it and we love having a beautiful tan. The truth is you can poison yourself with too much sunshine. UV rays cause skin cancer, and if that isn’t bad enough, it causes your skin to age faster than it should, contributing to unsightly wrinkles. If you must play in the sun, make certain you are using an adequate sun screen. Don’t leave home without it!

3. Apply your sun screen
Do apply your sun screen even if you only make a quick trip to the grocery store. Yes, you can get harmful UV rays even while driving your car!

4. When you purchase sun screen, make certain you are buying the right tool for the job.
There are different types of UV rays and they don’t all affect our skin in the same ways. The time of year also has a bearing on how much damage the sun can do to your skin. Altitude is another important factor. UV rays are more intense at high altitudes. Sunshine alone is not the culprit. You can do just as much damage to your skin (or in some cases even more) on a cloudy day!

5. Don’t forget sun screen for your lips.
They want to be healthy too!

6. Apply your sunscreen BEFORE going outdoors
Allow plenty of time for it to adequately absorb into your skin cells rather than just sitting on top of the skin.

7. Read the labels on skin care products.
The truth is that some ingredients may do more harm than good. The more ingredients are listed, the more potential harm they can do to your skin.
Here is a list of some of the common ingredients found in skin care products that have the potential to irritate your skin:

- Ammonia
- Balsam
- Bergamot
- Citrus juices and oils
- Coriander
- Eugenol
- Fir needle
- Horsetail

8. There are a few ingredients that are totally banned and should be avoided:

- Bithionol
- Mercury compounds
- Vinyl chloride
- Halogenated salicylanilides
- Zirconium complexes in aerosol cosmetics
- Chloroform
- Methylene chloride
- Chlorofluorocarbon propellants

9. Keep your skin clean.
Use a soft warm cloth. Skin does not require scrubbing. You will do more harm than good if you do.

10. Create your own facial masks.
Here are a couple of excellent masks that you can create with ingredients right from your kitchen: Oatmeal mask: Mix oatmeal with skim milk and apply. Eggs: A raw egg yolk makes an excellent face mask. Try adding a little honey to the egg yolk for a change of pace. Mayonnaise makes another terrific face mask and will leave your skin feeling very soft.

11. Moisturize dry skin with essential oils.
A combination of juniper, cypress, mandarin and grapefruit will work as an astringent that will leave your skin feeling tighter. If your skin is extra dry, premix the essential oils with a teaspoon of carrier oil (mineral oil) and ad ¼ cup of milk or a tablespoon of honey to give you added moisturizing.

12. Use an antioxidant cream.
You are bombarded every day with environmental toxins that attack the surface of your skin. In fact most damage to the skin can be attributed to free radicals. When you expose yourself to toxins like air pollution, free radical production increases. Apply an antioxidant cream to your skin before applying your sun screen.

13. If you have oily skin, only apply a toner in the T zone, your forehead and nose.
Is beauty really skin deep? The answer is yes and no.  It’s a paradox, isn’t it?  True beauty begins from the inside out.   Follow some of the useful tips as provided to you above and you will be able to regain that soft skin that you had as a child!

Vermillion jelly is exactly what it says it is — jelly. Soft, wobbly jelly which makes it easy for anyone to eat it without feeling like they are taking a regular supplement.Click here to check it out today! This amazing tasty jelly can help you to slim down, improves your eyesight, boost your health and vitality, and helps you build stronger joints!

Saturday, 24 March 2018

An Amazing Stress Busting Technique!

Humor is a great stress buster. Keeping a sense of humor and learning not to take yourself so seriously definitely helps.
It’s hard to remain stressed when you are laughing at yourself.
happiness quote
Try looking for the lighter side of every situation. Indulge your taste for entertaining books and movies.

If you have a favorite cartoon or saying, cut it out and put it on your bathroom mirror or refrigerator.

Try silly antics. Things that you would normally not even consider like walking in the rain or feeding birds in the park.

Cultivate friendships. Having close ties with others can make you feel warm inside. Having someone to talk to about your problems makes the problems much easier to deal with.

Just having a friend helps reduce your blood pressure and research has shown that those who have lots of friends tend to have a lower level of cholesterol and strong immune systems.

Following a high carb, low protein diet can help with reducing stress for a short period of time, but should not be undertaken on a long term basis as the carbs represent just a short term energy boost.

Other foods that fight stress are foods that are rich in vitamins C and A like raw carrots peppers and broccoli. There is a bonus as well, chewing crunchy foods helps to dissipate the tension.
And do not forget the fun and tasty Vermilion jelly that are rich in nutrients can help keep your health in tip top condition to fight stress and tension!

How about some natural therapies for stress? Here are a few:

(a) Lavendar - Use the flowers. This is a beautiful herb and is widely used. Many do not realize that it is an effective treatment for headaches related to stress. Also good for depression.

(b) St. Johns Wort - Taken internally, has a sedative and pain reducing effect. Use in treatment of neuralgia, anxiety, tension and similar problems.

(c) Vervain - Also known as Wild Hyssop. Will strengthen the nervous system while easing depression and melancholia. Good for fever and best for colds, and for menopausal irritations.

Here are more tips to consider for reducing stress:

- This one is a “no-brainer” and we won’t go into detail here, but if you are a smoker – STOP!
- Try to avoid tight deadlines, keep your schedule looser.
- Ask for help instead of insisting on doing it all yourself.
Away with packaging made by cold steel this festive season! Why not reach out for our environmental friendly packaging that has been hand packed with a special touch, filled with warmth by intellectually challenged individuals in hope of gaining independence.
Do keep in mind, for every box sold, you will be taking the first step in supporting our act of hiring our intellectually challenged peers. In addition, a certain percentage of our sales profit will also be donated to an appointed charity.
Each Gift Box includes:

Thursday, 15 March 2018

What can increase the risk for dementia?

Research has shown that the stress hormone cortisol reduces a person’s ability to retrieve information and memory.
Even worse, this same stress hormone is linked to progressive shrinking of the hippocampus – an important memory center in the temporal region.
High levels of stress also promote depression, which severely impairs memory and increases the risk for dementia.
To reduce stress, try relaxation exercises.

Sit quietly and breathe deeply and slowly. Relax each part of your body, starting with the top of your head and finishing with your toes.
Look for humor in tense situations and talk about your feelings with family members, friends or a therapist, if necessary.
Try reducing stress and anxiety with fresh, natural scents. In general they induce a calming state.
In one recent study, volunteers became extremely anxious when they were confined in coffin-like tubes, but then calmed down when the tubes were infused with the smells of green apple and cucumber.
These odors seem to have an impact on the limbic systems, the emotional center of the brain.

If you anticipate a situation where you will feel anxious, try a shampoo with green-apple flavored shampoo.

Here are a few tips that will lower stress in 5 minutes or less. This could help reduce memory loss and prevent dementia:

1. Move around.

2. Walk rapidly around your workplace.

3. Take a quick walk around the block.

4. Climb rapidly up and down a flight of stairs to really get the heart pumping.

5. Do 15 jumping jacks in place.

6. Stretch while seated at your desk. Link your fingers under a knee and draw it to your chest. Repeat with your other knee. This stretches the legs and the lower back.

7. Stretch your arms above your head, palms up and fingers linked. Dangle hands at your sides, then raise right shoulder to right ear, keeping the head vertical. Repeat this with the left shoulder. Finally, flex and bend back the fingers of each hand. Hand stretches are especially important if you use a computer for long periods.

8. Take 10 long deep breaths. Your belly should expand as you inhale and contract as you exhale.

9. Massage your eyes by placing your palms over them and apply gentle pressure while spiraling your palms. Try the same technique for your ears. Periodically, try to block out all sight and sound for just a second or two. Researchers report that this can be a refreshing experience from a psychological standpoint.

10. Experiment with aromatherapy. A drop of citrus essential oil like lemon-lime or orange is refreshing for your office or home and is not overbearing.

11. Early morning sleep is really the most restful sleep you can get. Men sent to bed at 2:15 a.m. and awakened at 6:15 a.m. slept more soundly than ones sent to bed at 10:30 and awakened at 2:30 a.m.
So, if you are stressed and can get only four hours of sleep, stay up as late as possible to get the most benefit from your limited sleep. This does not replace a full night’s sleep. Resume normal sleep pattern as quickly as possible.
Vermillion jelly is exactly what it says it is — jelly. Soft, wobbly jelly which makes it easy for anyone to eat it without feeling like they are taking a regular supplement.Click here to check it out today! This amazing tasty jelly can help you to slim down, improves your eyesight, boost your health and vitality, and helps you build stronger joints!

Saturday, 3 March 2018

How to cleanse your body and re-establish nutritional balance needed for optimum health!

One of the effective ways to heal many health problems is with a detoxification diet that cleanses the body and re-establishes the nutritional balance needed for optimum health, says Elson Haas, author of "Staying Healthy With Nutrition".
His diet should be practiced for only three weeks. It is not nutritionally balanced enough for longer periods. Do not undergo it if you are pregnant or suffer from deficiency problems marked by fatigue, coldness or heart weakness.
But what is the detox diet? Here is an overview.
(1) Breakfast
Immediately upon arising, drink two glasses of water, one of them containing the juice of half of a lemon. Also have one to two servings of fresh fruit – apples, pears, bananas, grapes or citrus fruits such as oranges or grapefruit.
About 15 to 30 minutes later, have one to two cups of cooked oatmeal, brown rice millet, amaranth or untoasted buckwheat. For flavoring, you can add two tablespoons of fruit juice or use the Better Butter described below.
Better Butter Recipe
Stir ½ cup of canola oil (look for one labeled “cold-pressed”) into a dish with ½ pound of butter, melted or at least softened, and refrigerate. Use about one teaspoon per meal for flavoring and don’t exceed three teaspoons per day.
(2) Lunch
Have a big bowl (up to four cups) of steamed vegetables – potatoes, yams, green beans, broccoli, kale, cauliflower, carrots, beets, asparagus, cabbage or others. Use a variety, including stems, roots and greens.
Better Butter can also be used. Then refrigerate the water from the vegetables for later use.
Within two hours, slowly drink one to two cups of the water from the steamed vegetables, mixing each mouthful with saliva. You can add a little sea salt or kelp for flavoring.
(3) Dinner
Same as lunch, with a variety of vegetables.
(4) Evening (After Dinner)
No food at all, but you can have non-caffeinated herbal teas such as peppermint, chamomile or blends. No caffeinated beverages.
Throughout the day, feelings of hunger should be satisfied by drinking plenty of water and eating pieces of carrot or celery.
If you are feeling very fatigued or if hunger persists, then you may add up to four ounces of protein, such as fish, organic chicken, lentils or garbanzo, mung or black beans.
Optimally this should be eaten mid-afternoon, around 3:00 or 4:00.

Again, this is a detoxification diet only and is to cleanse the body and re-establish nutritional balance needed for optimum health.

Do not practice the diet for more than three weeks and do not undergo it if you are pregnant or suffer from deficiency problems.

If you intend to visit a restaurant, opt for steamed, grilled or broiled dishes instead of those that are friend or sautéed.

Vary your veggies. Eat more dark green veggies, such as broccoli, kale, and other dark leafy greens; orange veggies, such as carrots, sweetpotatoes, pumpkin, and winter squash; and beans and peas, such as pinto beans, kidney beans, black beans, garbanzo beans, split peas, and lentils.
During your daily grocery shopping, read the Nutrition Facts label on foods. Look for foods low in saturated fats and trans fats. Choose and prepare foods and beverages with little salt (sodium) and/or added sugars (caloric sweeteners).

If you eat 100 more food calories a day than you burn, you’ll gain about 1 pound in a month. That’s about 10 pounds in a year.
Know the facts about what you are purchasing to eat. Read labels carefully.
Most packaged foods have a Nutrition Facts label. For a healthier you, use this tool to make smart food choices quickly and easily.
Try these tips:
• Keep these low: saturated fats,transfats, cholesterol, and sodium.
• Get enough of these: potassium, fiber, vitamins A and C, calcium, and iron.
• Use the % Daily Value (DV) column when possible: 5% DV or less is low, 20% DV or more is high.
The bottom line is that to lose weight or restore health, it’s important to reduce calories, consume functional food such as vermilion jellies (which is so fun and tasty!) and increase physical activity.

Thursday, 1 March 2018

10-min exercise sessions each day for protection against diseases!

Exercise – We all know it.  Exercise is good for you but, if you are over 60, breeze on by the advertising that touts ‘buns of steel.’

Recent research indicates that moderate exercise will give you as much protection from disease as the extensive exercise regimens touted by those much younger than you.

Experts now tell us to use a two-part exercise program that includes aerobic exercise like walking or bicycling to condition your heart plus strength training exercises such as calisthenics and low-intensity weight lifting to build muscle and cut fat.

To begin you should only exercise two or three times a week but should work toward at least five times a week.

Easing into a routine like this gradually should be your goal.  By age 60 almost everyone has some degree of osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, joint irritation or lack of flexibility.   (check out this wonderfully tasty and fun supplement for joint health!) Exercising lightly will not aggravate these conditions, but will actually help them.

Exercise will also keep your heart young, drive down high blood pressure, build up good cholesterol, improve balance, enhance sex life, increase mental acuity, elevate mood, control diabetes, decrease cancer risk, strengthen bones, ease joint pain and much, much more.

Get started properly.

Warm up for at least 10 to 15 minutes using slow-walking, stretches or light calisthenics.  As you get older you body need to ease into exercise gradually because your system is down about one third and takes longer to warm up and cool down.

Exercising more than 30 minutes at a time will help you lose weight if you do it three to five times a week and follow a proper diet. But if you don’t need to lose weight, three 10 minute sessions each day will be beneficial for protection against disease.

Schedule a regular workout time.  Dress for comfort.  Have plenty of water along so as not to dehydrate.

Half of your exercise routine should include aerobics and the best aerobic exercise is walking, especially if you are over 60.

Start out by timing yourself and gradually increasing the distance over time.  Keep your pace constant, slow down on hills and track the temperature.

If it’s hot or humid your workout will seem harder.  As you become more comfortable with your routine, try some variation like shortening steps, trying weights or swing your arms as you walk.

Here are some basic guidelines to follow for strengthening exercises:

(1) Keep it slow – perform exercises slowly spending two seconds in the lifting phase of each exercise and four to six seconds in the lowering part.  Moving too fast reduces the benefits and you could actually hurt yourself.

(2) Always inhale before lifting, exhale while lifting and inhale as you lower the weight to get the best benefit.

(3) Select just a few exercises to begin with, a few for the upper body and a few for the lower body.

You can always increase as your routine helps you to gain stamina.

Use music to help establish a rhythm.

Pick the right kind of shoes.  Walking or running shoes absorb the shock of your stride because of a slightly elevated heel that also helps prevent injuries to leg muscles and tendons.

Tennis and other types of athletic shoes absorb impact of sideways movement and quick turns.  Buy new shoes often even though they may last for years.  That is because the shock absorption only lasts for a few months.

Wear loose fitting clothing for comfort, don’t drink coffee or any diuretics before or while exercising and exercise vigorously enough so that you can’t talk and exercise at the same time!

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